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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Finnish has two words for a situation where two people are facing one another and they each have a goat. Top that! (vuohitusten and vuohikkain, btw) Meanwhile, we have only one expression for the following situations: "your moon returns", "your spruce is on fire", and "six pieces" (kuusi palaa)
  2. That is likely true, but it is, by far, the most cited reason for disallowing proxies.
  3. The visual is completely awesome, though: *whipcrack* "Make me punish you more!" "Oh, mistress! More!" *whipcrack*
  4. She is somewhat squishy and holding on to that 10+ will take a severe tax on your hand but she can be wonderfully destructive as well. Much of the time you should bring forth Bete only from the death of your own models. This way the opponent hopefully can't kill her until she gets to do her thing. Her thing is a pretty good thing, btw. But it is a pretty specific thing. She does damage reliably but not a huge amount of it. And the additional effects that she causes are an important part. So choose your targets carefully. This is extremely important to getting your SSs worth out of her. She is a surgical tool, not a sledgehammer. Also, don't underestimate her psychological effect while she is buried. Don't manifest her just to manifest her. Be patient and enjoy knowing that your opponent, if they are on top of their game, need to consider her every time they aim to kill a model of yours. Sometime this can mean that your Scheme runner (say, a Crooligan or a Necropunk) got ganked by the enemy Scheme runner. Manifesting Bete can let you avenge, succeed in the Scheme and win the game. The fun part here, of course, is that she is there no matter which flank your Scheme runner died. This is huge. She does divide opinions. I like her but she is somewhat difficult to use well and doesn't always work out. But then again, neither does anyone else.
  5. Bigger Hat can also completely screw over some Masters' defenses (as well as their offense and whatnot). Since Somer's crew can have access to positive flips and Bayou Two-card, they are far less card-reliant than most crews. Molly for example is completely neutered by the hat trick since her defensive super trigger relies on cards and her Summoning needs high cards to work. Similarly models relying on their high stats can be really crippled when they have no cards to cheat with. Lilith is the most obvious case but Perdita is another. They will eventually flip low and then that's that. The hat has insane range and a pretty nice Casting value. At the very least you'll draw out the good cards off of your opponent's hand.
  6. I agree about the Large Arachnid being sorta the closest match. As for their vulnerability to anti-armor tech, the Fleshies are similarly vulnerable to non-damaging shenanigans like Paralyze, Pushes, Obey, or Bury and such due to their extremely low defensive stats.
  7. One possibility would be to combine them with some other unique mini in a faction and release them as a combo box. The unaligned totems would've been perfect but unfortunately they were Wave 1 while Effigies are Wave 2 so there was a temporal mismatch. But you could release, I dunno, boxes of Ryle and Brutal, Angela and Arcane, Tuco and Mysterious, Sammy LaCroix and Lucky, and so on. I think that releasing them on their own might lead to SKU bloat.
  8. I did indeed try to match Ulix to Marcus and Hoffman style boxes. I doubt that they would have Piglets there since they are now releasing the Piglets separate. Starter boxes haven't contained already released models (Wong will be making an exception there, though).
  9. :D MasterDisaster demo: only slightly less humane than utter murder.
  10. He was better than his reputation but I never really saw him winning anything substantial when ran to theme. I might've missed something, of course. I didn't include those since they were errataed somewhat early but yeah, true. If the deck only holds a Red Joker (with the rest of the cards in your hand) it makes for quite a silly game. I don't remember the many threads that were not based on mistaken ideas on how he worked. That said, for the random observer, I kinda suggest listening to Omenbringer on this rather than me since he was a lot more active on all things Somer back then. I would still like someone to run the numbers (aside from me, that is). My calculations really didn't show anything substantial (or rather, the effect was a +1 or +2 and you hand to work extremely hard to shape your deck to achieve that). It's not a matter of opinion. But it is possible that my calculations were wrong - who knows. I just hope that someone else would do it so we could compare.
  11. My guesses: Ulix Penelope Old Major The Sow 2 Wild Boars Mah Tucket Lil Lass Trixiebelle 3 Bayou Bushwhackers Wong Lovely Assistant Mancha Roja 3 Lightning Bugs
  12. The wing nubs on the Enslaved Nephilim look fantastic! That's also a fun skin colour. But Santiago - man! He looks awesome! The face is amazing - really love his expression! And the guns look really smart. Maybe one more highlight onto the coat? And something more to the base? A dead tuft or something.
