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Models that tricked you!


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I am interested in seeing people's experiences with models that seemed one way when you read about them and then experienced differently (playstyle/better/worse, etc.) on the table.

My first candidates are:

1. Rafkin

2. Samael Hopkins

3. Drowned

4. Dead Rider

Rafkin: Just never was close to being as great as I thought he would be when I first got the book. Had really high hopes for him...

Samael Hopkins: I can just never seem to make him be as cool as he seems like he should be when I read his card.

Drowned: Did NOT like what they "seemed" like in the book. Gamer's lounge episode convinced me to try them. Found that I really liked them on the table.

Dead Rider: He performs better than I thought, and I thought he would do well. But where he is considerably different is his board control via drag along. When I first read him, I did not really see just what an impact he would have flinging out with FAST and then dragging select models back into "the pack" to be consumed. The thing I never thought through was the RANGE of the drag because of FAST and his 3 inch melee range, he effectively has about an 11 inch lure. (Actually longer because he can push the dragged model to any part of his base that he wants.)

And the other thing I never considered until using him regularly was his taxiing service for my own models. (Especially Nicodem with a GS temporarily attached)

He is really great and exceeded what were already good expectations.

Its pretty great to be a rezzer right now and think that we have a model just released that would be debatable for taking INSTEAD of him for certain scenarios... :)

(Izamu... I hope to add you to this list soon, IN A POSITIVE WAY, but it would be pretty tough to exceed my hopes for you! :) )

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I wish I could take Samael more, I really do. I think I may even force myself to in some cases, he was in my first box set and it's such a shame I've never really used him.

I hope the Dead Rider and Drowned don't trick me. From what other people say they're the best thing since sliced bread, I'd hate to be disappointed!

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I have faced Kirai's vengeful half many times as an opponent and she always seemed really nasty and something I had to deal with and get rid of. I am only 4 games in but am constantly surprised that Ikiryo is not the wrecking crew I always felt she was.

I know there are others but they are not coming to mind right now.

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Kang, his damage output is a thing of beauty and far greater than I initially thought when reading. after getting him on the table more and more he is really more beaty than I originally had him.


Torakage, I thought the movement shengians would be strong, in practice I'm finding them nearly invaluable as to achieving positional dominace for 10t crews and finding it harder and hard not to include in pure 10t list regardless of master.

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I have never found Sameal to have tricked me. He is absolutely amazing and has always done exactly what he is meant to. He is one of the nastiest ranged threats in the game (even without the target being Ca 6 or higher).

This isn't THAT thread. He is great for you, which sounds AWESOME.

In another thread, I'd love the battle report where you detailed where he was great and against whom/what + details.

In THAT thread, you can feel free to detail where why and how I am wrong about it.

I would LIKE that. I think he SHOULD be better than he has been for me. He just keeps disappointing and I can accept that its all on my head.

In the "better than I thought" category, I have to add Tannen and the freaking Torakage...

He is SO irritating on both sides of the board and the Torakage interactions with other 10T(including Tannen) is sooooo cool.

Edited by Gruesome
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I personally have issues with fielding Mr. Tannen as of current. He is simply too slow to be viable in Pandora OR NB Lynch crews, IMO. As for 10T crews... I have yet to utilize him in regards to the Tora-swap, which seems fairly reasonable. So yeah, Tannen is a bit of a tricky model.

Furthermore, I would be playing Lynch more if Huggy didn't have Feast or Famine. I'd prefer to not group up my models as tightly as I have to in order for Huggy to be wound-free... Even if Illuminated do have Regen 1. :/

One model that hasn't tricked me so much as surprised me is the Rail Golem. From early games against the Golem I found it formidable, yet somewhat... Not frail, but reasonably beatable. However, in my experience making use of it, it seems to be something fearsome, which is pretty rad if you ask me.

~Lil Kalki

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I have evil plans to use tannen when I pick up the misaki boxset. Can't wait to try him out.

As to the topic arcanist gunsmith's. I really fail to see the love with them. I have used them before but they just seem to fall just a bit to short for me. Granted I am a longtime santiago ortega and convict gunslinger user so I just might have too high expectations for them.

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aPerdita kind of tricked me. I thought she was going to be SO AMAZING, and then I got her on the board and realized how very fragile she became. All her tricks for getting a great hand were as good as they looked, but her other awesome-seeming stuff (killing and de-buffing things that attack WP) barely gets used because putting her in battle is a really good way to lose her. It's a shame because she's so cool looking. (I maintain that if she had Black Blood she would be more playable.)

I was mildly unsure about the Brutal Effigy, because I had to give up a totem to take it, but man... I pretty much never take totems anymore because I always want to include the Effigy. It's really, really good. Not that I didn't think it would be worth taking (wouldn't have put it on the table if that were the case) but, wow, it's so ridiculously worth taking.

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I was mildly unsure about the Brutal Effigy, because I had to give up a totem to take it, but man... I pretty much never take totems anymore because I always want to include the Effigy. It's really, really good. Not that I didn't think it would be worth taking (wouldn't have put it on the table if that were the case) but, wow, it's so ridiculously worth taking.

It wasn't just you. When Book 3 dropped, there was a lot of "eh, Brutal Effigy".

I wonder what Book 4's biggest turnaround is going to be.

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For me it's Sonnia. I love her on paper. Usually I end up playing her too offensive, trying to blast everything at once. Then when one opposing model puts her in melee, she dies. Can't seem to play proper with her yet. Just under 10 games with her though.

Another one would be coryphee duet. She looks good on paper, and read a lot about it. But after a couple of games she is even more amazing! Sure, she costs loads of stones, but man she can do everything! She is the best thing of my Colette crew! By far <3

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I have evil plans to use tannen when I pick up the misaki boxset. Can't wait to try him out.

As to the topic arcanist gunsmith's. I really fail to see the love with them. I have used them before but they just seem to fall just a bit to short for me. Granted I am a longtime santiago ortega and convict gunslinger user so I just might have too high expectations for them.

They get much better with Kaeris who can Wd them for one with her self-heal to let them use The Hard Way which gives them ++ to attack and casting. They don't even have to be targeted so Kae doesn't have to do the Wp->13 flip.

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For me it's Sonnia. I love her on paper. Usually I end up playing her too offensive, trying to blast everything at once. Then when one opposing model puts her in melee, she dies. Can't seem to play proper with her yet. Just under 10 games with her though.

Try using a Guardian, you'll be surprised ;)

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What huh? I thought the thread purpose was clear. What models surprised you? You seemed inclined to "correct" me about Samael, by explaining how apparently he was good for you.... That's fine. Explain elsewhere and I will have that conversation.

This is not THAT.

Not so much correction as amazement, meant no offense by it.

The Gremlin Taxidermist and Stuffed Piglets.

Okay, I'd never say they're an auto take in every list but having had one game with them, I honestly think they are a viable list and a worthwhile choice in the current Collodi heavy UK meta.

I would have to agree with this one. They looked decent on paper however after more than a few games with the Bacon Bombing Assasination Run their stock has improved considerably in my eyes.

The Pigapult and Slop Haulers were my biggest surprises as they looked fairly good on paper but are rather limiting. There are definately players that will disagree however out side of a few select lists I have found them to be point sinks rather than assests that couldn't be done without.

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