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  • Birthday 06/27/1972

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  1. Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I'll have to tell me friend the bad news about the Razorspine Rattler. That means he'll have to rip it off the 50mm base it's on currently. Thankfully, I haven't gotten my box yet. Thanks for the info though, this helps me prepare bases and stuff. My apologies about venting my frustrations. Heh heh, it's just that it happened to me when I first got into Malifaux first edition. I had the Rasputina box set. I never built any other crew after that. Then 2e rolls around and I'm about to jump into that since more friends are trying it out, and whammo....again with "almost using the wrong base" problem again. Yeah yeah I know....just bad luck, just how it goes. But that's why I was all "WTF".
  2. Hey everyone, I'm asking this on behalf of a friend who has the starter box. (Also for future reference, I want to know too, because some day I plan on buying it as well) Now, he doesn't remember what sizes came out of the box, but he said he had to put Cojo on a 50mm base because there was no way he was going to fit on a 40mm base. It so happens, in the FAQ, Wyrd has decided that he is now a 50mm indeed. I was a little annoyed because I suddenly had flashbacks to the Ice Golem in first edition. I remember doing that base all nice with ice and rocks and then finding out later they changed the base size. I had to destroy that base to get the Ice Golem off of it. Its 2nd edition and this is still happening? Anyways.... ...Okay, so Cojo is now on a 50mm. The FAQ just says only him. It doesn't mention the Razorspine Rattler. That card still says 40mm. However, pictures on the internet of people showing off their completed Claw & Fang set shows that the Razorspine is on a 50mm too. So my question is, what's the story here? Is the Razorspine now a 50mm and they haven't updated their FAQ? Or its just that the majority of people transfer it onto a 50mm even though its suppose to be 40mm? Thanks for any help.
  3. Got an e-mail about the public beta forum but when clicking on the link, it says I don't have access. Is it limited access to certain people only? Or is it just not "open" to anyone right now?
  4. Sorry if this has been posted somewhere. It most likely has and I missed it. I've seen tabletop geek post on their website a more comprehensive index, but it looks like its only for the first rule book. Has anyone done a new one for the small Rules Manual? Last night it took quite a long time to see how many corpse counters a particular model dropped. We were sure it was like two or three, but wanted to double check. So we checked for "Corpse Counters/Counters" (pg18, but just tells you how big they are and how to pick them up and carry them) and then "Graverobber" (which is not in the index)....nope...nothing...well, I'm sure Graverobber is in the quick reference at the back of the book.....no....not there either. Then we eventually found it under "Characteristics".......at the front of the book page 9. Would've been easier if the Index just had an entry for Graverobber. Or if the entry of counters referenced graverobber and scavenger so i can then flip to it from there. At the very very beginning of me playing Malifaux, it took us forever to find the rule for "Paired". Wasn't under Abilities (although we could've sworn it "felt" like it would be an ability)....later, while looking up the modifier for Soft Cover.......there it is! What the ? Anyways....anyone make a new Index for the small Rules Manual?
  5. Thanks djkickz. The Gremlins look great! p.s. I was at the podbean page, I didn't see any links to Mike's twitter there. Maybe add links there? Unless, Mike likes that it takes a little effort to find.
  6. Hey guys, I'm listening to the episode right now and at around the 19:05 time mark, its mentioned that Conrad saw your latest miniature painting on Twitter. So, just for context, I wanted to see what he was talking about and paused the podcast to check out the twitter. Does he mean this twitter feed? https://twitter.com/malifools I don't see any miniature pictures there. Unless, I'm looking at it wrong or something.Or is Conrad talking about a non-Malifools twitter that you have? A personal one that you're keeping private? I would like to check out your painted Malifaux miniatures please.
  7. Thanks everyone for the replies. This totally helps a lot. I will be playing Distract as you guys have suggested. Removing the deployment zone markers after deploying.
  8. Still getting used to the rules and how to find them in the book. I apologize if some of the answers are on obvious pages in the rulebook. Question 1: When playing the Distract Strategy, do you remove whatever markers you were using during the deployment phase and measure for the conditions of Victory out the end of the game? Or do you leave the deployment zone markers on the board the whole time? Question 2: My friends and I play multiple game systems and thus, some pieces of terrain from other games make it onto the table during our Malifaux games. In particular, the Warmachine/Hordes ubiquitous linear obstacle. In that game, you're free to move over it. I assume in Malifaux, it costs you 2" of movement to move over it? That's how we've been playing it. Are we doing it wrong or is this okay? Question 3: I'm about to play in a match versus a lot of Spirits. So I'm flipping through all my model stat cards looking for something with a Magical weapon. Unfortunately I have none. However, I assume that my attack spells are considered "Magical" right? The Spirits will take full damage from those right? I mean, you can say "No duh.", but I can't find a place in the rulebook that says it specifically. An opponent can argue that my Rasputina "December's Curse" summons sharp ice hurting you but the ice itself isn't magical....the act of summoning it and shooting it at me was, but the ice itself is just regular ice....or something like that. I don't think this argument would be made but just in case it does someday I can point to a page in the rulebook. Anyways, thanks for any help you can provide.
