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Things I like about Malifaux


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i like how non serious the game, player and makers are, how you decides who wins its not who picks the best models or who rolls the best. i like how its eazy to start you just buy a box. i love the models fluff and look. i love how friendly everyone is. the thing i like most is that our opintions are taken into consideration and they dont just do what they can to make money.

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I like positive threads. :)

Again, like I've said before, I haven't played a single game of Malifaux yet. I've watched a few games. I've bought all the books. I've listened to a lot podcasts. I've read some reviews and some forum posts. Did a lot of research before I bought my first starter box. Bought the terraclips terrain too.

What I like, from the view of someone who just joined.

1.) The setting and it's combination of various genre ideas, visual styles, and various tones.

2.) Wyrd's approach to the model range. I ain't gonna lie, I sort of wasn't too into the models when this game first came out. However, as the game grew and I kept glancing at the models on the store shelf, I noticed they got better and better. Not only new models better than older models, I find it so awesome that Wyrd, this early in the game's life, has gone back and redone all the Book 1 Masters.

Granted, not all of them needed redoing, but it's awesome because some earlier models that they might've felt could be a little better now have a sculpt that can compete against other miniature games in quality. I absolutely love this move. Love it. I'm hoping some older minions get this treatment as well.

Oh ... almost forgot to mention this, but I also love that certain models have a male and female version. This is awesome as well.

If Wyrd continues to do this, I will continue to become a bigger fan. By the way, can you tell I came from another game where certain models haven't been updated since early 90's? :)

3.) Wyrd's willingness to fix things they believe need fixing (and not take too long doing it). I've heard some complain about changes on cards or having to buy a new rulebook, but I love all of this. I rather be slightly inconvenienced into updating cards and having to buy a new rule book rather than suffer through a flaw in the game that gives me a negative experience. Again, thumbs up.

4.) Wyrd made terrain for their game. I hold terrain to be very important on table top miniature games. Sometimes I don't have time to construct a whole game board right away. I love that there is the Terraclips terrain. I like any miniature line that has terrain that you can purchase.

The above four things I've listed are what made me finally plop down my hard earned cash to buy into this game. Congrats, you got another customer.

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I like how I can't eloquently express what it is I really like about this game.

I like how the passion of the Wyrd staff (Hell, why else would they still be going after the amount of grief they cop at times) shines through, and is contagious as hell having dragged myself and a number of other local gamers out of retirement. Not just for Malifaux, but for the hobby in general.

I like that I was naive to think that being a skirmish game meant I could pick up a couple of crews and leave it at that.....Now I've gone all Pokemon for the pewter based crack.

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hrrrmmm let's see...


Holiday encounters

Master & faction stories

The figures

The community & Staff are always there

The encouragement of using whatever scenery you think looks cool, and even justifying making your own special rules for it.

The creative flow of making Campaigns and running tournaments and making your own prizes!

Also, LCB. You gave me the gift of nightmare LCB. It's the only figure I have worth bragging about to anybody that stops and asks about it!

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I like a blind samurai that can beat the ever living snot out of everything that gets to close to her (yes she's a samaurai! that "greatsword" might as well be a nodachi).

I like that they gave her a pistol. I really like that they gave her two!

I like a boy named Sue.

I like that neverborn players can't sleep at night; all those nightmares keeping them awake.

I like that the Guild has a monopoly on Cowboy hats, sure a few have escaped to the outcasts, but we have the good ones.

I like that baby cade can walk...and really fast, I mean that is really great for him, his parents must be proud...what is he, like 8 months? Most children aren't even walking by 8 months and he can out run most full grown adults...just terrific really...I can't even fault his parents for not taking that knife away, if my 8 month old had that kind of coordination to sprint at neck breaking speeds, I'd trust him not to hurt himself with a knife... ;)

I like that my blind samurai doesn't have to witness the mess that is made when she mistifies baby Cade. Keeps her concience clean.


I like the change of pace that card flipping provides (I still like dice rolling too, but thats what DnD is for!)

I like the cover system, voice this over and over, but i hate, hate giving an enemy cover just because I am in cover! Thank you for developing/using a mechanic that allows me to "duck" behind a wall and blow away those saps that walk towards me in the open, without assuming my models are so incompetent that they would shoot the wall right in front of them.

I like skirmish size games.

I like that the complexity of the game gives it so much replay-ability.

I like the terrain rules, flinging things into lava will never get old.

I like having alternative models to choose from for the same character, not every model appeals to every person but pop out two variants and everyone is happy, wow Wyrd, just wow...you guys really should write other companies and tell them because this idea is gold!

