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What was your first mini?


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Wasn't sure if this should go in the miniature showcase or not, but since it will likely involve lots of pictures, I figure this is the place.

What was your first mini that you painted? What was your first conversion? Do you still have it/them? If so, post your pics here.

(My first is on loan currently to a local art showcase that asked if they can display my work. But I'll get it back in a month or so when the show is over and post a pic up then.)

Might be interesting as well to take a pic of your current work as well,.. just to show how far you've come over the years.

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Ooh, good topic!

The first wargaming minature I ever painted was a 2nd edition Eldar Guardian, back when the body was metal and the arms and weapons (including lasguns!) came seperately on a plastic sprue. I still have him, but he's currently in Perth so no pics. :(

My first conversion was probably my 2nd edition Dark Reaper Exarch. I can't remember whether I gave him a missle launcher or a Shuriken Cannon though. :rolleyes:

But perhaps more relevant is my Malifaux!

The first models I painted was the Pandora Starter box. It was the beginning of my decent into Pink... ;)


First conversion was Zoraida. She needed a hat, and a bayou gremlin didn't need a head.


I feel that painting Malifaux models has improved my painting skills considerably. Here's my latest efforts, two years later;


As for conversions, my liking for hats has not diminished. :smugpuppet1


Edited by Rathnard
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Oh how I remember my first painted model, its was a Blood Angel Space marine. The undercoating was so thick I lost most of the model detail! I knew absolutely nothing about painting techniques other than 'brush loaded heavy with paint straight out of the pot onto model' I remember it ended up looking like id just dipped him straight in the blood red pot, also..well.. lets just say my painting of eyes left rather a lot to desire.... if I had photos of it id burn them, noone should bare witness to such monstrosities :P


edit: mind you I was only 11 at the time...

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A barbarian from a company I can't remember, possibly Maurauder but who knows. I was 10 and in Virgin with my mum, saw all the toy soldiers and promptly wet myself with excitement. My mum, being of the arty variety, bought me some paints and some assorted miniatures and so began my life-long obsession with little metal men.

Sadly I have no idea where that barbarian went.

First Malifaux mini I painted was Rasputina, about 15 years on from that day, needless to say my skills have improved somewhat!

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God..the first mini I ever painted....I think, but can't be sure, it was a Dwarf Villager from the Citadel Villagers blister back in the late 80's.

I should still have it, but where..no idea! And i wouldn't think the paint job was particularly good anyway!

As for conversions..never done any yet. Seriously. I've liked all the minis I've had as they are, and even duplicates for Warhammer have stayed the same. Just a different paintjob!

This all might change now though as I am NOT a fan of the tentacles and tendrils on the Pandora avatar model, so will be adjusting that one slightly!

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My first mini was a classic...the chaos dwarf warrior about 14 years ago.

Since then i have dabbled in various toys...Primarily Blood angels and Dwarfs.

I think the first mini i actually painted was a Pre-Slotta Chaos Warrior that my older cousin gave me (when he grew out of toy soldiers-eurgh)

My first Malifaux mini was Hamelin the Plagued starter box but my first painted Malifaux mini was Ramos (i speed painted the starter box for a game at G3 that same night)

I have to say looking back through the years is fun and I really notice my improvement (I mean i can now highlight and shade)

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2 space marine tactical squads, originally spray painted dark blue, then spray painted a neon orange as a base coat for Blood Angels, then spray painted a more red color, with paint straight from the can applied in huge amounts.

Closely followed by an insane number of orks and gretchin which came with the 2nd edition 40k.

First Malifaux mini was Lilith's box set. This has been stripped and repainted multiple times.

I don't remember the first conversion, the first I remember was converting a plastic terminator into a chaos lord. There were some before that.

First (technically) conversion for malifaux was the basing on my mature nephilim. I attached it to a large blob of 2 part epoxy so it would stay on the base and be weighted. My favorite is my repositioning of Nekima so that she is running. My most recent was creating two more Guild hounds from the existing 2 sculpts by swapping the bodies and green stuffing the middle.

My 5 year old daughter's first painted mini was a genestealer in a variety of blue and green colors. Her second was the space marine commander from assault on black reach which was originally an emperor's fist marine, but now is covered in Seahawk colors. Green and Blue over Yellow and Black.

Edited by micahwc
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My first minis were an assortment of LotR miniatures from the animated movie from the late 70s/early 80s. It was one pack each of Orcs of the White Hand, Orcs of Moria, Mirkwood elves with bows, and Lorien Elves with Spears. They were produced by the now long-defunct company Heritage Miniatures and like most first time painters, I used Testors, since that is what I had from model building. The results were pretty awful. Later I repainted them when I had proper paints, but without stripping, so while they were no longer hideously garish, the already poor detail was pretty much obscured. I do still have them, based for WHFB. (It used to be I had to provide a loaner army to get opponents. Now the game is popular enough I don't have to do that anymore.)

First Malifaux minis were the Ice Gamin. Since I hadn't painted in more than six years, I wanted to start with something simple that would respond well to stains and dry-brushing, ust to get the feel of the process again. (Bought the Raputina and Ramos starters at the same time.)

No pictures since I don't have a digital camera or scanner.

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First ever painted mini? The models from the board game Hero Quest...

And since then, everything basically goes through cycles. After a while I realise how bad the paintwork is, strip it and do a better job!

First Malifaux was Kirai. In fact, her lot are all I've painted for Malifaux so far, have 'accidentally' bought Alt lady J now to venture into a thirds crew, before finishing the first!

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it havent been in thes hobby very long like 3 year started at age 10 then stop picked it back up at 13. my first min was a space marrines it turn out bad but for my age it was not so bad i was 10. i lost that mini a long time ago.

my first malifaux mini was the dreamer crew i dont have it any more sold it.

my fist magor convertion was a desolate engine(turned out very nicely) but i done a few weapon swaps and other such low level convertions b4 that. i might beable to get some picks.

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My first mini was the Bloodbowl Starter Box (I think I began on an Orc Lineman). It wasn't *too* bad, although I do wince whenever I accidentally come across them. I'm not counting any minis I possibly painted when my brothers were into 40K ten years ago, as I'm not sure if I actually painted any or just watched them while I made the terrain.

My first Malifaux mini was Nicodem I think, who I painted just over a year ago. I've only got one painted crew - Colette - but that's more than I ever thought I'd do given I don't actually play.

Embarrassingly I can't remember if I've done any converting... My boyfriend and I own converted stuff, I just can't remember who did it and who started.

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Wow,.. this thread has been up less then 24 hours or so,.. and man,.. it's blown up!! I wasn't expecting this many posts so soon.

But I'm glad to see so many having a good time with it. And especially glad to see those who aren't afraid to show their first works.

Thanks for participating everyone!!!

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Some Grenadier Fantasy or Villains and Vigilantes figure from the early eighties, who knows. So long ago.

first Wyrd will be the Dead Justice set I'm working on now, although I've had Lilith, the large Neph and four Tots primered since she was released, could never figure out which way I wanted to go with them. (Yes, it would appear that back before the box sets were a reality Lilith came with four Tots.)

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my first mini(s) I did was an old Mithril (company) diorama of Saruman vs Gandalf (I also did them in Humbrol paints - although some of them were acrylics...):


first conversion (bigger one, other than arm swapping etc..) was an old 40k Ork trekk into a yellow cab:



the first Wyrd mini was - Elecrtical creation:


for the recent stuff you can look at Demonn's Lair

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