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Everything posted by madpat

  1. Well welcome from one newbie to another! I have seen this popping up more and more frequently! I am also a GW player (20+ years) and loved Necromunda and thier main lines. I won't bother hating on them here, but it does make me sad at some of the choices they've been making the last few years. So far I am liking Malifaux. The cards are a cool mechanic, though even with the 'cheating' they're still mostly a random number generator. I like how many variations there are in the models and crews- makes for fun painting choices.
  2. Just a reminder...next Sunday (the 12th) is Mother's Day for those with mothers! @ Archmage; I am flexable during the week (Monday-Wednesday anyway!). I am pretty new (like 3rd game today), but would like to play more than I am able at Arsenal (on alternating Sundays). Where do you play(or what area of the city do you live)? Had a good game against Jacob Lynch today against a new (to me) player. He helped me alot as I am new and had no idea what the Dark Debts crew was like. I got some decent flips when I really needed them, but would have been doomed for sure had he not offered tactical advice (so Thanks!). I do not like obey! My first encounter with it caused Francios LaCroix to gun down Rami and kill himself (dumb luck trigger). I had to remind myself this is a game, as I was getting a little uptight! I have a feeling this will be a painful learning experience as there are so many abilities and different crews. Thanks again for organizing this and providing tables and such.
  3. Yes, if you are using the slotta bases that are on the metel minis, Zap-a-Gap works fine. You may wish to take a pair of needle-nose pliers and give the tab a very gentle twist so that it actually holds to the base on its own, then add a bit of glue. Another option is glue it in then use 'green stuff' or similiar epoxy to hold it to the base and fill the gap. But the simple answer is yes, if you just use Zap it'll hold fine.
  4. Great write up. As a very new player, it gives me some insight on the Colette crew so I have an idea of what to expect. Looking forward to more write-ups with pics!
  5. Human colored Gremlins! Bah! Green is best! Like the bases, what are you putting on those?
  6. Hello all- I am just starting to 'hopefully' play regularly. I just met up with a couple of local 'henchman' (or 'henchpersons' to be PC) and thier group. Great group, friendly and have a nice location to play. I had a demo for Malifaux at GenCon in 2011 I think (by a guy with my EXACT name) and liked it, but my normal playgroup had mixed feelings so it didn't really launch with us. A local store was running a crazy sale a few months later so I bought three crews in the hopes of demoing it with my group. I painted them up, but never really got to playing. So I have Rasputina's crew and Ophielia's crew(plus three gremlins) painted and Somer's crew and some random blisters to fill out Rasputina (Snow Storm, December's A., Silent One, and a totem) unpainted. I have been playing wargames/tabletop for a long time and play a variety of games including...Malifaux (just learning), Infinity, X-Wing, 40k (rarely), Fantasy(almost never now), Dreadball (just learning), Dust Warfare, and pretty much everything other than Warmahordes (just don't like the aestetic). I am looking forward getting out and playing and learning this fun and 'wyrd' game! End intro...
  7. Looks great. I really like the way the yellow/gold turned out, especially how it contrasts the red vest (good choice).
  8. Thanks for running this. I've always liked the models, but hadn't had much chance to get them out on the table! I should be there on alternating Sundays and can bring terrain if need be.
  9. Looks great. I really like the 'side wall tomes' or what ever that area is by the center tree. I haven't played really at all, but I'd agree that it seems a bit open. Awesome design and execution though! Very inspiring! Is this 3'x3'?
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