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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Let me quote myself from a different thread a while ago: Still, missing out on making Perdita Df4 means that I pity Malal
  2. As the title says, basically. I know some people got the starter from Gencon and I would really appreciate it if someone could spill the beans about them as they seem like the cheap beatstick-style Minions I've been sorta missing from the Neverborn. Pretty please with a sugar on top Oh, and if someone wishes to spoil the Scion as well, that would be nice of course.
  3. Lenny and Pigapult can toss Ht 1 models and Ophelia can make others ignore Ht 1 models when shooting into engagement.
  4. Tara makes him plenty mobile, though.
  5. Very nice stuff as usual! I really, really like the way you've painted the wood and those Wicked Dolls look simply stunning! I wasn't all that impressed with the models when I saw them as renders but your painting makes them really shine. Superb! If I have one criticism, it would be Collodi's coat. I feel that you could push the highlights quite a bit. Now it seems that the highlights go mostly red but not very bright - maybe you were going for a sort of satin-style colour shift but you should really emphasize the lights and shadows more in that case. But it is a really good-looking crew and I love how they look together. Very cohesive yet every model is an individual.
  6. At the risk of tooting my own horn, have you checked out these reports I did of Guild McM: Might provide some ideas.
  7. That. Was. Amazing! A great show, sir! Congratulations on reaching the podium - is this big enough to bump you up in the Guild rankings? Seriously, thank you so much again for doing these. Such an enjoyable read. And nice pics, too! You've gotten your Hunters painted Some comments. First battle. Reading over the crews and Schemes taken I thought that this would've been a more lop-sided affair. I feel that taking and announcing Murder Protege onto Papa Loco was hugely risky since will be in a box and getting to him isn't trivial. So big props to Ewan for pulling it off. Pandora seemed to do all the heavy-lifting on this one after you basically killed off his whole crew on turn two. Ouch! Second battle. Nice work on Plant Explosives! A pretty similar beginning as the first game in that the enemy has just a couple of models left after the beginning of second turn. Brutal. Third battle. Wow - that was certainly very interesting! Just goes to show how tricky that Frame for Murder can be - do you know, did James guess that Nino had that or was he just lucky? Fourth battle. Now, I think that you do have something to deliver a message with - McCabe and hounds They make it a bit trivial but of course Tara is the one Master who can deny it pretty trivially so prolly good not going for that option in the end after all. Tough being first Collect the Bounty and the Reckoning straight away. I do like your crew - not the usual stuff for Reckoning but I think really clever. Too bad about the Hunters. At least Francisco proved himself handsomely! Though I think that taking Bodyguard on him is dangerous since he is such a juicy target. Luckily the temptation of Flurry got too high (just saw a similar situation against me with Furious Casting at negative flips when a Focusing would've been the right choice). But yeah, what a nailbiter. Really intense game. Fifth battle. OK, that was a really weird list Not quite sure whether it's got some hidden potential but it doesn't look all that superb on paper. Maybe I need to try something similar once day to test. But yeah, this one was a bit more workman-like performance on your part where you do the thing you are supremely good at and seal the deal. How did you find the terrain? It seemed that a couple of the tables had a lot buildings but they were at the edges of the battlefield and there was a big open are in the center. Though sorta realistic, I find that it can lead to ranged domination - it's interesting that you didn't face many truly ranged crews (the Gremlins sorta, but that was a bit of a wacky build). OTOH Seamus table seemed to have more terrain but they blew up just the same so maybe it's just that you make it look like there being too little terrain with your skill and playstyle Finally, again, congrats on the second place (and congrats to Marifaux for the gold).
  8. Against blasts, use SS to get positives to defense flip and negatives to the opposing damage flip. Helps immensely. Stilts are pretty much autotake for him. Note that they can be used to mitigate Dumb Luck damage as well. But yeah, he tends to die - the trick is to take enough opposing models down so that he is worth it. Also, don't use Dumb Luck if it isn't needed - in other words, count the number of wounds you need to inflict and use it appropriately. Trixie (or Zoraida, or a Piglet) can haul him back for healing, which can be useful. He also makes for a nasty Scheme runner. He is the same cost as a Silurid, about as fast and indescribably more killy while also being more resilient. Finally, with Somer (or a Skeeter) giving him Crows his shooting is rather hilarious. He is more of a backline style fellow. His Auras are extremely potent and he can add a tremendous amount of mobility but he does tend to go down if you aren't careful. Also, with Zoraida Nurses can heal him nicely.
