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Will plastics be sold as singles or only as crews?

St. Murphy

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No official word has come down on this. However we can infer most likely not due to a few factors.


1) Wyrd likes to maintain a good relationship with brick and mortar stores, and one of the things that helps B&M stores is to reduce skew numbers. Not offering every single miniature they sell as individual options helps reduce the Skew.


2) The first wave of Wyrd plastics has been out for over a year, and in that time they have not offered any of those models individually. Now to be fair, in the initial plastic molds all the figures are off the same sprues, so marketing any of those separately will be tricky, but given precedent it seems unlikely.



Now at least in the plastics I've recently gotten the master and special models have been on separate sprues so Wyrd could at some point in the future decide that they want to sell the pieces individually, but at the present if you want the master, totem, or special big mini that comes with the set you need to buy it separately.

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Historically, the best way has been to hope someone buys the box, clips the models apart, and auctions them out individually on ebay.


If you want to start the process, you could buy the box and hope people are willing to buy the bits you don't need.

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No plans to do so now or any time soon unless something drastically changes, which I don't expect. 


Sad to hear that. Some of the old crew boxes didn´t have the same models as the new one, but buying a box just to get one or two models is a bit to expensive for me. The collodi box especially is a bit problematic as you miss Vasilisa but you already got 4x marionettes and Collodi, so a new box is not going to bring a whole lot of new useable models. Same if I wanted to get Taylor as a mercenary henchmen but didn´t want the rest of the crew. 

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Sad to hear that. Some of the old crew boxes didn´t have the same models as the new one, but buying a box just to get one or two models is a bit to expensive for me. The collodi box especially is a bit problematic as you miss Vasilisa but you already got 4x marionettes and Collodi, so a new box is not going to bring a whole lot of new useable models. Same if I wanted to get Taylor as a mercenary henchmen but didn´t want the rest of the crew. 


I can certainly see your point but if say you wanted Taelor, buying the entire crew isn't a bad thing really (Other than the cost implications). The entire box excluding the Viks are Mercs and many crews can benefit from a Ronin or the Student in some way. If that isn't realistically an option for you then you always have the metal Taelor single. 

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I can certainly see your point but if say you wanted Taelor, buying the entire crew isn't a bad thing really (Other than the cost implications). The entire box excluding the Viks are Mercs and many crews can benefit from a Ronin or the Student in some way. If that isn't realistically an option for you then you always have the metal Taelor single. 


The problem is that a lot (if not all?) of the metal versions are not being produced anymore...so getting the metal version of the old miniatures are going to depend on Ebay or something like that...

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Is this the same for things that aren't Rare 1? Like say, the Ice Golem?


I don't know if Wyrd would, but it could be possible,   The Ice Golem is on a separate set of sprues from the rest of the box set, so it could be sold individually like the rail golem.

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Not a huge fan of uniques not being available outside the crew boxes (especially those that weren't available previously). For those of us that already bought in huge to Malifaux over the years, its difficult trying to justify purchasing crew boxes for the one or two new models then hoping you'll be able to sell off the rest. Probably wont change any minds, after all we have already bought in.

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2) The first wave of Wyrd plastics has been out for over a year, and in that time they have not offered any of those models individually. Now to be fair, in the initial plastic molds all the figures are off the same sprues, so marketing any of those separately will be tricky, but given precedent it seems unlikely.



Now at least in the plastics I've recently gotten the master and special models have been on separate sprues so Wyrd could at some point in the future decide that they want to sell the pieces individually, but at the present if you want the master, totem, or special big mini that comes with the set you need to buy it separately.


On these grounds, I think Cojo may provide guidance - he's a rare 1 model from the Marcus starter, but is available separately. He's a bit of a special case though, since he wasn't in the old starter and is a new model. Gives hope for models like Barbaros to get a separate release though.

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On these grounds, I think Cojo may provide guidance - he's a rare 1 model from the Marcus starter, but is available separately. He's a bit of a special case though, since he wasn't in the old starter and is a new model. Gives hope for models like Barbaros to get a separate release though.

I am still hoping that models that fall into this category (rare 1/ unique models that weren't available previous to M2E) will be available singly.

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I have looked into the possibility of getting single miniatures from the boxes like mentioned a couple of times, but the moment Wyrd is mentioned I get a no right away, plus the miniature I want I need adleast 6 of them, by the way the miniature has not been released yet I have just asked around to find out where I would be able to get it when it comes out, this box set only thing is hard on a collector, conversion experimentalist and mad experiment painter like my self.

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I’m really hoping they release single plastic minis, even if it is direct only sans packaging. Especially with the wave 2 stuff bringing so many new models that aren’t available elsewhere. I already have a Lucius crew; I don’t want to add another just so I can get a scribe. Same deal with Kaeris. I have her metals; I don’t want to buy a whole new set just for the Firestarter and Eternal Flame. The idea that long-term Malifaux players should just buy whole new boxes and maybe we can sell the extras and maybe we can’t is asinine.

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Xgixjokerx, I agree. But in those cases, I'll be using Governor's Proxy, Iggy and Purifying Flame, respectively. The first and last are totems, so can't exist simultaneously, and Iggy can't be played in a Kaeris force anyway.


It's different if you don't have those models available, but if you've got the metals, Iggy was a likely purchase for Kaeris, and Kaeris was a slightly less likely purchase for Sonnia. Gov's Proxy? I've never really liked him, so any opportunity to use him as something else...


And as to suitability, he's got a big f'n book! Just what a Scribe should have.

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I’m really hoping they release single plastic minis, even if it is direct only sans packaging. Especially with the wave 2 stuff bringing so many new models that aren’t available elsewhere. I already have a Lucius crew; I don’t want to add another just so I can get a scribe. Same deal with Kaeris. I have her metals; I don’t want to buy a whole new set just for the Firestarter and Eternal Flame. The idea that long-term Malifaux players should just buy whole new boxes and maybe we can sell the extras and maybe we can’t is asinine.


Expecting those who have already bought in heavy (more than a few crews) to re-buy is even worse. And the resell the extra's idea is pretty moot as the models that are most likely to move are the uniques that you'r trying to get yourself.

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