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Smogcon 2014


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After the success of 4M we have been working hard over the past few weeks to help bring the love of Malifaux to the Warmachine/Hordes crowd and I'm pleased to announce that with the skill of the 10 Thunders we have successfully infiltrated their premier UK convention SMOGCON

Find out a little more on the Smogcon blog at http://smogcon.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/smogcon-2014-save-the-date/ and as soon as we are able we will let you know the events that we will be running. As a teaser if you just played Malifaux you could currently get 17 games in over the 3 days :)

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I'm not allowed to say where it is as they want to do a big splash announcement with flashy brochure etc. What I am allowed to say that it is close to the major London airports - so afraid its not Wales .

I really wish I could be more explicit but its the Warmachine guys party so I have to play by their rules.

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I'm not allowed to say where it is as they want to do a big splash announcement with flashy brochure etc. What I am allowed to say that it is close to the major London airports - so afraid its not Wales .

I really wish I could be more explicit but its the Warmachine guys party so I have to play by their rules.

I recon I could make a pretty confident guess from this, can't be long until Webby puts the pack out to see if I'm right ;-)

I usually can't get away during the last weekend of Feb but colour me very interested in this. Looks like it'll be ace.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just from a completely unbiased point of view and to give you some of my own experience, this event started focused on Hordes/Warmachine. The first year I went as a player and took part in various events there. I have never ever enjoyed an event in the UK as much as this one. The only one that came close was the first year Hordes/Warmachine ETC. The second year I went and attended some of the painting classes and had a couple of casual games and also played Malifaux there. A completely different experience but I enjoyed it never the less.

The last 2 years this event has been held at Firestorm Games in Cardiff but the intention was always to try and move to an on campus style event in a hotel and include other game systems such as Malifaux. This year is the year!

You can do anything from painting classes, casual games, playing board games, drinking etc.

We hope that this will eventually be the UK No 1 on campus gaming convention.

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

Oh and Mike and I will be orchestrating the Malifaux side of things no doubt ably assisted by various glamorous members of this esteemed community ;-)

Edited by Nepalese_Ninja
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Hi guys,

just wanted to drop by to invite you all personally to the event. I'm Jon and I head us this crazy schindig.

Myke and Conrad put on a good show (as evidenced by the 4M event if you attended) and I can't wait to see what the guys have cooked up for Malifuax.

We are looking forward to widening our horizons and seeing lots of new faces at the con.

Cheers all and hope to see you there.


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