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What are your crews asking Santa for?


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My non-gaming wife who is really trying to engage with my hobby, despite hating gaming, has asked what Lilith and co will be asking for when they sit on Santa's knee!

The Tots have asked for a pony, along with a big bottle of Cajun marinade sauce.

Lilith, as usual, has just asked for everything, plus a pair of gardening gloves.

The Mature is resigned to getting socks, but he doesn't mind, as he gets through them at such a rate. He'd like them paired, please.

The Cherub wants nappy rash cream.

Lilitu isn't allowed on Santa's lap, or even in the grotto, after the state the Elves were in last year after she had finished with them.

Lelu just wants whatever Lilitu is having, but he doesn't think he'll get anything, as he's been a VERY bad boy.

Any Christmas lists from your crews?

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The Dreamer wants some sleeping draughts.

P.Magic wants some anti-emetics

The canine remains want a bone. One of their own will do happily.

Teddy wants a hug. From someone who won't squish when he hugs them back.

I got a Nightmare LCB, 3 PW Teddys for Daydreams, and currently waiting on trade completion for two more Teddies XD

Edited by Tarragon
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Pandora wants a Jack-in-the-Box

Candy a new Daddy... the last one died so fast

Kade a new Diaper

Iggy wants Matches... hundreds of them... thousands of them... and GaSoLinE

The Sorrows want a hanky to let loose of their sorrows...

The Doppelganger wants sunglasses to keep him from getting recognized... all the time

The Poltergeist wants some spirit to get drunk with

The Insidious Madness wants a strait jacket... with a lot of sleeves

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Nicodem wants a can of Febreeze.

Mortimer wants a tinder-box or a match.

Both the Vultures want helmets.

The Belles want poles and see-through gear (this was vetoed quite quickly).

Somer wants more 'Shine, and a piggie to ride on.

Ophelia wants a bigger hat, and her Gramma to rock up to play...

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Collette is looking for more friends. Not that her friends aren't the very best she can find- she'd just like a few more theater types for added fun. She admits to me that she'd be happy with a few more exactly like her...

Marcus complains that he is being mis-managed as beastmaster. He reminds me that he's also an arcanist, and could even tolerate a few non-beasts around him, as long as they're useful.

Rasputina is having a glorious month, with or without Mr. Tall, Blue, and Frozen.

Kirai is asking for new flooring. Not that she doesn't appreciate the number of toothpicks that were sacrificed to get her current basing...

McMourning, Molly, and Seamus are asking for playtime. Those silly arcanists take up all of my time, they say.

The Viks have asked to have their contract re-negotiated, and they want friends that can keep up, unlike that burly Taelor and redundant Bishop.

Collodi now has more friends than he could ever dream of, thanks to a small box and a football team's worth of teddy bears...

And X-mas has really come true for Ramos! He can't wait to test out his new Otto Octavius disguise!

Happy Festivus for the rest of us!

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I saw a really good quote last week

"There are three stages in a man's life.

I believe in Santa,

I don't believe in Santa,

I am Santa"

Since I am well into the third stage I have ensured that I will be getting the lovely Sue, some Exorcists and a few other nice guild friends to fill out my collection.

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