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Everything posted by PaintMinion

  1. LOL, no those are not naughty bits prominently displayed in the cauldron, those are bones.
  2. awesome little diorama and love the title too!
  3. Perhaps add a bit of blood, some rust, and a hint of the wicked...otherwise, I love the set up and it certainly comes across as hiding, but I wasn't sure if from something or waiting for something.
  4. One sitting?! Awesome job! i really like the wings, but it does need some basing help.
  5. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. I gave more than a nod to Shakespeare's Macbeth, with a cauldron and cutting his thumb for the blood, crown on the spirit for King Macbeth, and the eyes and other fun things in the cauldron. In the play, the three witches summon a spirit, and so our dapper warlock is summoning a spirit for evil purposes...hinted at by the cards the spirit is dealing out. hmmm, I seem to have cut the close up of the cards...look closely if you can. It should make you laugh. Also a nod to the Ray Bradbury story and the movie based on the story as well. Here's my version of Mr. Dark, and the strange creatures of his carnival hinted at in the cauldron and spirit. In the story, Mr. Dark grants wishes, and he is granting a certain wish in this diorama - again hinted at in the cards. Please note the crown is my own sculpt, as is Mr. Dark's hand with the knife. Vest is freehand. Cauldron is Reaper, I believe. Also make sure to catch the glow effect along the seam of the base itself.

    © paintminion

  6. PaintMinion

    Look, Ma! A hand!

    Here's my work in progress, probably all you will get, but I am so excited that this hand only took me four tries!

    © Paintminion

  7. Lol, now I really have to wonder what would happen in our game room if the minis all decided to skip the game set up and explore.
  8. When I saw the WIPs, I sorta wondered, and then started seeing what you had in mind and just had to show the rest of the family...we all love this one!
  9. Hmm, I would like to see the "map" portion with a bit of tint on it for ocean, to help tie it with the dragon and emphasize its suppose to be ocean. ANd what dragon is that?! Cute and needs a closeup, cuz you know I really care about the dragon. :-) Awesome concept and well done, Skya! love that you did the compass rose!
  10. Awesome scene. We can ALL relate! Me? I'd be painting rocks....
  11. Cool concept for theme, but would like to see the minis better!
  12. A bit disturbing for me as a Mom, but well painted, love the lighting effect, the background is fun, just adds that child like whimsy, but might have been better on a square base then. Still really well done!
  13. Great job on Cthulie! I wonder why I never even thought of him? Fits theme perfectly!
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