  9. You mean it would be 7 hours IF we expanded the time to 2hrs per game with 30 minutes between each round? Well, if we did 105 minutes instead of 75 minutes, (and if by rounds you mean number of games you play) wouldn't it be like this? 10:00 am - 11:45 am Game 1 30 minute break to clean up and get ready for lunch. 12:00pm - 1:00pm LUNCH 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm Game 2 30 minute break to clean up and move to next table. 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm Game 3 Yeah, that's pretty grueling. I'm sorry if I'm making you explain it to me because I've never been to a major con tourney before, so thanks for taking the time. Can you split the tourney up into two days?
  10. But doesn't this punish those that do want to dedicate that much time to a tournament? You know what I mean? I assume there are those that travel far so they can compete in a higher level format but if the experience isn't too different than a casual tourney at a local store, then why take the effort to travel? I would assume the goal is to provide the players with an experience they can't get outside of Gencon. Thus, making it worth the trip. Unless, the goal isn't about providing a higher tournament class environment, and its about just having a forum for players from all over meet and socialize, then sure...that's okay. I'm assuming that many that enter the tournaments are doing so because that's the main reason why they attend Gencon. Then everything else is just cherries on top. If you're attending with the tournament as the main feature, I would assume you don't mind burning a full day or two on the tourney. Although I'm aware this assumption could be wrong. Would love to hear from others.
  11. I've never been to one of these large convention tournaments. Why were they set at 75 minutes and not like around 1:45 or even 2:00 just to be safe? Is it really so important to be done by 6pm? Just wondering...
  12. Heh heh, there is nothing in that Wonder Girls video that remotely is "visually" Malifaux. You just wanted an excuse to post up another k-pop video didn't you? Well, outside of music videos. I really like the art direction (sets, costumes, lighting,etc) of such movies like "From Hell" and the recent Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies. But the original poster was just asking us what Malifaux model should he use when he paints one up like Katy Perry from "Wide Awake" or Minaj from Guetta's "Turn Me On."
  13. Maybe alt sculpt Pandora or Rasputina? You mean the costume Katy has with the dark dress and purple hair? Or the costume with the gold dress? You might have to be more specific on which costume variation in the video you're referring to. Yeah, that's a great looking video. I love the art direction. Is the director or art director a geek like one of us? Totally. Does he or she know about Malifaux? Maybe not, but it also wouldn't surprise me if they did. Here's maybe, another possible music video inspiration: "] But please keep in mind that this singer and her label is aiming at the teen pop audience, so my apologies if you're immediately disgusted with feel good pop music. Which is not very Malifaux at all - this one has a more "Disney" vibe to it. I know gamers have a variety of musical tastes, but I'm assuming most of you out there have more edgier musical tastes. Regardless, there is some decent art direction and cool gadgets in the video. No where near on the scale of the Guetta/Minaj video though. Meh, you might find some neat idea in there somewhere maybe. Or you might like the look of gears and stuff turning.
  14. Hello, I'm still a newbie when it comes to Malifaux. All I know, from listening to old podcast episodes is that last year you could order new Malifaux models online at the same time they became available to Gencon attendees. However, if you didn't order during this time, you then had to wait for them to be released later in the year at their "regular" in store release date. Is that how it went? If so, is that happening again this year? How do I take advantage of this opportunity if it comes up again? I would very much like to get a hold of those Ten Thunders minis (plus whatever else that looks cool). Is the link at the top of the thread an actual pre-order? Will those things be shipped at the time they go on sale at Gencon? If I'm not able to get them, then how long do I have to wait before I see them in stores? Thanks for your help.
  15. Darn those marketing people trying to trick us! I didn't go look up the credits for Tai Chi O. I just assumed Stephen Chow has produced or something on it. But if he hasn't, then bleehhhhh. It seems the director for Tai Chi 0 was the same on one House of Fury. Which I didn't like too much. The writer from Detective Dee is on the film though. That doesn't really mean anything. LOL. I'll still give it a chance anyways.
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