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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. This reminds me: do you need to push directly toward the center of the base or can push towards one or the other side (as long as you would end up in base contact when going in a straight line)? This can matter especially if the base you pushing towards is big.
  2. I love the surprising colour choices on the Dead Rider! The purple and blue works actually very nicely for the rider and the red and blue wires on the mount's neck bring nice contrast to the otherwise very down-to-earth style palette. The one thing that I'm thinking is that the eyes on the mount could be emphasized a bit more - a black was to darken up the socket near the eye and then some very bright colour for the eye itself? As for Lazarus, that's certainly an ambitious style for this particular model It's looking great so far!
  3. No Brewmaster? This makes me a very sad panda
  4. Nino came out really well. I like the tinting on the leather coat - it's funny how often leather coats are painted just brown or black when you could actually go with very interesting shades there. Santiago is also very nice - I especially like the contrast brought by the red scarf and the vest looks really great - the texture you've brought it looks very authentic. Though I must note that somehow the cactus and his pose and expression create a strange association of him having stepped on it and now yelling in pain while adjusting his stride... I'm guessing it's mostly the angle of the photo, though. Oh, and that's a nice set of scenery! I especially like the high number of fences - they are extremely nice terrain from gaming perspective offering lots of tactical possibilities. You don't seem to have much severe terrain however. We've been using quite a bit of that lately and it has really added a new dimension to the game - highly recommended.
  5. McMourning is kinda the anti-armor guy. Belles are also good - finally the min damage 1 doesn't matter
  6. A quick note on Raphael - Dirty Cheater makes him a lot better. Strongly consider buying that for him most of the time.
  7. I might be Yes! Ca5 is good since you win ties and the duel to get out is at Wp6. Wp7 is Master territory (Wp8 is Hannah territory... Wp10 is Pigapult) so keeping stuff boxed is actually pretty easy. And you can box something from full health with just one duel! That's huge! Oh, and then there are things like Lenny or Flesh Constructs - good luck getting out.
  8. I would hire them for my Resser crews a lot if they were normally available to all - they have a nice gun and there's a lot of nasty beatsticks with less than stellar Wp which can be very nicely dealt with through offensive burying. I think that they are very nice.
  9. How did you calculate the likelihood of getting a sixth turn if aiming for one? I get 43%, not 60%.
  10. Here's another nice mushroom tutorial (if you wish to do different kinds): http://anakron.fr/site/index.php/l-atelier/tutoriels/item/sculpter-des-champignons I did like that you included the gigantic original pictures so I was able to zoom in on the stuff right and proper - your painting is amazing to not to flinch from the extreme close-ups
  11. I always thought that these would make for fun alternatives: http://otherworldminiatures.co.uk/shop/dungeon-monsters/dm9a-stirges-4/
  12. The Daydream is super smooth - really great! And the severed eyeball is amazing! I also really like Lilitu's hair being light blue like her skin but done in a very different style and a slightly different hue - shows off the differing texture extremely nicely. Very nice work!
  13. They have a fun look! Muted colours and that certain slight grainyness/dirtyness makes them look very B-movie horror from before the DVD era. And I love the colour choices for the nurses - colourful yet extremely nursey. What's your plan for the bases?
  14. Bah, yeah, I dunno what I was thinking. Thanks for the correction! (But the point still stands - I don't think that Tara needs her basic crew with Ressers - I mean, it's not silly to take them, but they aren't really needed).
  15. Kaeris' wings rock on toast! Great job! It's the Steampunk Tinker Belle from Guild of Harmony.
  16. But as a Resser what does she want with her theme crew or with Mercs? This thread has reached a clear consensus that Void Wretches are the only worthwhile part of her theme crew (well, I like Dead Marshalls (heehee), too, but they are a different upgrade) and there's lots of choices in the Resser arsenal that can be used instead. So just take a "normal" Resser crew where your synergy with your crew is giving fast to everyone plus one enemy model which has been lured in by the Belles. And you can pick and choose the best Resser models since your synergy is so very simple yet so very powerful. And you get a Reactivating Master, which is also nice (especially as an objective runner as drool pointed out).
  17. You totally need to build your physical Dreamer model to hold a purple balloon! Or even better, magnetize it and have different balloons with different Waking values on them so you can switch the correct one on
  18. My understanding of general netiquette is that threadomancy is frowned upon mostly in two cases 1) if the threadomancer doesn't add anything of value to the thred. 2) if the thread is so old as to contain outdated information. Then there's the third category of resurrecting extremely contentous threads, but that is a bit more difficult to judge. MythicFox closed this thread: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/98666-joss-base-size/ And I don't understand why. I resurrected this thread of mine from July 2011: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/71345-my-gremlin-workbench/ Was it against the rules? Are all threads over a month old verboten territory? How can I tell which ones are and which ones aren't. I'd hate to write a long and thoughtful post only for the thread to get instantly locked (and I wish to also abide by the rules and not add to the moderators' workload).
  19. Alkemy is an amazing game! I love it and the sculpts of Allan Carrasco are mind-blowing. The original plastics were also super high quality. But Studio 38 isn't involved with Alkemy anymore. Now the rights are held by a company formed by the fans, Alchemist Miniatures. The new site is very lively: http://alkemy-the-game.com/ They have a couple of new releases and are also re-releasing the boxed sets (in resin) when the current stock runs out. The English support is pretty non-existent, though, but the game is currently more vital than it has been since the fall of Kraken.
  20. I seem to recall that the very first release of Mei box (the Gencon pre-release) had the problem of over-sizing, but I thought that they had all been gotten rid of so interesting that you got one. If that is indeed the case you could probably ask whether they would replace the whole box.
  21. Remove the whip and get a bird from somewhere and you have a fine Austringer
  22. These are the same. The original post is from July 2011 where I hoped to get them done for that year's Ropecon. And I kinda did in that I managed to paint them to an acceptable standard for playing but I never actually finished them. Now I'm adding the final two layers of highlights and the detail work. And yes, varnish (so I'm also fixing the places where the paint has rubbed off due to lack of varnish...). And now I've finished (almost, the pic showed that I need to darkline the fingers on the gloves - oh, and varnish him) Francois. Raphael, Rami and a Slop Hauler are also extremely close to getting finished.
  23. And the award for the slowest thread ever goes... to this thread! I painted the models to a standard that I wasn't embarrassed showing in a tournament but didn't finish them. Now, finally, I'm actually trying to get them finished and varnished. Here's Francois I think I need to define the fingers on his glove better (a dark wash into the recesses). I'm also wondering whether to add tufts to the base or not. What do you all think?
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