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popg0estheworld's Leviticus Crew

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Greetings, all.

So, I decided to throw down my hand with Leveticus. Here is my progress thus far on my basic crew box...








The models are all stock, except for Alyce's gun arm. I straightened her aim a bit, and gave her a nice, big, steampunky targeting device. The zombie on Levi's base and the arm on Alyce's are from the Mantic Zombies unit (with some modifications), All of the rubble is just crap from my various bits boxes, the bricks are little plaster casts (in the case of the walls, stacked), and the wood is all strip styrene textured with a file and frayed with a hobby knife.


I'm going to include a few pics here on the first page so anyone interested in checking out the whole crew doesn't have to search through a million pages. Thanks again, and enjoy.






More on my Hooded Rider here.

Edited by popg0estheworld
Added more pics!
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u dont see this guy all that much but u have done an outstanding job on him. don't u freaking love those mantic zombies? they are so great, and i love what u did with the one on his base, that arm is ace.

trying really hard to find something to crit, but all i can come up with is that the light from the latern is a little strong on levi's coat. might just bethe lighting in the photo, but it is a little strong in terms of the rest of the mini so i find my eye resting on it instead of moving around the rest of the paint work.

really nice work! cheers.

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Thanks, everybody!

In response to the source lighting critiques on the lamp, the pictures do make them a little wonky- the lamp is definitely the brightest element on the model. However, I did go a little strong on Levi's coat, and just didn't feel like fixing it. The light does draw the eye away a bit, but I feel like the lightness of his skin and face detail helps balance that a bit (esp. in contrast with the base).

Good eye though, guys. That was my own personal critique on this model as well. I guess it shows more strongly than I thought.

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You should check out his hooded rider ;)

In case you missed the post, here is a group shot-


As spectacular as my hooded rider might look, his first battlefield experience ended with a quick death at the hands of Pandora.

Also, here is a better, less-fuzzy Alyce pic. You can actually tell she has one eye closed in this pic.


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