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Cassandra- also with diamonds


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Some of your best work! Inspiring.

Hair and eye shadow are top notch.

However, some criticism: I'm not a fan of the sword in gold. Add to that the entire mechanical apparatus is the same gold and it looks unfinished. I think varying the gear-thingy, attaching plate, and/or screw, if not at least the hilt, would have added a lot to the metal area interest.

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great work. How did you do the stage floor bases, plasticard?

To be fair, I did not make these bases- my client did.

They were made from plasticard- it looked to me as though he first cut the plasticard into base-insert sized circles, then took a hobby knife and cut across the surface to create the planks (he did not cut all the way through). He added lines to create the ends of planks too. He also cut smaller scratches into the surface to create an uneven wood grain effect.

He then took a very small drill or some other pointed tool and created two small indents next to the ends of the boards (to make it look like that was where the boards were drilled into place).

Altogether, it was very convincing. When I painted it, I wanted to do something similarly convincing and so I painted a wood grain pattern onto the surface before adding gloss to create the look of a well polished stage floor.

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Well, technically this crew isn't actually mine. I've painted them for a commission, so they'll be seeing play elsewhere.

Too bad they are very nice. BTW this is why I wont paint models for other people, I just cant bear the thought of putting all that work in just to send them away (not that I am anywhere near this level).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Honestly i think the makeup on the face is what makes the model pop the most. I have seen very few examples of people painting "realistic" looking makeup on a model of this size.

Thanks. I was using some techniques I picked up from Marike Reimer at Gencon. She does some stunning faces, and I wanted to try my hand at her makeup techniques. I will be using them quite a bit in the future.

Too bad they are very nice. BTW this is why I wont paint models for other people, I just cant bear the thought of putting all that work in just to send them away (not that I am anywhere near this level).

Well, it is all made worth it for two main reasons:

1- When I paint something like this, it gets appreciated. I really love doing high quality work like this as it allows me to really show off, but also stretch a little as a painter.

2- Well, I get to do this full time. I don't have a day job, I just paint miniatures all day. Some of the minis that I paint are for me, so they stay in my own display cabinet, and while many more of them are mailed away, if I did not do this for a living, I wouldn't be able to paint anywhere close to as many great minis.

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