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Dumb Luck

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Everything posted by Dumb Luck

  1. Let's do etttt. Might do something different. Like Som'er.
  2. I'd put my vote into the ring for Mancha Roja. Flexible and hit. Francois is good, but I think he's a poor choice for a leader as he dies rather quick. But Trixie is also solid - you can't go wrong with most of the Henchmen really. I'd also recommend putting into two normal Gremlins as soon as you start off. There is a lot of do on the board in a campaign game and having cheap models that the foe still needs to deal with is very useful. So Henchmen of choice, plus Francois and two Gremlins to start?
  3. Dumb Luck


    I think he has enough synergy in our faction outside of the two listed Masters. Gremlins are cheap and can drop scheme markers for him to eat. Outside of synergy, i find it can be good to have a bulky model like McTavish that doesn't need babysitting by something else. His value outside of his gun is that he is fully capable of dealing with threats himself. Going with Zoraida can yield a slight boost to synergy with her ability to bring in Swampfiends but if you're just doing that for his trigger, I think you're missing for the forest for the trees.
  4. Thanks. I think Michael Rees is missing though?
  5. Loving the new Rankings! Could the following players be added to Team Scum please? Dominic Westerland (My one Arcanist result should be Gremlins) Michael Rees Alex Hill Michael Green (This should also be merged with Mick Green) Liam Coupland Jon McCarthy Solomon Hill Jay Walters Neil Harrison Rob Tozer
  6. Question: Why is Maverick the hero that Malifaux deserves?
  7. We're at it again. A five rounds, 50ss single faction Malifaux event using Gaining Grounds 2016 at Firestorm Games in Cardiff! The Gremlin trophies are back this year as Welsh Gremlins! Get your Pot Noodles and Rugby balls! There's going to be prize support from Firestorm Games, Wyrd Miniatures and many more besides. We'll ask Alex for that. That's his thing. Lunch options, people! Post on this thread for both Saturday and Sunday what you would like! - Chicken and Cheese - Bacon and Cheese (Optional Pesto) - BLT - Tomato, Mozzarella and Pesto Either as baguette or sandwich. You get a packet of crisps and fruit each day too. Rulespack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o8sqdgug3epcg96/Deliverance-Pack.docx?dl=0 Tickets: http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=59&product_id=25179 Did I mention we have a proper bar this year too? PLAYERS 1 - Jay Walters (Chicken and cheese) 2 - Michael Asquith (N/A) 3 - Richard Brandweiner 4 - Richard Walters (Bacon and cheese) 5 - Alex Williams (Tomato, mozzarella and pesto sandwiches both days) 6 - Huw Jenkins (BLT both days) 7 - Chris McDonald (Chicken and cheese) 8 - Michael Green (Bacon and cheese) 9 - Martin Anthony (Chicken and cheese) 10 - Gavin Holley (BLT) 11 - Luke Cocksedge (BLT) 12 - Greg Reynolds - (Tomato, Mozzarella and Pesto baguette both days) 13 - Keron Tucker - (?) 14 - Rob Tozer (chicken and cheese and a BLT)
  8. For starters, more Gremlin fluff is never a bad thing. Just saying.
  9. Cheers Aaron! This'll give me something to read on the coach tomorrow!
  10. Not a tarpit? Guys, he can get Df7. That is pretty hard to put down.
  11. Ah right. I've got you. The main reason why I think those other starter boxes have been recommended isn't so much for the Masters, but for the rest of the box - at the moment, at least. Lenny and Trixiebelle can only be bought in those boxes (unlike back in my day, where Lenny was a metal blister!). If you are about to buy your first batch of Bayou Gremlins, it is worth considering The Bayou Boss box as it is only a little more. As for your additional points, I feel eight Bayou Gremlins as a minimum for Som'er would be fine. He does have a varied range of play styles, but summoning is one of them. I'd also think about a Piglet box as he can summon those. Not as often, but it does happen. The two Skeeters in the box will do you fine. Mine do little more than bother people. Mah can do that, but you won't be doing it often for the very reason you pointed out.
  12. Did I get a golden ticket? Can't remember, ha! We had just shy of thirty people at Deliverance and it was won by Martin Wodehouse, who I'm pretty sure mono played Colette.
  13. Well, let's focus on what starter boxes you currently have and go from there. It'll be the Masters that'll be leading the games, after all. With Brewmaster in particular, some Performers would be a good call. They can interact with the poison that he puts out much in the same way as McMourning can. Lucky Effigy I wouldn't normally advise, but with the auras and negative flips you can generate in a Brewmaster crew, his knife can be a cheap threat. Gracie may be another option you can consider, as with Saddle she can effectively taxi Brewmaster about the board. People may say the Golem, but other than doling out a little poison, he's no more synergistic with Brewmaster than anyone else. He is however, a great solo piece. Also I'd consider Trixiebelle. Brewmaster has few defences outside of his aura and getting it up early is important. Ophelia is somewhat more flexible with what she works with. What you'll want to get with her is just general good stuff, to steal a term from MTG. In that light, Bayou Gremlins for cheap scheme runners. Lenny can give Ophelia and a lot of her Kin auto Dumb Luck. Both of these can be found in the Som'er box - perhaps that was why that was suggested as a next purchase, as most of the Gremlin options mesh well together.
  14. Dumb Luck

    card draw

    Hm. Survival of the Fittest and Sammy would be cute.
  15. As mentioned by everyone else, Francois has to be the big one due to the Ml buff. The rest are fine, but don't have as much synergy. Infact, I really like Fran as a follow up punch to Mah. Get him into position with Let Mah Handle This, she wails on something and then Francois jumps in the on the Companion. Lovely.
  16. I like them to chip away against stuff that is more expensive than them, but with a lower Df. Things like Fransisco they'll make a mess of.
  17. I had him in Stake a Claim with Breakthrough vs Aaron Bailey's Sonia crew. He basically tangoed in front of an Austringer and Fransisco all game, dropping Stakes, keeping them engaged and breaking hearts. It was pretty dope.
  18. TTN is just too far away for me either way really.
  19. Side events. This guy. Right here! EDIT: Actually, same weekend as one down in Cardiff. Gotta stay local, sorry!
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