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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. ZFiend's Somer made my Molly's life hell by playing Trixiebelle to win Initiative and then aggressively Bigger Hatting my cards away making Molly's Summoning a complete crapshoot and wrecking her defense systems at the same time. Ouch! As for Ophelia, Yin really dies to her. Liquid Bravery makes her difficult to Lure. Against Molly, Sybelle is a key piece destroying Molly's extreme mobility. Moon Shinobis are somewhat nasty against Ressers in general and Yin in particular. They are quite squishy, though. Pere is also nice since Ressers usually have limited shooting and their HtW doesn't really work against Pere's damage pulses.
  2. This is a really cool initiative! Regrettably the local stores' Malifaux selection is extremely limited, to say the least, but I really, really like this system, still. Great job!
  3. Wild Boars and Bayou Gators make for nice Unbury systems if you want to go that route. The first because they have From the Shadows and can be in your opponent's face as early as you want them to, and the latter because they are pretty fast, pretty deadly and very squishy.
  4. There is also the fact that if you have three on board and would've gotten a fourth one, you are most likely winning the game handsomely already and really don't need the extra model. I mean, it is possible that you got outplayed and are losing in VPs but it isn't very likely.
  5. Here's the thread: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/104902-seter-off-and-pig-charge-abilities/
  6. Of course. We're talking statistics. That's how it works. I've seen 3+ rolls on D6 fail a lot! But it is perception related! You getting into an impossible situation when an opponent flips high enough that you can't win is a perception. The real part is how many times you win or lose. And that is about the same when going Sh 5 against Df 7 as when going Sh 7 against Df 7.
  7. People who deny that they don't do any "mathhammer" simply don't understand the concept. Of course you do math - otherwise you would really suck at the game. But you've internalized the simple stuff and now you're refusing to internalize the slightly more complicated stuff because of some misinformed belief that math is bad and intuition is good. When they actually are essentially the same thing. If you didn't do any "mathhammer" you would be equally happy shooting into hard cover as not into hardcover. After all, you might do just as much damage! It's just a matter of luck! Or you would attack Lilith's Df as happily as her Wp - after all, you might score a hit either way, so what's the difference? Of course the difference is in the likelihood of you succeeding. And that's all this is. All that "mathhammer" is. Understanding the power of a is just that. Am I better off taking the or the +2 to Ca as Sonnia? When should I choose which? What do I have to consider when making that decision? You will likely know the answer when presented with a situation. All thanks to the awesome power of "mathhammer!"
  8. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated! The scabbard got washed out a bit by the pics but you are correct that the shading and highlighting there is much less pronounced than elsewhere on the mini. I think I'll try deepening the shadows and then highlighting it more. Thanks for the inspiration! As for his gun, yeah, it is a really weird design, all in all. Other than the gun I really like this model (though it is quite flat and 2D).
  9. Just make sure to build them in such a way that they don't hinder placing models on top of them. Corpse Markers often appear in the thick of things so it is especially important that they don't hamper play.
  10. As an aside, my program can take that into account as well
  11. Ah, nothing like a bit of threadomancy. Here's Francisco. His eyes were too small for me. Holy crap they were small! I do like the dusty scheme he ended up with, though. And the hair isn't bad, though I suck at painting black hair. What do you think?
  12. Not as much. I can check it but unfortunately I will be at the computer with the program next time on Friday, so the answer will take a bit.
  13. You aren't flipping two deuces, you're flipping two cards. The value of those cards is a statistical distribution.In other words: If you pit a Sh 5 with against a Df 5 model, you will win, on average, as often as a Sh 7 model wins against a Df 5 model. And now, a special part, only to Godlyness: "But what if my deck only holds aces left?" Yeah, what if Harry Potter was a cube? What then? How would he hold his wand?
  14. Yeah, and, to be more specific, the female legs.
  15. Howard Langston is ridiculously broken with his decapitate trigger in this format.
  16. I use Dragon Forge Cobblestone bases for my Colette (and other Arcanists): http://www.dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/for%20sale/base_sets/round%20lip%20bases/cobblestone_rubble_rlb.htm The postage isn't bad since the bases themselves are nicely priced. And the style is great - somewhat understated but with enough detailing to make them interesting. I also really like these (using them for a different project): http://elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/bases-for-miniatures/round-edge-bases-for-miniatures/town-square-round-edge-bases
  17. Well, those certainly go together easily! Some seams but they are impossible to effectively hide in such models and they don't look difficult to fill. Rather nice, though I do like the design of the Hog Whisperer Piglet more. These are a bit too cuddly and mundane.
  18. I ran the numbers and had a big thread about this during the beta testing but that section went the way of the dodo. I made a program that builds a deck, shuffles it, and flips cards. And then ran the numbers for a couple of million iterations for various stats. A good rule of thumb is that a single positive twist is about as good as +2 to the stat. It allows you to consider its impact. But bear in mind that if you are willing to cheat a high card in, then a high stat is naturally better. And similarly if you're getting a negative twist from somewhere, then a positive twist cancelling that is hugely better. If you want the actual numbers for various combinations, I can provide them (I still have the program).
  19. Thank you once again for the unboxing. You are a community hero! I really like these. I think that this Piglet is the best of the bunch and the Gremlin looks great as well. They also seem to go together rather nicely. All in all very happy with this one! Zoraida also likes Pigs as their Pigcharge makes them nice Obey targets and Obeying them around also makes them easier to control.
  20. Yes and yes. They also look a bit blurry. I think that since what you've done to them is really interesting from a technical point of view, you can afford bigger pics.
  21. Aye, though I think that European Style also really emphasizes the importance of bringing out the focal points and using shading over the mini as a whole to do this. But yeah, glazing and using retarder to allow you to mix glazes on the mini is a really great way of painting fast while still getting really good results. At least as long as you have really good eye for what you're doing ...the link was to a Google Translate version of the page. I thought that the most awesome point was that a tutorial for painting dark skin uses fair skin tones, grey-blue and darkish purple.
  22. Aye, Raptors seem quite ridiculously overpowered for this Strategy. One of the new alternative Strategies that was introduced in Gaining Grounds tournament rules set for 2015. You can get it here:http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/
  23. I like The Judge. He's durable, hits hard and aids in movement. He isn't flashy in any way, though.
  24. Howabout Mole from Infamy Miniatures: Or maybe Badger:
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