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The Plague Cometh


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Just chilling thinking of a none themed list what people think of this? Upgrades I have chosen yes/no different ideas 50ss


The piper 2

Survivalist 1

Malifaux child 2

Convict gunslinger 7

Convict gunslinger 7

Sue 8

Killjoy 12

Nix 8

47ss 4ss cache

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Was thinking his misplaced trust would come in handy for the hole crew and just like you to get another obey of Hamelin and only bringing in a stolen late on or if Hamelin is getting pounded so try and run the child for most of or the hole game as a none themed crew is not going to create a lot of blighted what you think? Maybe swapping nix out for Hans too?

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Was thinking his misplaced trust would come in handy for the hole crew and just like you to get another obey of Hamelin and only bringing in a stolen late on or if Hamelin is getting pounded so try and run the child for most of or the hole game as a none themed crew is not going to create a lot of blighted what you think? Maybe swapping nix out for Hans too?

I wouldn't risk Hamelins survival on his survivalist upgrade.

You're putting your master at a pretty poor disadvantage.

The only thing keeping him alive is hard to kill.

Positive twists to healing flips is great, but no one in your crew can give them out.

I would switch in a librarian somewhere in that list if you really do want to go the non theme crew

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Rat kings are great utility, but there are not that great in dishing out damage. They can potentially attack multiple times (like the arachnid swarm), but with mi5 its quite unreliable.
It takes some time to kill them due to ok stats, they can give melee models slow, and their eight wounds.

They are decent enough to go after your objectives, but even better at denying the opponent to achive theirs.

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So, thoughts on guild hounds in a Hamelin list? Just an outsider's perspective but they seem like they'd fit in fairly well. With pipes to pull them and obey to shove them around they look like they'd have the run of the board. With rat catcher's providing relatively easy access to scheme markers in the thick of it they'd also be another source of obey-able charges to supplement rat kings on the cheap. Worse comes to worse you could always throw them into the thick of things and recycle them for rats assuming you can blight them up a bit before hand.



Guild is a bit of an issue, as is any shooting crew. But remember that you have a great lure off Hamelin that (given Plague) can move someone their Walk + 2x Charge.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if the trigger's on success wouldn't they be blighted before the ability resolves?

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Okay, I'm starting to learn Hamelin now, and wanted to ask something.


How do you use a Rat King? Are they mostly a beatstick? An objective grabber/destroyer? How durable are they?

I find Rat Kings to be very easy to kill.

Eight wounds and no defensive tricks does not resilient make.

Nor are they great beaters, but they can put out some damage and Blighted.

Their reason for being is to destroy scheme markers/hand out Blighted.

Kill a weak enemy model and drop Blighted on everyone in 6".

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Out of curiosity what sort of use does Hamelin get out of his hiring bonuses?


I never saw the point in hiring Hounds...can anyone convince me?


Also what's so great about Candy/Baby Kade/Iggy?

I see some of the awesome sauce, but not in the Outcast faction.

Can anyone help me see the light?

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disclaimer:  played my first game of Hamelin the other day...  so aside from the first comment, the rest is Theoryfaux...


Lost Models;

-Crooligans - I used them in Squatter's Rights and they were awesome.  Df 6, double Defensive stance first turn on a Marker really put pressure on my opponent to react.  Then when they do interact they "poof" away and can really move.  And at 4ss I found them reinforcing Hamelins out-activation tactic.  I used 3, but found that 2 would be more appropriate.


-Baby Kade - he's the other Lost model that I am really interested in, for a few reasons.  First, his damage spread, with a Ml 7, an be really brutal because Hamelin has so many other models to qualify the "engaged with other model" requirement  And, aside from the obvious Killjoy bomb, I don't see too many "hitter" for Hamelin to take.  Kade may not be a hitter, but at 7ss he's reasonable.  Second, I really like the idea of Oathkeeper on him.  Finally, he offers a low-powered Lure and Pounce.  Hamelin can really drag enemies towards him as needed, and having a Baby Kade somewhere between him and the bad guy can be really effective.  Plus another Lure is always nice.


-Candy - My experience against her is that she is a great model all on her own, which would qualifier her as a great selection using the Lost ability.  But, my gut tells me Hamelin has enough Soulstones put into models that are "support" in nature, and by grabbing Candy you are just doing more of the same, instead of diversifying, which is what I prefer.  This said, I could easily see some players finding great uses for her.


-Iggy - Burning offers no synergy overall and while his WP debuff could be great, I find models that require I activate them early to succeed sometimes hamper what I am doing on the board and I just don't like them.  I'll need to see him more, both against and with, to come to a reasonable conclusion, though.


-Guild Hounds (while not Lost, Nix can drag them in easy enough) Out of the Hound selections I would not take them, if only because you have objective runners in Crooligans that don't require another one to be right next to qualify.  I find that my tactic against Guild Hounds is to kill one, which is not the hardest thing, then ignore the other.


-Canine Remains - Now, I would consider them because of their movement and their ability to lower Df.  Lowered Df really helps Hamelin's stable of moderate Ml stat models.  Plus, you should be able to get Blighted on them so once they die, they are just another Rat to help power the engine.  I can see plenty of situations where I take a K9Remains for each of the Rat Catchers....

