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Painting Tunes

Mister Shine

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Presumably we all paint here, but we also all presumably don't just stare at models for hours with no distractions:

So what do you have on in the background while you paint?

I used to throw on TV, but found it a bit too distracting, so lately I've taken to playing some Parov Stelar. The right amount of beat to keep me painting steady, but not so much as to get me up and dancing. Usually.


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I tend to do all of my painting in my bedroom (better light for it than the rooms downstairs) and tend to stick a dvd on in the background, that way I get something to stop the tedium when I'm working on long winded models and have something to watch whilst waiting for paint/ink to dry.

I used to play music, but ended up singing and dancing along to it far to much to paint tidily, lol.

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Oddly, perhaps, I listen to the Tron: Legacy soundtrack. Like, over and over. It started as my background noise for writing and modeling Warhammer 40K, and just became the standard. I have also had The Planets by Gustav Holst and the soundtrack to Gladiator playing at times. Basically just grand symphonic style awesomeness that facilitates emotional and mental stimulation with as few distracting lyrics as possible. :)

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I'm a podcast addict. Aethervox, league of extraordinary geeks, flagons and dragons really what ever catches my attention at the moment. If anyone hasn't given the guys at the Aetherbox a listen please do, it's a great show with tons of great info.

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I tend to try and match the music to the project. So, for example if I`m painting something cowboy like I`ll listen to The good, the bad & the ugly soundtrack or Bon Jovi, if its undead maybe The Misfits. It helps get me in the right frame of mind. Then again I often feel like I want to move onto the next project which has me listening to something faster in an effort to speed up my painting!

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Myself, I play some music on my laptop next to me while painting. I usually listen to lordi, ramstein, tatu, Hanzel Und Gretyl, disturbed, genitoturers, and some good old fashion industrial techno. That or I work in complete silence and enjoy the sound of silence. Especially when heather is sleeping -_-

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