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Lucas McCabe Mounted Model Quirk


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I was assembling my Relic Hunters box and came across one interesting quirk, so I thought I'd share it to save folks some confusion and/or frustration. Normally when I put miniatures together, especially with the new plastic minis, I keep the stat card in sight so I can have a visual reference. While assembling McCabe's mounted model, however, the sculpt does not match the picture. In the picture, McCabe has the net gun in his left hand and his lasso in his right hand. The model has these reversed.

So, if it seems like your trying to connect a square arm to a round shoulder, you may very well be; try attaching the arm to the other shoulder. :)


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Oh, no arguments here. I love the ultraviolence, edgy look of these guys. They're going to be a lot of fun to paint while I'm on vacation over the next two weeks. Overall they were relatively easy to assemble. On a scale from 1 to "Holy crap Ten Thunders Archers can die in a freaking fire", they're about a 3 or 4. I definitely love these sculpts. :)

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I only have a couple of issues. First, on my Mounted McCabe, he doesn't quite sit on the horse correctly in a way that keeps his legs fully attached flush with his torso. The legs attach separately at the hips and the feet/stirrups fits into slots on the horse's side. For the legs to be in the slots, the width of the horse spreads the legs apart and the hips come out of joint slightly. Maybe this is just a quirk in the way I assembled him. I built McCabe separately from the horse and mounted him after. If somehow I'd assembled McCabe on the horse I might have been able to avoid it. Frankly, not sure how I would've done that since I don't have 4 hands. It believe I'll be able to use some glue and zap-a-gap to pull his hips back together so that it looks right. Will just be kind of a pain.

Second, dismounted McCabe, IMHO, doesn't fit very well on the 30mm base. As you can see from DeusInnomen's photo, his legs are two wide apart and as such have to pretty much rest on the lips of the base. Bad enough on a plain base, but I was hoping to use a base insert, which is even narrower. Going to be a tight fit.

Just some observations.

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Nice to finally see a pic of the assembled crew. I'm definitely going to get this one someday in the future. I really like the Wastrels, looksl ike they're very close to SoS artwork.

Is it just the pic or is Sidir such a big guy?

And a hint if you have trouble mounting McCabe on the steed - put him in boiling water for a few seconds, bend to desired shape and put back in cold water. I've done that with plastics/finecast and it worked well. I think I'd do that with McCabe's whip as it looks ready to snap at first chance.

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I only have a couple of issues. First, on my Mounted McCabe, he doesn't quite sit on the horse correctly in a way that keeps his legs fully attached flush with his torso. The legs attach separately at the hips and the feet/stirrups fits into slots on the horse's side. For the legs to be in the slots, the width of the horse spreads the legs apart and the hips come out of joint slightly. Maybe this is just a quirk in the way I assembled him. I built McCabe separately from the horse and mounted him after.

Ah, I did not actually have trouble getting him onto his horse. As I went to put him on, that was when I first noticed the tabs he attaches with. The glue on his right leg hadn't dried yet (I use a thick, slow drying glue) so I popped his right leg off, glued the left leg's tab to the horse and let that dry. THEN, I glued the right leg's tab into the horse AND onto McCabe's torso. It worked real well for me this way and I have no trouble attaching him. Viruk's suggestion of heating up the plastic would work great too, if you use fast-drying glue.

Viruk, McCabe's whip isn't TOO frail. I wouldn't try bending it or dropping something on it, obviously, but I can pick the model up by his whip and it doesn't snap.

And yes, Sidir is one big damn bastard, he's nearly 1cm taller than the others in the unit. He IS on a 40mm base, too, so at least there's a reason. ;)

---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

Did anyone else have issues assembling the Wastrel leaning on the pick axe? On mine, the gap where his leg joins the rest of the body is really big. Even after filing a lot of the peg it fits into down it was still sitting about 1/16" above the rest of the body. Just decided to blend it together with greenstuff.

I had a similar issue. It's hard to tell, and a tiny bit 'o green stuff will smooth it out. I'm pretty sure it's the top of his leg where it meets the torso. I didn't feel like risking filing that down, though, and I'm not super anal retentive about the models look perfect. I think a few passes over the top of the leg with a fine file would solve this issue though.

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

Second, dismounted McCabe, IMHO, doesn't fit very well on the 30mm base. As you can see from DeusInnomen's photo, his legs are two wide apart and as such have to pretty much rest on the lips of the base. Bad enough on a plain base, but I was hoping to use a base insert, which is even narrower. Going to be a tight fit.

His left foot is flat enough that I don't see a problem pinning him, and he's light enough that just pinning on that foot would be sufficient to attach him securely.

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I also noticed that McCabe comes with the net gun option for the dismounted model, though he can't use it dismounted :(

Yeah but that is a style choice. Malifaux has never enforced a WYSIWYG rule for their models, mostly because 95% of models have no choice with their equipment.

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getting him in the saddle, while also getting his legs into their slots and also keeping his right leg attached to his torso was definitely the hardest bit for me.

I think it worked out for the most part, but there is a small seam at his right waist where the right leg pulled away a little bit from the rest of him in getting the legs set.


Here is the seem at the waist, if it can be made out from my bad photography:


I did not notice until after priming. I may still put a thin line of greenstuff in there and try to get a very light prime on top of that.

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Assembled everything today. No problems assembling anything, including mounted Mcabe (legs glued on to the horse first of course). Minimal filler required, and no problems with the wastrels leg or unmounted Mcabe (who I've got on one leg).

However, has anyone notice that the mounted and dismounted models are mirrors of each other? Noticed initially because the whip swaps hands, but then noticed that his waistcoat is also mirrored. I presume that at some point the 3D data got switched over when designing the sprues - bit of a cock-up?

Despite that I love all the models and am really looking forward to painting them up.

Edited by Clousseau
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