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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. You can even kill your own Gremlins for cards Even if you don't get to pull it off twice, it means that Lilith needs to be extremely careful about positioning which can be just as big an asset as emptying her hand. Heck, depending on terrain (if you have lots of Ht 2 walls or rocks for example) you could even consider giving Somer Stilts so that he can see over Ht2 terrain The range on Bigger Hat is just ludicrous.
  2. The model enters the terrain when a part of its base gets inside the terrain. The model leaves the terrain when none of its base is inside the terrain. Seems perfectly straightforward, consistent and easy.
  3. Nicely done - the gradients are nice and the interplay between shadows and light is fun. The forward foot/leg are maybe a bit less awesome than the rest of the armor. That looks like a pretty big mini, though. I've found that this style of painting gets more and more difficult as the mini gets bigger, so kudos on kaking it work!
  4. Somewhat ironically, the above message was 96 characters...
  5. These are just insanely good. Pandora's face and hair look amazing! And the texturing on Candy - sheesh! It works a lot better after priming, actually. It sticks a lot better so you can glob it on and then remove the excess without removing the part that is doing the gap filling. I'm pretty sure they are just more burls or mushrooms.
  6. Note that Skeeters are also awesome for "clogging machinery" since they are super fast and have an extremely high Df stat.
  7. Lilith loathes Bigger Hat. Losing her hand is a horrible blow to her and with her Wp and with Bigger Hat's range, if she ever shows her face, go for it. Without cards to cheat with, she is extremely squishy herself and her whole (usual) crew becomes rather unreliable with the notable exception of the Mature Nephilim. Be extremely wary of her swapping Lenny for something horrible with Tangle. Be always aware of the possibility and don't rely on Lenny. If she has Candy, be extra careful of this happening (swapping Lenny for Candy is a Gremlin's worst nightmare). Also, Barbaros is horrible - his Challenge ability is awful and his Df Trigger makes Gremlins sad. Finally, if Lilith brings the Cherub, kill it with extreme prejudice. That thing is utterly horrible but luckily rather squishy.
  8. There was some really weird logic in that thread. I have played that models in base contact are at range zero from each other. This has come up with, e.g., a Paralyzed model being able to Pounce a model that is Pushed into base to base with it. The fact that a 0" Push is not a move seems like an utterly different thing and I don't think has any bearing with this. I mean, what is the range supposed to be at base to base if not zero?
  9. I really like Young LaCroix. They pay themselves back by arming Ophelia, give a lot of bang for the buck for activation control and Focus shooting their own guns is nothing to scoff at - especially near Lenny when they are downright ridiculous. They are super squishy and Insignificant Peons so don't fit all Strategy/Scheme combos and Old Cranky is some fierce competition but I do think they definitely have their place. Too bad two of the three plastic minis are horribly out of scale.
  10. Gracie is always a fun option as is Old Major. Saddle is fun because then Somer can ride around like a boss (that he is!) Focusing and blasting things to smithereens. Or you can cart around Lenny with Gracie making her an insanely durable murder machine with insane damage. Old Major is fun because Ceaseless Advance is a bit trivial with Somer and he is really versatile.
  11. Ophelia can also give Rami Focus by using the (0)Action from her My Threatening Gun. And the same is true of Sammy LaCroix, naturally.
  12. Thank you so much for the kind words! And yes, these are indeed Metal Gamin. Haha! That would be awesome. Joss as Tin Man, Sabertooth Cerberos as Cowardly Lion, maybe Colette as Dorothy. But who for Scarecrow? I hope to be obvious! As when using Proxies, I think that it is important to be obvious. Knowing the different minis on the Malifaux battlefield is very important and I really don't wish to confuse my opponent about what is what. Thank you so much for the in-depth analysis and tips. I do very much agree with what you are saying. I usually use purple (or green) on my gold and I agree that the eyes do not pop as much as I hoped they would. Some of this is due to these being a lot more red at one point but then I built up the gold more and they sort of lost that excess redness and that exacerbated the problems. So yeah, I do agree with you fully. As for the Mithril Silver - there actually are little dots. Photography usually makes them a bit difficult to notice and I for sure could've done them better and more prominent, but you might notice it on the "eye brows" on the first and second pics as well as the tail joint and the tip of the nose. That said, I do absolutely agree with the comment on contrast for metals - it really is the secret for good metals and these could certainly have more of it and would benefit from it. So yeah, thank you again! I'll try to implement these with my other Arcanists.
  13. Oh my, these look fantastic! I love the flower pattern and white just fits these fellows so well. The yellow and green complement these and the koi is fantastic (though it's interesting how many koi fish I've seen during the last six months or so on minis). Also lovely NMM, especially the gold. Now, you said that you welcome the "bad" kind, so I'll say something. But do realize that these are seriously fantastic minis and far better than what I could do. The shading on the white leaves a bit to be desired I think. The pants on the tophat fellow look fantastic (other than the crotch) - there is various hues and the shadows flow naturally. But elsewhere there is just this mid grey tone that the shadows plummet into almost straight away and it just stays there. It's also a very aggressive change which leads to this "sausagey" look that I've seen a lot on 15mm minis. This is most visible on the hammer fellow from the back. That's a lot of mid-grey - very wide, very strong shadows with minimal gradient. So yeah, blend the shadows and vary their intensity. If you look at, e.g., this, there's a lot of variance between the intensity of the shadows. Hopefully this was at least somewhat helpful.
