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The Thing I'm Most Excited About For Plastic


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I just picked up some Beckoners at Gen Con today, and it is true. Furthermore, they have little tabs that seem to fit perfectly into cut-out slots! Could this mean no more teeny arm pins?

Because no more teeny arm pins is something I can get behind.

You were at the Wyrd booth today and I was not introduced?

I am both shocked and saddened.

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Personally, I don't mind pinning the metals and working with them but plastics have another big advantage - the paint doesn't chip off that easily. I spent hours painting my Nightmare DM, finished them off with two layers of varnish and despite all the effort the paint can chip off easily even it they only overturn on a wooden table.

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You were at the Wyrd booth today and I was not introduced?

I am both shocked and saddened.

If I knew how to recognize anyone there, I would introduce myself to everyone! Jonas says you were there when I got my Dark Debts box today, though, and I'll be there tomorrow sometime as well.

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I'm having trouble with the seams on hungering darkness, can't seem to get his two halves completely together with the mouth piece between them. I can actually see through it if i'm looking at it straight on. Anyone else having this problem?

I haven't started building yet. Looking g at the model, I would suggest removing some of the material from the outside of the the inner mouth piece. If I understand you correctly, that should take care of the seams not lining up with the mouth piece in place.

These are REALLY crisp models, I'm pleased with the sculpts!

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I'm particularly excited about the plastic models because they do not chip as easily as metal models from standard wear and tear. Hopefully I won't have to use purity seal any more!

On the note of assembling the new Hungering Darkness mini, is there any chance someone can post a picture of the Dark Debts sprue? I ordered Mr. Lynch and Hungry Hippo but I do not have the box yet and am curious to see what the un-assembled minis look like. Good luck with the new box, monkeysmiles!

<hides jealousy while checking the mailbox :)>

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Thanks everyone, yeah I don't have nail clippers with me (skipped my mind to bring them) so I was just doing my best to take them off with as little plactic stub as I could. Guess i'll wait till I get back home sunday to fully assemble. Hungering darkeness is actually really easy to assemble, its the more humanoid modelst that are in more pieces and I think I have more arms than attachments for them so II think you have a small pool of selection for the arm types you like. (ex: such as tentacly arms or regular arms).

Also I never worked with plastic minis before, what is the best type of glue to use with them?

Oh it is also a fun little game to try to match which piece goes to what since the plastic parts are all together on a sheet :)

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I don't know the scale of plastic minis to classify it sorry,

yeah the gorilla super glue is what I am using though is seems a bit slippery for a good long while unless you have something reliable to prop it i till it dries. I currently am out of my quick dry spray also. I did hear about this polystyrene glue that is suppose to be good with plastics...has anyone used it?

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