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steamborg executioner???


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I haven't had anything to do with M2e so far,im planning on getting the book when it comes out,but what are the changes to the arcanists?After reading pullmyfinger,i noticed there is no steamborg executioner,although there is howard Langston,which from after reading chronicles I know Langston is an executioner,although I never knew it was a unique piece of kit,since I have two of them.....

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I've said it before, and I stand by it, regardless of Ausplosion's distaste for brawls, I expect that we will see rules of them within 2 years, if enough people want them. They'll almost certainly be in chronicles, (because that's where Wyrd has shown they intend to put wholly optional rules) and will only be produced after M2E versions of campaign rules and multiplayer games, but I fully expect we will see them, if only so that people will stop complaining.

In the mean time, the house rule works as well as ever when looking to break the rules for a fun game. You could always follow the same rules as M1E brawls, and have a big 70-85S game. You could create your own rules for it. No-one is going to stop you or tell you you are doing it wrong.

You should probably take pictures, post a battle report, and talk about what did and didn't work. I would guess that any OP combinations you found would that didn't involve master to master interactions would be relevant to the game itself

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Brawls were silly and I hope they don't.

Brawls from 1.5 were no more silly than being able to run multiple henchmen in a crew in 2.0. True, the extra restrictions imposed upon using Henchmen with Special Forces were a pain (and really benefitted Viks plus VonSchill), but they were nowhere near as menacing as running multiple soulstone-using two upgrade platform Henchmen in a crew (which the Viks come prepacked with two Henchmen right from their box). Even with the nature of soulstones changing, the upgrades are what tip the scales.

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Using that many Henchmen you'll burn through a max ss pool by turn 2. And all those extra upgrades you're buying = more models, which = more AP for accomplishing strats and schemes.....you're also probably out-activated every turn.

It's quality of activations versus quantity, except where Gremlins are concerned. It's the option of ss use that matters more than actually using them, epecially on the defense. I'm willing to throw away an attack to save stones on the defense. More activations means more models you'll have to save cards for with which to cheat. If I have survivable models who make it to place objectives, they'll far outweigh insignificant models that are serving as fodder.

Edited by i_was_like_you
for emphasis
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No, you use your cards on your decent models and use your "fodder" for Interacts and such.

Your thing may work for certain strats/schemes but not for the majority.

So we're agreed that we get to pick our battles on when we use our resources of cards and soulstones?

In a game of only 5 turns, just one 'stone user seems likely to have burnt out of stones in a turn or two, what with having to spend the stones for the extra flip and for suit prior to taking the action, instead of the previous after cheating mechanic. So, yeah, more stone users might seem to imply faster usage, but it doesn't have to be.

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