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Preview of my Adepticon Cemetery Board


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Thank you all so much for your comments. (Except you, Dan. Fired before I even start?!)

I've never done anything like this before and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. Having people enjoy it is just icing on the cake.

I think there is an art to making a nice board. You want to make it awe inspiring and visually interesting. But you have to remember that its for playing on, so you can't go overboard. The trick is finding that fine line between the two. I think I've done a pretty good job of that, if I do say so myself.

It may not seem like there is a lot of cover, but the crypts take up some space. Its not overly obvious from the photos but there is wooded cover built in as delineated by different colored flock. There are some significant wooded areas to deal with. And you can play the head stones as either soft cover or even hard cover, which frankly makes this board not very range friendly, imho, though there are also multiple sight lines and open areas (roads, center) for ranged units.

The head stones are arranged so that 30mm units can pretty freely move around, but larger units will have to take path areas or suffer movement penalties. It will take some planning to get a larger unit to where you want it. It occurred to me as I was setting the location of the stones that it was becoming an outdoor "indoor" board because there are defined corridors and some significant movement restraints.

The thing that really doesn't come out as well in the photos is the change of elevation and I think it makes the board particularly interesting. There is actually about a 4" rise from the center to the highest corner, and at least a 2" rise to each table edge.

Once again, thanks for your comments and I look forward to seeing fellow attendees very soon!

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I don't know... I don't want to be like everyone else saying how great it looks.

First I'd like to point out one glaring flaw. There is not enough cover for either of Nix's or CheatingfatesJoe's crews from my shooting attacks. I can't possibly believe that the Through the Breach's guys will have anywhere to hide there Dreams and Lilith's from Lady Justice.

Lastly I'd like to point out how epically I am in love with this board.

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Looks great. I really like the 'side wall tomes' or what ever that area is by the center tree. I haven't played really at all, but I'd agree that it seems a bit open. Awesome design and execution though! Very inspiring!

Is this 3'x3'?

Edited by madpat
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This looks fantastic. For those worried about shooty bits, if each tombstone counts as hard cover, there is actually quite a bit of cover available for guys to leapfrog to. Plus some hills. It looks great and if shooty really turns out to an issue, just make some more freestanding grave stones and or more mausoleums to add some more cover. It looks the most 'open' near the middle. Maybe just adding some stone or wood fences that kind of follow the road could help with that? Course that's only if you find it a problem after a few games.

I really want to try and do something like this for myself.

Edited by Paddywhack
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Thank you all for your kind words. I was hoping to build a nice looking board that was fun to play on, and generally it sounds like I hit the mark. I humbly thought it turned out rather well. Its gratifying to have other people agree.

Now, its back to painting models after building terrain for the past 4 months!

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