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Cartoonish or Gritty?


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well, having not painted for several years now i have no idea which way the muse will take me! But I always used to paint my Warhammer figures in the dark gritty style...just felt right.

Looking at the malifaux figures i'm inspired to try several different options: I think i want to try Black & White for the Dreamer crew (kinda like the old horror movies), whilst the showgirls will be bright and colourful!

That just shows the adaptability (?) of Malifaux models to fit in with whatever style you choose, and won't look out of place!

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Personally I prefer the gritty realistic painting style for my own models (one reason I wont be buying the new Alternate Some'r model is his very cartoonish build).

I think that what you are reacting to is the 'cartoony' paint job that has been published.

I didn't like Miss demeanor for the same reason, but once I saw the actual model, I realised that with a minor repose and different style of paint job she would look a lot more credible.

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My style changes depending on the miniatures and the overall look I want for them.

Same here. Some models, like Freikorps, just seem better suited to gritty realism. Whereas other models, are just begging for something a bit more cartoonish.

Case in point, I'm still debating whether or not to paint my Viktorias as Darkwing and Negaduck (after modding them both to have trench coats, masks, and maybe fedoras). I was all set to do so, but then I started wondering if maybe Sonnia and Kaeris might not be better candidates for these diametrically opposed cartoon characters.

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Saved myself some money on my GW Tau by using this method. Just a couple of Tau shaped footprints in flocking on the base. After all,... they are "stealth suits",...

As GW subscribes to "What you see is what you get" when dealing with models and their weapons and armor, I'd say you were completely correct for doing so. If I can see models that are supposed to have stealth suits, then my army can see them too.

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Went back and looked at my models, i'm pretty sure i fall into the gritty realism category but feel free to look and let me know?







The Plague


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

At the moment I am painting everything more cartoonish/fantasy, but I've only painted models that I think fit in the more comical side. Some of the new M2E boxes would definitely look better in gritty/realistic but I'd just need to know how to paint that :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to prefer cartoony, or very vibrant models, but that stems from a photographic standpoint. Some of the most beautiful models I've ever seen have used a very muted, almost dark, monochromatic color palette. While they look amazing on the table and even under close scrutiny, they are maddening to photograph. The camera lens doesn't pick up as much subtlety as the human eye does.


For my own models., I try to paint as vibrant as possible, when I can, in order to make the colors and details visible form afar. I like to see them on the table and think, "Wow... those look great! I painted all that!" Yeah, it's an ego boost and purely self-gratifying, but I like it. :P hahaha! That being said, they don't all look good under close scrutiny. I definitely need to push myself to take the highlighting higher than I normally do, as while I'm painting them, they look great right in my face... but on the table they sometimes look a bit flat. Just my own shortcomings.

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