  9. Nice ones! Especially that Deso Engine is perfect.
  10. They are each best models in the game at what they do. But McTavish is an utter beast, Fingers is crazy good at what he does and Mancha Roja - oh boy! Francois is ultra killy. But Mancha Roja is almost as killy and way, way tougher with the possibility of Cg 12(!!) and actually useful (0)Action. Is that worth three SS more over Francois? So yeah, amazing, amazing models. But Gremlins have other amazing choices as well. Don't worry, we're the Faction packed with all sorts of awesome. And as a trivial example, Ulix won't be taking 25SS worth of non-Pigs.
  11. That's pretty debatable due to Obey's wording. Essentially it boils down to how the rules handle that "due to" clause as the Attack was due to Charge but the model wouldn't have Charged if it hadn't been Obeyed. If it ever makes the FAQ, I'm utterly surprised if it is ruled that you can Obey multiple 1AP Charges. As you have probably noticed, with abject terror in ours even though he hasn't hit the table yet (Painting him at the moment) Lucius!
  12. Wow, those are delicate compared to the 1st edition ones! I really, really like the tall one and he seems like a solid build. Thank you once again for doing these - much appreciated!
  13. On paper The Sow looks like an absolutely perfect beatstick for Brewie. Really eagerly waiting for her release.
  14. Poison is fantastic but you don't need to worry about or build around it. Sebastian and Chihuahua are plenty along with McM himself. Nurses are amazing but they don't really do Poison - don't even try unless the circumstances are extraordinary. Try to only do Take Your Meds with them. As for McM himself - he isn't as straightforward as Lady Justice and isn't quite as powerful except against heavily armored stuff. He is really, really good in some Schemes (Plant Explosives is a bit trivial with him) and he can give quite a bit to his crew. He is a lot of fun and quite capable though I would still rank him amongst the weaker Guild Masters.
  15. Good stuff. Have you tried Elend, Shinjuku Thief or Goblin (this latter has lots of various versions - the newest is Goblin Rebirth)? Maybe a bit more Tara: For the funny crowd, how's Nico Vega's Million Years for Marcus? The chorus: "I've been around for a million years, no matter how hard you try you can't f*** with this"
  16. Which is why he has all these Nurses following him giving Meds to everyone (I do agree, though)
  17. If you are moving a certain way, you're moving as far as you can that way (in other words, you go around stuff that is in your way). I don't see the problem. Think of it as moving towards the table edge in that direction (a Belle calling you, just outside of the edge).
  18. I've been on a bit of a stoner kick lately. I don't enjoy full on buzz and there has to be plenty of groove - I'm really quite picky when it comes to stoner. But here's some of the highlights:
  19. I have to say that I'm seriously thankful for the chance to buy a Mah Tucket box ahead of schedule through the Gencon sale. Thank you, Wyrd!
  20. Tara. Consider taking Izamu and Bete Noire (neither gives out CtB points easily) and buff your heavy-hitters with Fast. CtB leads to cagey play and Tara is excellent in making surgical strikes.
  21. That's kinda true of most 4SS non-Scheme running models in the game. I mean, they usually don't make the difference, that's why they are so cheap. "I really wish I had had a Fire Gamin" isn't something that anyone is likely to utter all that often. That is not to say that I necessarily disagree with you. Carrion Effigy is sorta lackluster. Molly and McMourning can make use of it but it isn't vital to either one and you won't miss it. If you do take it, you can probably put it to use and not feel like you wasted those 4SS - it isn't going to lose you games or anything. At 3SS it would be quite the steal for M&M (heck, at 3 all the other Resser Master would start to take notice) so "being not worth it" is very slight in this case. I do agree that the price is quite steep, though.
  22. How's this one: http://shop.microartstudio.com/mary-fearless-1-p-503.html Or this one: http://shop.microartstudio.com/stephanie-seagull-1-p-688.html
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