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What M2E changes do you want to see in this faction?


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Me personally...

Kirai: get rid of the discard 2 cards if Ikyro dies. Currently, because of this rule, I have no incentive to summon Ikyro.

Nurses: Make them viable.

Dogs: make me want to take dogs over night terrors or necropunks

Nicodem: make him more than just a zombie making machine. Give him some versatility.

Guild Autopsies: see Nurses.

Crooligans: see Nurses

Those are the most important ones I think. Wyrd did a Fantastic job on Yan Lo and McM. I hope they see the good side of the beta.

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Limit the number of Flesh Constructs that can be summoned, or at least make summoning work similar to the way Yan Lo's Ancestor summoning works (ie. models are summoned with Wds equal to twice the number of Corpses used in their summoning). As it is the number of Flesh Constructs on the field can get totally ridiculous in short order (McMourning, Nicodem and Rafkin I'm looking at YOU here!)

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What are you talking about,making Nicodem something else than a zombiemaking machine? He has two perfectly good offensive spells (Decay has its problems,see down) and The Fog. Canines are good cheap corpses with a descent damage output and speed + outactivation.

But yeah,some options for Seamus would be good. He's good but the problem is taht everyone else is better. Molly too,needs more options.

And Decay... An awesome spell,but the Gunsymbol ruins it. Remove it.

Give ANico sonething in resistance.

Other than that,comping with above.

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From what the podcasts have implied, the new flesh construct is an absolute beast, so I'd be willing to bet they change up summoning a bit. It is rough that something so signature of the faction is such a pain to actually *do* when the situation even calls for it.

Aside from that, it would be great if Nico got something that didn't target WP, that's all I really want.

oh, and maybe give Nico the ability to just summon mindless zombies directly one at a time or something. Sort of a super limited version of the aNico ability or something.

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They have already stated that special forces are going out the window I believe. Molly is becoming a master so she can hire all the stuff in the faction. I would like to see more unique abilities that give each master flavor. Separate each master more clearly, I.E less overlap of abilities. Make minions that are terrible, better. Make Pre-avatar seamus more interesting. He is too one dimensional.

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Give Molly more hiring options (ie bette) - particularly given that she is expected to be a Master.

Mack and Justin have pretty much confirmed 'Special forces' hiring restrictions are out the window, so Molly shouldn't have too many problems in the forseable future :) .... unless of course they are making her sooooo badass, she needs to have restrictions ! LOL

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How do you reckon Rafkin and RN would be made better? O.o They are almost to good as it is.

But yeah, ol' Morty... Too cardreliant.

There's apparently multiple views on the viability of Rafkin, but RN - I don't think I've ever heard of anyone hiring him except in a Molly crew. He gets summoned a lot and is really good then, but as a model that is on the field from the start of the game, he is very lacking. And now with Izamu on the scene...

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RN is appropriately priced at 10SS (maybe 9SS because its really easy to knock him down to less than half wounds and he loses his three-headed).

The issue is that he draws so much attention from your opponent because no one wants it near them, ever and he has bad defense.

Attach a grave spirit to it and easily worth the 10SS.

Rafkin is different ... he is worth 7SS in Nico's crew but I cannot justify taking him in any other crew. So - I think it is hard to address this without both making him less synergistic with Nico and lowering his SS cost ... but isnt that what make's Malifaux great? You probably wouldn't be taking many Ortegas in non-Perdita crews.

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When it comes to the RN it really is only worth summoning in most cases. Would you really take RN with a GS over Dead Rider or Izamu with a GS (there are times when you might want to, but I rarely ever do)? When it comes to Rafkin, he really only seems good at being a Mindless zombie dispenser for Nicodem and that is about it. Specialists should be priced less due to their limited effectiveness.

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Disagree, specialists should charge a premium to hire, as they WILL be effective at what they do, the problem is when what they do really isn't game winning or reliable, as is the case with Rafkin.

Almost every game system ever created rewards specialization. Being a generalist means that for sure you can fill in in many roles, but they never do any of those filled in roles, well and in general a player needs them to. Would I rather have a model that was ok at melee and ok at control, or an AMAZING combat model?

I'll take the amazing model 100% of the time.

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Disagree, specialists should charge a premium to hire, as they WILL be effective at what they do, the problem is when what they do really isn't game winning or reliable, as is the case with Rafkin.

Almost every game system ever created rewards specialization. Being a generalist means that for sure you can fill in in many roles, but they never do any of those filled in roles, well and in general a player needs them to. Would I rather have a model that was ok at melee and ok at control, or an AMAZING combat model?

I'll take the amazing model 100% of the time.

Guild guard versus witchling stalker or death marshal?

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I'd like to see Mindless Zombies be a part of Nicodems crew, and be a little more Seishin like in how they play / arrive on the table.

I'm hoping a McMourning crew made of big wobbly monsters is more viable to start the game with.

There's other things I'd like to see, points tweaks and some minor revision to stats and abilities which I'm sure will happen.

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What are you talking about,making Nicodem something else than a zombiemaking machine? He has two perfectly good offensive spells (Decay has its problems,see down) and The Fog. Canines are good cheap corpses with a descent damage output and speed + outactivation.

But yeah,some options for Seamus would be good. He's good but the problem is taht everyone else is better. Molly too,needs more options.

And Decay... An awesome spell,but the Gunsymbol ruins it. Remove it.

Give ANico sonething in resistance.

Other than that,comping with above.

Every single game I watch that has Nico in it, The only thing that takes place is mortimer making a corpse, companioning nico, nico makes a zombie, then makes it a better zombie, then walks forward. To me, that is not fun at all. In fact it is the opposite of fun. Boring. I want to see nico doing more, being more characterful. Make mindless zombies easier to pop out, dont make them too reliant of things dying. aNico just flips a card and poof, mindless zombies. maybe put that type of ability on nico. This way Nico can do more, not waste a 0 action, and still keep his summoning motif. And come on guys. Wk 4 pls at least.

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