I like that I got a free model to offset the cost of my gencon shipping, Seriously who does that? Mcdonalds doesn't give me free fries to compensate for the gas it took to drive there.

and finally

I greatly respect Wyrd for the maturity used to handle the occasional rabble rousing that pops up on the forums, for the focus used in consistently working to improve game mechanics and individual models, for the dedication used in staying true to thier mission of making unique high quality minatures and developing an amazing game system in which to utilize each one of them and for being one of the few companies that treats its clients like people and guests rather then a walking billfold.

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I like how flexible the game is, you can take as much or as little as you want out of it. There's lots of fluffy but you can still play the game if you've not read it. I also like the encounter system not just being about killing things.

I love the way that Wyrd listen to the players, the game isn't perfect but they're always willing to listen when there's something wrong and actually do something about it. I'm sure it's no coincidence that the Wyrd crew creator looks exactly like Ratty's, how many other companies would adopt something fan made like that? And can you imagine the head of GW joining a forum and saying 'nice paint job' and stuff to players, even if it's not one of their minis.

I also like the references in the characters to what has influenced them, from the less than subtle origins of Sue to the more subtle Coppellius/Hoffman connection. The little touches add a lot of appeal for me.

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I love almost everything about the game. As already stated numerous times I love the fate deck concept. I love the models. I love the objective based game play. I love the faction to faction balance/imbalance. I even love the fact that almost all of the models are metal. However the thing that I love most about this game is the "Easy to learn hard to master" concept. Just when I think I have fully figured a master out there always seems to be another layer to that character to uncover. There is always one more combo to explore and to add to your box of tricks.

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As with any other game I've ever gotten into, it's always about the models. I bought Lilith when she was first released (she came with four tots at that time.)

But to keep me around? A clever game with innovative and unique mechanics, coupled with a completely different concept of game objectives. A great bunch of people behind it all, who are very interactive with their player baser, which seems to me to also be a great bunch of people. And the whole concept/storyline/characters/world is pretty damn cool too. What's not to love?

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However the thing that I love most about this game is the "Easy to learn hard to master" concept. Just when I think I have fully figured a master out there always seems to be another layer to that character to uncover. There is always one more combo to explore and to add to your box of tricks.

I'd said the same thing to a potential new player last night. He's looking to get into Gremlins, so I steered him towards starting with Ophelia, as he wanted something straight forward. His brother already has Perdita's crew, so maybe we'll finally get to see that showdown.

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I've thought of something else I really like about this game. :)

I don't play a lot of wargames/minigames, but I do play a lot of RPGs. One of the problems that can come up in RPGs is that you'll have a cool power or attack, and either it's ridiculously hard to use, which makes it almost useless, or you have no reason not to just continually spam it out. I think Malifaux's Fate Deck and Cheating Fate mechanic really help get around this problem as it takes some of the randomness out of those high end abilities and let's you use them more strategically while still not making them your default go-to. It's pretty elegant. :)

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Its really sad that the "things I hate about Malifaux" thread almost reached 20 pages and yet a thread about what you like or love about the game is struggling to reach five.

Negative threads tend to promote more arguments though, which artificially inflates them. so that's the bulk of those kind of threads. ("I hate that Dreamer is overpowered!" "No, he's not!" "Yes, he is!" ad nauseam)

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An Ode To Malifaux;

Oh Malifaux, my dark wet dream.

The Gremlins! With each death a purty smile,

And every fart, worth my while.

LO THE VIKIES! Into foes the ream.


A terrible place for children to be,

But fun for us! Even under the Hanging Tree!

And around each corner a friend and foe!

Here every one has a story!

Every minion and master,

Every beatstick and caster,

A tale of blood guts, maybe a bit of glory.

A flip of a card to seal your fate

Cheat a card or two

After all what can fate do?

Make a joker one card to late

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Asynchronous Victory Conditions.

No more am I and my opponent always scrambling for the same few objectives, this time he's trying to kill me while I sabotage his statue of Krisis the Ever Drama-ridden

Characterful people and troops.

The masters are characters who have their own feel, and their feel is not just who they killed and what heroic stuff they achieved.. Seamus is a nutjob, Ramos is obsessed by Spiders, and Colette is just plain tricksy.

Even better the troops are also characterful. it's for the most part not just third imperial stormtrooper from the left.

Not Dice but Cards.

Dice alternately Hate or Love me, cards with the cheating mechanic and soulstones need to really LOATHE me to give me a truly awful game. That's not to say they havent in the recent past (I had two games last week which were... bad) but it seems more even.

Nice minis.

Partly due to my own buying rule, and mostly due to the style and beauty of the minis, Malifaux is the game for which I have the most percentage of my collection painted for. I almost have all the troops for a single gang painted for goodness sake!

Admittedly I'm not allowing myself to buy any new minis until these are painted but still.

Victory is not always assured.

With some games, if you see certain troops on the field you may as well pack up and go home. Now there are SOME unequal matches in malifaux, but luckily I haven't run into any of them yet (apart from Gremlin Pigs vs anything...)

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