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Question for those more experienced with the new Hamelin than I.  How do you get Blighted on your own models most effectively?  My thought is to have your rats bite them first turn.  The other option is to have the Rat King do a Spray of Filth when your other models are close.  But that method requires good positioning and a convenient enemy model to kill.  Anyone else have any good strategies?

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-Iggy - Burning offers no synergy overall and while his WP debuff could be great, I find models that require I activate them early to succeed sometimes hamper what I am doing on the board and I just don't like them.  I'll need to see him more, both against and with, to come to a reasonable conclusion, though.


I would not be looking at that (0) action but his other one, Incite.  Being able to manipulate your opponent's activations I feel is always good and worth considering for Hamelin as well.  If you hit a model that has already activated that is something small like a low minion, you prevent them from activating something like their master first in a turn.  This could mean all the difference giving Hamelin another turn to do something *like summon a new Stolen to save him or bleeding disease something to death* or someone like Kade before they can kill him.

Also if you take Iggy with Kade, Iggy can absorb some of the damage Kade might take.  It can really throw your opponent for the loop when they think with two weak hits they will kill Kade and you pull some of the damage to Iggy so that Kade can live to retaliate.

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Question for those more experienced with the new Hamelin than I.  How do you get Blighted on your own models most effectively?  My thought is to have your rats bite them first turn.  The other option is to have the Rat King do a Spray of Filth when your other models are close.  But that method requires good positioning and a convenient enemy model to kill.  Anyone else have any good strategies?


Malifaux Rats and Nix are probably your best bet, as Spray of Filth is a bit unreliable.  If you take The Plague, the Blighted trigger it adds to Hamelin's Pipes attack is very good for getting the Blighted started right away, and with a decent Sh, no TN, a good range, and 3 Ap to spend, it's usually not too difficult to both toss some  blight around early game and to lure a model closer. 


Also, don't forget that models which activate near the Stolen and Wretch gain Blighted +1 for each such model they begin their turn near.   That can add up pretty quickly if models hang out near Hamelin and his kids.

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While I've quite enjoyed playing Hamelin in his latest form, the perceived need to get Blighted on your own models by biting them with Rats on the first turn really ticks me off. It's one of those time-wasting annoyances that I would have been happier seeing removed from his gameplay. Given that rat-summoning works off all enemy models, and all friendly models can be assumed to have Blighted (because if they don't, you're always going to be biting them with a Rat to get it on there), I would have preferred to see rat-summoning just work off all non-Rat models. Oh well.


Other than that, Hamelin's really solid and well-balanced now, with a vastly wider range of viable crew options than in any previous incarnation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I just got the Hamelin box set.


I am thinking of running this list because I have the models


Hamelin -- 4 Pool
 +Sewer King [1]
 +The Piper [2]
 +The Plague [2]
The Stolen [2]
Ama No Zako [9]
Baby Kade [7]
Candy [9]
Canine Remains [4]
Nix [8]
 +Hollow [2]
 +Infectious Melodies [1]
The idea is scary children theme.
Ama No Zako is in there as the representation of the Boogy Man.
I am not sure of how this will play, accept summon more Stolen and Rats to hand out the Blight.
Just the idea of a crew made up of Scary kids and Dead dogs with this big monster flying around sounds like it could be fun.
What do you all think?
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I think you should tailor your list to the scenario rather than building it in advance. ;)


Otherwise, my main comment would be that you've got a lot of very elite models, and not much support for them. While they're tied together thematically, I don't see much tying them mechanically - they're all doing their own thing, and there's very little synergy between them.


Don't let me discourage you from trying it out, though! It could be lots of fun.

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Actually I think there is some synergy in the list.  With Hamilen and Baby kade working with One Stolen to lure in and then blight, models.  I also get a lot of Manipulation with Candy and Ama No Zako as there are versions of Obey on both of them. Also objective solos moving around the board.  Using Candy's Trigger to control activations, getting some stolen up there (granted I need to summon more) and handing out more blight. Nix handing out blight and causing damage for it and a canine remains to move to objectives.


I do agree with scenario rather than advance builds normally, but to be honest I just got the box set (mostly for his story) and so I am playing around.

I need to order a lot more models before I can really play with more synergy.

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Heh, I'll certainly admit you've got a lot of ways to move enemy models around. According to the thread on Rotten Belles, that's the Most Powerful Ability In The Game, so you've certainly got that going for you. :)


If anything, I'd suggest you could drop Nix from the list. He's taking up 11 stones and probably won't give that great a return on the investment. That could get you, for example, a Rat Catcher and some Rats for a ton of early activation control and flexibility - or go balls to the wall on the "My elite crew gon' wreck yo face" strategy and take Killjoy.

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Anybody tryed a Hamelin using nix to bring dogs guild hounds and or canine remains keep looking at the idea of them but not tryed them love crooligans now and they can get poison out witch the canine remains get the charge buff off any thoughts or advice or experience running them would be great cheers

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