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Kogan Style

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Everything posted by Kogan Style

  1. Hannah WIP. Ghost Censer is now a Yarn ball
  2. Correct it is the rat activating and 3 other rats. As to the rat engine not working comment, I find 2 rats and a stolen enough. If the Wretch doesn't hit the crow then the stolen can sacrifice to make the 4 rats required. I'm happy if I get one crow in hand as then you can position the rats so that after the stolen sacrifices you can move one rat away before the Rat King is summoned. This gives the Wretch a target for the next turn.
  3. This month is a big building project for me! I'll be making a plagued Hannah. She might take 2 months altogether just because of the conversions I have planned but here is the box I'll also be pledging to paint 2 Rat Catchers (12ss) and Nix (8ss) in my quest to avoid painting Rats!
  4. So my painting motivation jumped up as the month went on and I could see the progress you were all making. @Franchute that sword is outstanding! I like the way the light reflection on the sword matches the gun, keeping the light source consistent between the two objects. Bravo sir! @Joachim The Gaki and Ikiryo are great, thanks for the Oxide tip, I'll be using that for sure! @mrcoblin the skin tones are lovely, and go well with the purple. I'm very interested to see what you do with the bases. @Piccio Those warriors put my own tabletop versions to shame - great work and you really bring the models to life! @Viruk That Yellow on Hannah! Ive picked up a standard Hannah to build for the Hamelin crew as your's inspired me so much @Amdor Your High River Monk really catches my eye everytime I scroll through this thread - love it! @wobbly_goggy & @Strangely Brown my regular opponents and painting inspirations/bullies that make me do better, nice to see you guys on here and producing great work! Here is my lot for Feb, Rat Queen Rat King And a group shot showing everyone I've painted this year with the help of this thread (includes newly painted Hamelin and Baby Kade) That brings me to 37ss for the month (Hamelin 15, Rat Kings x 2 16, Kade 6) I'm going to have to do the rats at some point aren't I?
  5. In Ply he is just so good! All those Severes down to Moderate means the opponent has to kill the model if they want to remove Ply. I agree that Ca actions will shred him but for 8ss I have found value in Nix.
  6. Having played my first game with the Plague instead of the Pits I can agree. Without the Pits I was struggling to get Blight onto his crew (it was a Ply game so my opponent wasn't rushing forwards any way) and once I killed his Arcane Effigy he wasn't gonig to remove the few spots of Blight I had managed to get on his models. I don't think I'll take the Plague again; The Pits are so powerful and draining on the opponents AP.
  7. I am now unable to attend this event Luke, Sorry!
  8. Sybelle does not have the Belle keyword... to the frustration of every Molly player
  9. This lil' dude wasn't pledged, but I felt the urge to start painting him anyway! Presenting a WIP of Baby Kade (metal version). I'm pretty creeped out by him, but I don't know what colour to make the teddy now; any ideas?
  10. My WIP. Think I've finished Catelin the Rat Queen, but I still need to do her base
  11. Bump Yamaziko's def by 1 - but at 6ss is she great now. Fuhatsu change would be amazing. Used him in a tournament last weekend for the first time. He was MVP!
  12. 11.d I like my Master badge keyring I have on my case. I think something as simple as that adds to the event. The event is great, can do with more media coverage but that is hard without the equjpment. The exclusive swag should remain.
  13. Candy is indeed an official Wyrd model; I'm showing my age with 'Faux now! She is Candy the Petulant youth that came with Pandora's Avatar of Insanity from first edition. You'll see her listed as an official proxy on pg.3 of Gaining Grounds. This month I'm still putting off the rats I'll be working on the 2 Rat Kings here (16ss) and see what else takes my fancy. Yes one of the Rat King's has Catelin Abrnathy's face attached. I wanted more creepiness in my crew!
  14. Pg 50. of the Big rulebook under blasts "It is important to note that the original target does not take damage twice from the Attack." so the target cannot take 5 damage from the severe thunder attack, and then 3 from the Moderate template.
  15. It was the UK Masters - an event where only the top ranked players are invited to attend (the Top 16) so the competition was the cream of the crop.
  16. Loving all the work in this thread! here is my humble offering to this thread of inspiration Candy the Plagued and the Midnight Stalker for my Hamelin crew. After consulting with @wobbly_goggy I changed the overcoat on the stalker which definitely helped draw the eye to the middle of the model. attempted some stubble but you can only see it from the side, but happy I made an attempt at it! Candy 9ss and Stalker is 8ss so 17ss done this month. Looking forward to Feb!
  17. Totally. It made for an easier game in terms of tracking conditions but I'm not sure how my opponents felt.
  18. I played Hamelin, Stolen, Benny, Nix, Librarian, Big Jake, Obedient Wretch and 2 rats. Big Jake was included to make Guarded treasure easier since non-peon non-minion makes it tricky to score. Rat Catchers and Rat Kings can run schemes well enough without worrying about contributing to the strategy. I won 9 - 4 vs Marcus
  19. Hi, I was playing my second game with Hamelin last night vs @wobbly_goggy and he pointed out something to me that we couldn't find a definitive answer for. In every other instance where a model can hand out the Blight condition states "Blighted +1: At the end of the Turn, increase this Condition's value by 1." but in the Plague Pits it only states: "...Plague Swarm Markers gain the Blighted +1 Condition until the end of the game." RAW gaining Blighted from the plague swarm marker wouldn't increase at the end of a turn as it doesn't have the extra text so do players have to: 1) Track the source of Blighted and only increase it if it comes from a source that states it increases 2) Assume that the condition Blighted+1 is the same across all instances of it and thus it increases as per other sources.
  20. Here is my WIP update, notice only one of the 2 models are included... but there is still the second half of the month right?! really enjoying this model, and hoping my dirty, grimey cloak is a feel that I can bring to all the models in this crew thanks to the magic of Typhus Corrosion! I can't decide whether to do my bad NMM steel for the blade, or just go metallic. Blue and Purple for the neck tie and waistcoat I think.
  21. Mech. Pork chop is showing as 5ss currently, which is a great buy for Mei! Yamaziko at 6ss is fantastic for what she brings to the table. 3 AP, Flat damage track but with blasts is handy. Def 4 is awful but I can live with that at 6ss
  22. I've used it in Ours (it was a casual game!) And used a clockwork trap to teleport to for denying/taking table quarters at the end of the turn. Cute trick is that you can place them one at a time so the 2nd last blossom minion can place within 6" of the first one you placed which is a surprise for the opponent. All of @Tokapondora points are extremely valid however, coupled with the Masks requirement makes it risky to attempt this.
  23. Here is my start on the Nightmare Hamelin crew.... too many rats so I've decided to paint up some of the regular models that will see the table: Candy (Petulant Youth version) 9ss The Midnight Stalker 8ss
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