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New Model on Ebay


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Looks like you can find some limited edition material here : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Malifaux-Limited-Edition-/110938593682?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d4749992


Santiaga : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Malifaux-Santana-Ortega-/170898809709?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27ca5ce36d but the page won't open (might be the one). In the list it states 6 days remaining

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Having an ebay account selling it with a rating of 6 may well hurt potential bids, at least in my experience as a long time ebay'er (rating over 500, mostly as a buyer).

And agreed. As I noted in one of the other threads on the topic, these are awesome sculpts and very generous gifts given by Wyrd. What the Henchpeople do with them is their prerogative, and while people are certainly free to voice their displeasure, I feel it's uncouth to try to project one's own opinions and values onto another without any idea whatsoever of their personal situation.

Maybe it's being sold in order to buy a ton of sets to round out their collection and demo possibilities. Maybe they're a student or lost their job, where $150+ would go a long way. Or maybe it's all for hoo...'beckoners' and blo.... 'powdered soulstone'.

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It was simply a thank you from wyrd for doing a lot over the last three months, to promote the game, so for some people who are not collectors, selling the model makes more sense, the money they get still says thank you to them:) (was just surprised at starting bid was all) Just wish I had managed to get oneP

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So one thing that was kinda sorta hited on is that there is a players rewards program that is starting up soon

So chances are that some limited-ish stuff might show up there as well, possilby said model. So yeah, bid to your hearts content but remember that this is a very speculative deal. And I doubht that they made ~100 plastic models pacakged in cardboard boxes. Just setting up the machines would be extremely cost prohibitive. I would not be suprised if there is a run of 1,000 that will end up in circulation. Oh, and plastic molds don't really wear out as fast as the rubber ones.

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Maybe get a sense of humour and/or realize I was nowhere near serious...

The failure of plain text to communicate humour is why emoticons exist.



And yeah, bashamer, the noted participation sticker campaign that's apparently starting up is highly appealing. Hopefully we hear more about it in the near future.

... and get a Henchman in Toronto. >.<

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I just want to get me one, it just gets harder to get all of the models :ShortLeg_Puppet:. Since i'm not a henchman i'll search for one on ebay that is afordable to me. Might have to wait for a long time, or have some stupid luck like winning the lottery (which i don't play **sigh **)

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True, but I figured the ridiculousness of my suggestion would be enough to make it pretty clear, but no biggie.

SHould have suggested lining up to kick them in the shins, or attempt to get a five finger discount on Santana:1_Happy_Puppet2:. Stupid internet not having a good way of transmitting tone.

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It is not I who is selling Santana, I had gotten 2 of them and gave one to my friend. So I thought I would help them out since they are not on here on the forums themselves and get the word out for him. He also lives in Winchester so from an earlier post saying I am the only Henchmen in Winchester, that is true however I am not selling, just simply helping a friend.

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