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All comer or tailored lists??

Da Git

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hey guys, just curious as to what people tend to use/make?

do you:

A. build a a crew & pretty much use that for all encounters or

B. organise a game, decide which master/faction you & opponent are playing (&/or schemes as well) & then build crews

coming from a 40k tourney player (cost too much to have a massive pick & choose army), i like the idea of an all comer crew as it allows you to really develope its tactics & forces you to improvise & make best use of what you got...

I'd love to hear peoples thoughts & what the norm tends to be...

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One of the things I like best about Malifaux is the scope of choice available in crew selection, and how you can tailor your crew to (a) your opponent's Master and (B) both players' Strategies.

However, I also enjoy making up a crew (usually in Ratty's Crew Generator) as an all-comers crew with a bit of everything, and then pitching up to play a game with that crew, regardless of who my opponent is or what Strategies we get.

Basically, I like the flexibility of playing however I like, and I like that it is built into the rules that way.

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I usually make the crew in advance, simply because I dont want to carry all of my Malifaux models around at once.

Last tournament i played in (Just a club one) we had to bring a single crew with a minor sideboard, but we're probably going to go with two full lists from now on.

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I have *always* been an all-comers list guy, as I thought it encouraged innovative play style and was necessary for tourneys which constituted the vast majority of my games.

However malifaux actually has an in-built list tailoring system that is arguable a part of the balancing of the game as a whole. As such I am open to the idea and looking forward to seeing how it plays out in gaming events.

We will probably be starting with almost fixed lists to be fair to newer players and events but I think we will be growing in the direction of list-tailoring, it's just how the rules are.



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once you start playing everyone normally gets an idea and builds up a core force which a model changes here and there... it is fun and quite challenging however to make one 'uber list' I do have my all comers 35SS lady J list and it just kicks ass! against all strategies and factions!

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I'm coming from Warmachine and Warhammer 40,000 right now, so I think in terms of an all-comers list, but I'm starting to reach the point of figuring out how to tailor better to strategies. I think as I get more experience with the game overall and my Factions in particular, I'll be able to do better at that specific portion of the game.

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I normally have a core to my Crew that is more an all comers for all my masters. Then I choose which master and final models I need to flesh out my crew based on my strategy and faction of my opponent.

Going in with a predetermined list without knowing which Strategy you are going to play is dangerous. Some masters like Lilith can handle this but most end up getting hosed when "that" strategy comes up.

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I'll normally bulid a list with the stratergy in mind. If I'm playing against a Master that can shrug off traditional Gremlin fire power, then I might tailor a little.

As for each Master, I find my Ophelia lists change very little whilst my Somer lists will vary depending on scenario.

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I'll normally bulid a list with the stratergy in mind. If I'm playing against a Master that can shrug off traditional Gremlin fire power, then I might tailor a little.

As for each Master, I find my Ophelia lists change very little whilst my Somer lists will vary depending on scenario.

Out of all my Masters I will have to agree that Ophelia's almost never changes. This is both due to lack of options and that the options that are available just rock.
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I normally do a bit of both to be honest, for a 30 or 35ss game I'll have a "core" 20ss that I will use with a given master regardless of the strategy and then just add a few extras to get up to the ss limit

I pretty well do the same thing or decide I havent used 'x' model in while or even ever so I'll try them out to see how they go.

It aslo depends on the level of experience of player that I am going up against or what they want out of the game.

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