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Viruk's paintlog


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Thanks, that's a good reference. I think I may end up changing the color of her hair and redoing her dress too. I guess I'll wait a while until I have a clear idea. In the meantime I'll try to start on the model that just puts me off - HD :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

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Love your guy illuminateds.

Your guy with hungering darkness hat is just awesome beyond words.

The other one is nicely done (especially the face), but the box looks a bit underpainted in the pictures...

The girl illuminated concept art is just too creepy for me to look at for too long, so I don't know what to say about it as a miniature (I just block it out of my mind).

I think the girl ilumni should be painted in over the top chainsaw/deliverance/human centirpede/messed-up style to stand out as a mini for me. If I was a master painter (lol) I'd do a heavy white/pink frilly/lace freehand on her skirt, with a couple of torn up edges for good measure, mud stains, palm shaped blood stain (on the dress) and leftover smeared makeup (her own).

Jakob Lynch miniatures just don't have enough synergy as a group (genre/style vise), the more human looking ones are all cool and wildwesterny and the more neverborn obvious ones are just too creepy to fit well with the human ones. The two guy-ilumnis are just somewhere in the between those concepts and the deplateds,hungering darkness and girl ilumni are just straight out freekshows. Deplateds are more Lovcraftian styled... blah blah, I can't remember what was my point :?

I love the concept of these minis individually, but not as a whole, it messes with my head...

you mean painTless?

I read this: pantieless O_o

Edited by Linus Mcmold
10000 edits bcs confusion and spelling, grammar, think I watched too much youtube today
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Love the paint scheme for the Guild models. It's actually inspired me to finally get my Nightmare Justice box painted.

Also that Illuminated coming out of the guys head is simply amazing. Makes me really want to pick up Dark Debts!

Great job and can't wait to see more of your work as you post it.

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In the end I chose a bleached purple for the dress. The pic is bad as I took it in artificial light but I'll take a better one once it's finished.


Painting her face was tricky with the tentacles glued in and I knew that I basically had one shot at getting the eyes right. I think I've managed to do that.


I also started working on the evil tadpole. Not sure where I'm going with it but at least it's some start...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've finished the last of the Illuminated. I was struggling with taking a decent pic on the dark background I normally use so I switched to a blue one. I think the pics look better now but I'm not very happy with them...


While working on her I also pushed on with painting the rest of the crew and finished Jakob and HD.


I've written that before but have to repeat here again - I'm not a fan of the HD model. It seems somehow too soft to me and not menacing and evil at all. I realize that it's supposed to be an ancient entity that doesn't really have a specific shape but still I would like to see more texture on this model. Perhaps something similar to the manifestation of brilliance coming out of the back of one of the Illuminated.


I was influenced to a degree by Mako's work and the way he painted part of HD's surface. I had a slightly different approach to that but still kudos to Mako for giving me an idea. I was considering adding some gore to its mouth but after thinking it over decided not to as I thought I might be overdoing things.

Jakob on the other hand was a fun model to paint. The miniature is extremely well sculpted and while the surface of his tailcoat and pants is a tad flat, his butler more than makes up for it.

Oh yes, they all glow in the dark




My Malifaux painting backlog is beginning to look better as I've now painted 5 minis this year but... I bought three Illuminated so I'm almost back to square one.

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I used Americana Glow in the Dark Paint. It's semi-transparent with a slightly greenish tint which means that once you apply it, it will additionally help in making the highlights a tad smoother. It's easy to apply but you need at least a few layers when you put it on a small surface to make sure it actually glows in the dark, otherwise the effect will be barely visible.

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Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Now I'm going to go back to my Guild for a while and paint three Witchling Stalkers. These are some of my favorite minis from the range and one of the reasons I got interested in Malifaux. Fantastic sculpts and equally good fluff to go with that.


I haven't made up my mind about the color scheme yet. I really like the studio dark brown schemeand it would go well with my other Guild models that are painted in dark colors mainly. On the other hand I've also seen some nice examples of WS painted in white with red bandannas. Tough choice :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

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