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Henchmen: Who are you looking forward to getting an upgrade the most?

Jonas Albrecht

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Id rather not see Sonnia jump ship.....but having read book 3 I can see Mr Hopkins leading the Witch Hunters in Sonnia's absence I think he would make a good Henchmen.

Now that the Arcanist's actually have the union members Johan could upgraded to a Henchmen but restricted to union members and Soulstone Miners.... the possibilities are endless.

I also think Nekima is an obvious Henchmen in waiting.

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My preference: entirely new characters.

Hopkins is a good shout (Witchlings and Guild Guard?), but really - the way things are in certain factions there's no real room for expansion. Raspy has her Winter stuff, Colette the showgirls etc. They're not "Faction" models at all really. There's too much synergy with theri own subfaction.

Hell, looking through Twisting Fates you can pretty much divide the minions into one per master, one extra and an Effigy.

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I guess from my humble opinion with that is why? You would need to give her hiring restrictions/unless full fleshed master and she can take everything colette already can so it wouldn't really be a new spin or anything it would just be a new and kinda from my opinion useless retool. Now granted if you really disliked colette and didn't want to include her it would make the most sense but to me atleast it would appear to be unneeded.

Or, perhaps Henchman Cassandra allows you to play a Showgirl crew in a different style. She doesn't have to be a carbon copy of Colette.

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I'd like to see the Governor as a master. He is a character (in the fluff) that keeps getting better and more intriguing. I think it's time to unleash him upon the enemies if the Guild (that includes me haha).

This... +some ridiculously large number with so many zeros, only some extremely nerdy mathematicians have actually heard of it.

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Absolutely no on jack daw. If he had access to ss he would become an absolute beast and would probably cause more game balance issues than dreamer currently causes. He already has the ability to make just about every master with a walk of 4'' or less useless (exceptions being master's with push mechanics) from turn 3 on (in some cases early as turn 2).

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Has any of the major supporting models (Samuel, Francisco and the likes.) shown any talent at manipulating the power in the Soul Stones? I have not seen any and that seems to be the difference between a powerful minion and a Henchman/Master.

Of course there are those that have developed the ability long after their trip throw the breach and the Event could be an excuse for unleashing their hidden power but they will still need to be able to manipulate Soul Stone to be upgraded.

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While I probably wouldn't play her as a henchman, I'd also like to see Cassandra as a henchman if only to allow more novice players start with a showgirl-like crew. Both my wife and my niece love the models, but the crew itself is too rules-heavy for them to run successfully. Maybe have a "showgirl recruit" special forces list where you don't have full-fledged performers but you have scrappy cocktail waitresses, stage-hands, devoted fans (LOL we need those models for Cassandra totems) and maybe even a unique bartender.

Fluffwise? Hopkins, why not.

Also one vote for Joss!

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Absolutely no on jack daw. If he had access to ss he would become an absolute beast and would probably cause more game balance issues than dreamer currently causes. He already has the ability to make just about every master with a walk of 4'' or less useless (exceptions being master's with push mechanics) from turn 3 on (in some cases early as turn 2).

They would probably change his rules and make him broken like Hamelin, the Plagued...

Jack Daw as a henchman/master would be pretty cool. Especially if you consider the fluff from book 3. If he ever remembers who he should be looking for (don't want to give anything away) I could see him increasing in power.

edit: He also is the poster child for the game, so it wouldn't surprise me if they went they route.

Edited by Cornelious1424
forgot to add something.
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