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Let's crown the king of the Henchmen


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Ophelia is my favorite Henchman simply do to her sculpt. I think she is the most beautiful sculpt I've seen from them. I'm looking forward to painting her.... I also really like the look and feel of the Young LaCroix. They're gritty and totally BA.

Fixed some Errors in your post ; )

Edited by FancyZergling
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I have to admit I'm really surprsied at the vote turn out, but given I have Hulk Hogan and his midget wrestling show added on facebook I'm not surprised by him being voted 1st, especially given how strong he is.

But Ophelia being 3rd place is a tragedy! Her grotesque little sculpt and funtastic background and GREMLINS 2 PEOPLE! WATCH GREMLINS 2 AGAIN!

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The versitility of Von Schill is just undenayable.

He works well with almost evey master in game at the moment.

He doesn't suffer the normal "I'm a henchman you can't pick much" when he leads.

He has good damage, maneuverbility and resilience.

I'm looking forward to Kaeris and Molly actually coming out, and seeign how they play.

Opheilia, Lucius and Colodi are all pretty god both as leader and as minion.

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Game play power wise I'd chose Collodi first, followed by Von Schill for his pretty much awesome abilities and utilities.

I was sickened in a game where I was playing against Collodi/Zoraida and on first turn Collodi and his Marionettes not only planted all the evidence in a shared plant evidence match, but survived a combined assault of a Shikome, Datsue-Ba, and 2 Gaki. The puppets lost 2 marionettes and in exchange killed the Shikome, both Gaki, and reduced Datsue-Ba to very low wounds, who only survived because she was swirled away.

Appearance wise, I'd vote Kaeris. I've had no interest in her at all up until the revealed the unpainted sculpt for the model and even I had to admit is was one of the best sculpts I've ever seen. It almost pushes out my current favorite sculpt in favor of itself.

Favorite Henchman all round. Molly. I've wanted her to come out since I started playing the game. I've been proxying her lately and while I like her quite a bit I'm a little disappointed that she isn't anywhere near as good mechanically as the other henchman. I'm hoping my opinion will change once her model comes out, or additional Horrors come out.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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I chose a few of the Henchman;

I am a huge fan of Ophelia (for obvious reasons) I just really think her model (and crew) are fun.

I also really like Molly, since she is such an asset for my other favorite Master (and Avatar). Plus I like the look of her.

Voted on Lucius and Vonschill since I consider them the strongest of the Henchman.

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I had to go with Collodi. IMO He's just flat out the best henchman. I have Von Schill and won't play Mercs without him, and while he is great as a merc, I just don't think he's quite at that same level of power as Collodi. I also love Collodi's fluff. I just don't play him because his sculpt looks like absolute garbage...to the point where I don't even want to look at him.

Ophelia/Kaeris are probably tied. Ophelia for fluff/fun, Kaeris for pure coolness / gameplay.

Though I like him, Lucius is 4th. He's cool, total bastard in the fluff, but lacks a bit of...something...gameplay wise.

Molly, though I'm a diehard Zombie fan outside of Malifaux (the only real reason I play ressers lol) is last on my list. I agree with Fetid that she seems a little underwhelming. Further playtesting is required I guess.

Edited by Necromorph
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Being pure, undiluted Resurrectionist, I wish I liked Molly more from a game play perspective. Her uses seem so narrow compared to a Von Schill or a Collodi (or even an Ophelia). She seems like an okay utility hench to tag along with a genuine master, but I'm not sold on her leadership abilities. I hope I'm wrong!

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