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Tourney Question - Why?


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Was thinking about this today while our local Henchman was running an event (alas, I had to work, so I couldn't hang for it)

Since I started wargaming, I've done plenty of tourneys... a couple years ago, I basically gave up on going 'cause they stopped being fun... (which, ultimately, I decided was more important than any other reason to play)

For all you current tournament players,

What makes the tourney better than just regular, casual play?

basically, why do you do it?

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Because that's how people work.

They start small and get bigger, commit more.

For example, let's say you're interviewing Michael Phelps after he's won his eighth gold medal and ask him what his plans are. He's not going to say, "Well, 8 is enough. I'm just going to go sit on the couch and eat ice cream until I die."

When people do things, they continue to improve them. And if they can't keep continuing to improve and compete, they move on.

So, let's take miniatures games. You start out playing a few games with your friends. You get better and better, you know your crew inside and out. And so you ask yourself, "what's next?" You want more of a challenge. This is what leads us to tournaments. And it's why I hate it when "competitive" tournament players are viewed as ruining what was a fun, friendly game. It's just the next natural step in the gaming experience. And, obviously not all players go that way, but they keep improving in other ways. Maybe they start a new faction, focus on painting, etc. But they keep growing, or they find a new game.

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I really enjoy the tournaments I've been in just because I've come from warmachine tourneys where it was specifically caster kill. It's a bit more fun to play each round with different scenarios and playing lists that are catered to the strategy you're using rather than playing a cheese list

Just a note, while many games can and do end that way, scenarios are important in Warmachine as well. You come with two set lists rather than design your lists on the spot though. I just feel this is misrepresented a lot.

While I haven't played in a Malifaux tournament yet, I am a Warmachine and former Magic tournament player. While we don't really have a Malifaux scene or crew yet for me to be fully used to, I am looking forward to when I get to know the game better and get to make it to a tournament because I love tournaments in general. Few reasons too:

1: New people. Generally, your local game nights tend to be the usual crew. Get a tournament and you can get people from an hour or two away to join in if there is another crew there. And that's just for a local tourney. Get major events like Gencon and you have a ton of people from even farther away. My friends and I at Gencon, playing in Warmachine tournaments this year, didn't play a single person twice. Nor even had the same opponents at all. It brings a certain freshness to the experience.

2: Playing multiple games. Tourneys are draining, but fun because you play more than a game or two, which seems to be the average for most local game nights I've seen. Most people don't want to take out their entire day to play game after game of anything unless their is SOMETHING on the line. Whatever prizes or tourney bragging rights tend to get people to take the time off work or away from the rest of their lives to throw down game after game. (And even after conventions of playing Warmachine day after day, game after game, I end up going home wanting to paint and build new lists right away. There is something about it all that really gets you invigorated too)

3: This is honestly where I am going to potentially come off like a jerk, though I really don't mean it like that. But frankly, quality of players. Playing at the local nights, if you are a more competitive player than other parts of the local crew, you still have to play against people for whom it seems unfair at times. Yes, you can handicap yourself or try to pull punches, but it is inevitable that within the community, certain people get labeled "casual" and others "hardcore" or whatever terms you want. Win or lose in a tournament, one of the things that is fun is that generally aside from the first game, you start gravitating to wherever you belong in the pack which ends up giving you closer games. And the closer the game is, the more fun I think it is. I'd rather lose a really close game than win one without needing to try.

I love tournaments. I still love our casual play nights, but tournaments are the big one for me, whether I'm running it or playing in it.

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I generally get 1-2 wargames in a week down at my local club, that is across all the systems I play. So tournaments is an opportunity to get a load more games in and when they're 2 day events there is usually a great social event to attend in between the two. Getting to play against a wider range of players is also good as it's always nice to meet new people with a shared interest and see their take on the game.

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People play in tournaments because they enjoy competition and want to test your skills.

As a Henchman the majority of my play time during open play is demos. Even when its not I feel obligated to help my players out, give them ideas, talk strategies. I want every one to improve and enjoy the game.

Tournaments ran by other TOs are about the only time where I feel I can take off my Henchman hat for a while and really just push my game to the limit. Even then if I get paired with a new player I probably hurt myself by helping them out.

I like a good tournament scene as long as its kept low key. My players come to play and win but no one is crying if they lose. Everyone is just there to have a good time.

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pretty similar to Nilus. I love to play and don't have much time at home, so going to a tourney gives me the chance to have a day of play without having to explain rules and stuff, I just let the TO handle it. I don't play to win, so I like seeing tough lists that I wouldn't normally see. my last tourney I won 1 of 3 but I had more fun than I can remember!

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