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A Clockwork Or... Wastrel


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A big thanks again everyone! I'm really glad you like them.

Outstanding good sir! What's your recipe for the white? It came out spot on!


The white takes some time, but is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it. Over a white basecoat I wash with GW's Badab Black (Nuln Oil in their new colour-range, though Nuln Oil isn't quite as good). Then, using a very watered down white, I highlight up to white again, leaving the darker grey created from the wash in the recesses. Using a really watered down white means you need to do a lot of layers before you reach pure white, but you get a lot more control over the final colour that way.

I hope that's helpful!

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Nice looking wastrels!

Over a white basecoat I wash with GW's Badab Black (Nuln Oil in their new colour-range, though Nuln Oil isn't quite as good).

Army painter washes are the replacement to look at. Dark tone is near identical to Babab black (and strong tone near identical to devlan mud). In my experience, they're almost impossible to tell apart. Here's a page comparing them:


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