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Sue Appreciation

Mister Shine

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fantastic idea for a model, and my Guild crews are gonna love him soooo much!

And I will be keen to see how he is assembled as a model...If the guitar is separate, I may just be buying two...as without the guitar, he is pretty much how I envisioned my character Absolution Black (see my sig) to look!

So one for the game, and one for the shelf as the start of my self made crew!

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Nah, you could normally take Sue with Von Schill if he didn't have that stupid f**king rule. Schill's hiring restriction limits him to mercs and 'korps only, and the viks are just any mercs. So it would work. Then...there's that rule, and everything goes out the window.

Edit: Ah, you're talking about other factions hiring them both. Yeah, you wouldn't be able to anyways.

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Its going to be interesting to see Sue VS a Zorraida crew. I think its going to be a serious battle for who gets first go: Sue trying to Tread the Line to get Duty out or Z to make Sue Hurt

Same thing against Pandora. His Aura shutdown her maneuverability and her 1 damage trek across the board.

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Sonnia Criid (8ss Cache)

aSonnia option (2ss)

Sue, The man in Black (8ss)

Fire gamin x3 (4ss) = (12ss)

Guild Ephigy doll thingy (4ss)

Burning token amazingness, and some healing for sue to feed me cards! Sameal can suck it!

And no Sonnia to stop Zoriada from obeying him!

Edited by Akujie
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Was bored and idly flicking through what I have and trying to see how I could crowbar Sue in. Which limits him to Colette or Kirai, and Kirai has seen more table time than Colette (tho neither's seen much!).

Anyone think he'd be worth a laugh in a Kirai crew? And if he's in (without a shikome at the start of the game) would you then be prevented from summoning a shikome since she's wicked? I'm not sure he'd be any use but I want to find some excuse for him (other than that he's Sue!)

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Who isn't? :)

It just helps that on top of the coolness he is always a really good model.

I don't like country music of almost any sort and I still love Cash. And I'm so happy they included his cover of NIN as part of his abilities.

His abilities are thematic, cool and I can see a lot of use for him. I can't wait for him to come out.

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Its going to be interesting to see Sue VS a Zorraida crew. I think its going to be a serious battle for who gets first go: Sue trying to Tread the Line to get Duty out or Z to make Sue Hurt

You know, as a Z player I think that's a battle I wouldn't mind playing, since Sue loses alot more from going second than Zoraida. :smugpuppet1

Being unable to obey enemy models is a pity, but it won't stop Zoraida from obeying her own minions, plus Duty has no effect on Bewitch. As an added bonus, Zoraida will Know that Sue will be the first enemy model to activate, allowing her to plan accordingly.

Sue, on the other hand, does not want to be Obeyed by Zoraida, since the Hurt action is just nasty when it's Zoraida who benefits from it.

Also Shrug Off has no effect on a Voodoo Doll's Conduit, so he's likely to get poisoned and Hurt to death over the course of the game.

That said, this is a Sue APPRECIATION THREAD, so...

I'm also very excited about using Sue, ironically, in my Zoraida Crew. :D

He's a toolbox minion, which is just the kind of model I love to take. Sue has some great shooting for Zoraida to Obey, plus Six-string Inspiration should be handy when Zoraida's taking a crew of low-Wp models, or models with Wp-based attacks...like Stitched Together. ;)

But my favorite is the fact that he's got Shrug Off. Together with McTavish and Papa Loco, that's now three models you can Massive Does with a Nurse, and then Shrug off the sacrifice effect at the end of their activation. :smugpuppet1

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