  14. My Arcanists are going to feature quite a few proxies (though also quite a few Wyrd models as well). So I was thinking that it would be fun if you, dear fellow forumites, could try and guess what a given proxy is supposed to represent. So here goes. First three Arcanists (note that these are rather tiny): I went with a simple gold that I then washed liberally with black and brown and red and drybrushed more gold and silver for highlights. Then I picked out some of the details with silver and made the eyes green. But they looked still a bit monochrome so I went and gave them turquoise ears to match with my planned colour scheme of yellow and turquoise for the Arcanists. What do you think of the painting and what do you think these are supposed to be?
  15. Exactly. There are at least two prominent Gremlin players who think that Slop Haulers are superfluous and not worth taking.
  16. Unfortunately I have bad news for you: Gremlins are not taking part in this contest
  17. I don't understand - what is filthy about it? Isn't it less filthy than how people have been playing it this far since you need to also make the Obeyed enemy miss?
  18. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long wait. I don't understand why they released Kirai's box on its lonesome without the extremely vital other pieces. Wasn't it originally released at Gencon? So a year of it being out in an essentially unplayable form. I'm guessing some sort of a mishap or something as otherwise it's just utterly baffling.
  19. Ah, the next time the topic of Slop Haulers comes up, I know where I will be linking to.
  20. If you posit that it's too expensive and that only GW and PP have the resources to do so and Wyrd, being a smaller fish, can't, then you should totally take into account the other, similar fish. That you haven't heard of whatever doesn't make your argument stronger, to be blunt. And Corvus Belli is far from being marginal. I could've taken Pulp City, Nemesis, Eden, or 1650 Capa y Espada as my examples if I wanted marginal but I took a well-known player in approximately the same bracket as Wyrd. The majority of other minis manufacturers that have a game show painted minis. Both bigger and smaller than Wyrd do this. Wyrd is the odd duck (though there are some others as well).
  21. Welcome to the fun faction - we have moonshine! One note, I'm not sure from your description but do note that you can't Toss Francois who has Stilts (since he becomes Ht 2). Wong is fun but I'm not sure that he plugs any holes - Ophelia is pretty similar in the grand scheme of things (though she certainly plays very different). I think that Ulix or Somer would be better in that they both can, e.g., produce a ginormous pile of Scheme Markers if needed.
  22. Why compare to GW and PP and not to, e.g., Corvus Belli, which is prolly a far closer comparison?
  23. I simply disagreed with you and posited that I am not convinced that the Trigger you presented makes an appreciable difference due to SS prevention option. In my defense, I took the two Factions I'm most familiar with ("my" factions) and then Outcasts due to us being on their forum currently. Now that I think about it, yeah, Arcanists, Neverborn, TT, and Guild have several Masters that would be rather simpler for Levi. So the percentages would likely be different if all were taken into account. I still think that he mostly kills easily Hoffman, Lynch, Victoria, and Lilith (am I missing anyone?). So that's a bit far from "almost anyone".
  24. "Most of the others" meaning Kirai and Nicodem? So two out of six? I do think that they are both more difficult if there are models around to shunt attacks into. And Seamus "only" has his crazy amount of Wounds and the ItW since his healing won't help him if the opponent is going to kill him in one Activation and Leve ignores his HtK and his Hat (unless I'm misremembering the wording on the Hat). His Terrifying is also of limited use in this scenario. Also, I didn't write "just difficult", I wrote "extremely difficult". Now, in a real game and not in a one-turn Assassination scenario his healing certainly makes him one of the most difficult ones, actually.
  25. If you say so - I still think that it is a powerful defensive ability since they can Squeel any which way and I would posit that two such Squeels are enough to break LOS or get out of range in most situations. Ressers then (my other main faction). Seamus: extremely difficult. Nicodem: almost impossible. McMourning: doable but he has 14 Wounds so not easy. Tara: Yeah, sure. Though 12 Wounds and Wp 7 against Ca attacks. Molly: Possible due to her low wound count. But ItW means that it takes some doing. Kirai: almost impossible due to her Trigger if there is a Spirit or two nearby. Yan Lo: easy access to ItW again. So one where it's somewhat easy, one where it's difficult and then five where it's almost impossible. And even the "easy" ones are situations where you need to hit every time against a defensive stat the same or one lower than your attack stat and then do Severe every time. Let's do one more: Outcasts. Misaki: Sure. She has quite a few Wounds and Wp 7 but this is doable. Tara: the exact same. Von Schill: I'm beginning to see a pattern here... Hamelin: Impossible. Leve: Impossible. Jack Daw: Really difficult. Victoria: Now this is actually easy. Almost trivial. So one truly easy, three "easy" ones and one very difficult one with two impossibles. So his total track record for three Factions is now: Trivial: 1 "Easy": 6 (not counting Tara twice) Really difficult: 8 Almost or totally impossible: 5 So yeah, "almost any" might be overstating it.
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