  13. I still don't understand how Brewie is supposed to be worse than Collodi (steals your AP and drowns you in annoying models) or the Viks (kills all of you dead) or Sonnia (kills you into Witchlings) or Ophelia (kills you really, really dead) or Dreamer (summons stuff that gambles you dead) or McMourning (kills you really, really into Flesh Constructs). The fact that he leaves you alive makes you believe that you can still achieve something and that causes NPE? We mostly use polar bears as transport. Here's a pic of ZFiend going to the gym (back when he had a moustache and smaller muscles):https://31.media.tumblr.com/6721f7eb5debd586ae89d392e539a799/tumblr_ng88agqMFC1sjpc07o7_1280.jpg
  14. Well yeah, I meant it more as a general comparison, not as an identical situation. Since killing is better, Brewie has to have something going for him. Also note that Brewie's effect is an Aura. You can move Brewie or your own models. If your models were dead, there would be no saving them but you can save them from Brewie.
  15. They are certainly colourful! Nicely creepy. The only bit I'm not 100% is the blue hair on the left-hand doll. It doesn't look like hair/straw that it is prolly supposed to be. How did you do the floors? They look amazing!
  16. There was a recent thread about this very subject http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/104677-boremaster/ But yeah, long story short, imagine it had been the Viks instead of Brewmaster. All those models would've been dead instead of stuck healing. Once you learn how to handle the Viks/Brewie, things will get better.
  17. The problem with Marcus was that if you tried to play him like you "should" taking beasts and playing to theme, then he sucked. But if you took a list of generic, competent Arcanists and just used Marcus as a fast solo, he worked wonderfully being rather killy and really fast. Often Kaeris (a Henchman then) would be real star of the show with Marcus being used as an Enforcer, essentially (not that there were Enforcers back then, of course). As for Somer, I don't actually remember him being considered all that broken. CalmDown and that one other fellow whose name escapes me at the moment got excited about him and theorized that Somer would be superb but I don't think it was actually realized. I might remember wrong, though.
  18. Thank you for the kind words, everyone! "Red-brown wash, now with added kiwi oil, will make your hair lustrous and voluminous!" Yeah, I did wash it, with a red-brown wash no less, but I see what you mean - the shadowns could be deepened, especially on the upper part in the back.
  19. OK, the McMourning crew is finally ready. Had a deadline for a painting contest tonight, so got it done. First off, McMourning himself. Really like the original sculpt of him and I'm happy with how I managed it: Had to put the big pic in, since you couldn't see his face in the smaller pics. Sebastian also worked out nicely: Then the Nurses. The blue-haired one turned out better overall, though I do like the purple hair more. Not that it shows in the pic since I took only a pic of the front... And finally, for completeness' sake, a new shot of the wee doggie: As always, comments are super welcome! Especially on the Doctor himself, as I really tried my best with him.
  20. I use these: http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/otherworld-miniatures/dungeon-monsters/stirges-4-/prod_22421.html They have a certain nostalgia value being classic D&D monsters but I find the design fun, they are the correct size and you get four in a pack which is enough since you might want to summon them. Oh, and they are one-piece!
  21. If you like creepy instrumental music, I have two suggestions. The first one, Elend, and their album, A World in their Screams, is simply terrifying. Their Winds Devouring Men album is a bit similar but far less extreme. But that's likely a bit much. So, how about Midnight Syndicate, they do soundtracks for imaginary B-horror movies. Really nice stuff.
  22. That's certainly one way to do it... As for how to deal with them - Sebastian is a key piece. Killing him will make Poison a lot less scary. Also, Ophelia can kill McM pretty easily. The trick is to get him to come out, somehow, as he is fast enough to keep a bit hidden. But OTOH Lenny can throw Ophelia so it's not like she's slow, either. Winning Initiative is golden with Companion on both sides, so Trixiebelle can be a good choice.
  23. Photographic evidence - this pic of Myyrä was taken last Tuesday: If you look closely, you can see ZFiend's eye reflecting from the top of Myyrä's staff. In order to contribute something useful, the mere threat of Hidden Sniper once prevented me from dropping Scheme Markers properly the way I wanted to. Which was horrible. You don't need to use it when the mere threat of it can mess up your opponent's game.
  24. Set'er off says that you must charge if you can. With Pig Charge you can if you have a single AP. I dunno, I can kinda see the point with the 'may' but if this get FAQed I'm 99.99% sure that it will be ruled that you must charge if you have one AP left.
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