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I'm a historical player who picked up Warhammer fantasy, and much later (to a much lesser degree) 40k.

I've seen the minis, and I heard the review of the game on GarageHammer. It sounded very cool.

I bought the rule book, the big one as I like background material, yesterday and I am very much looking forward to reading up on the rules and trying the game out!

So you might see me here asking question as I learn, or perhaps posting pictures of my work as I paint the figures.

Looks like a very fun game though.

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So far, going by just figures there are several good ones.

Lilith has caught my eye certainly. Though I guess I just have a weakness for red heads with a wicked/gothic side...

Though those Nephilim look rather cool too, and I have some ideas cooking on how to paint them.

Edit: Pandora looks really cool too, I love those Sorrows and other minions of hers.

Edited by Swissdictator
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So far, going by just figures there are several good ones.

Lilith has caught my eye certainly. Though I guess I just have a weakness for red heads with a wicked/gothic side...

Though those Nephilim look rather cool too, and I have some ideas cooking on how to paint them.

Edit: Pandora looks really cool too, I love those Sorrows and other minions of hers.

Welcome to the board and the forums.

At least you have a faction preference. Lilith and Pandora have very different playstyles and you should have no difficulty finding plenty of tips and tactics for either.

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Welcome to this side of the breach, hope you enjoy your time with us. Just remember to feed the Teddies lots of cookies (they like triple chocolate best) as they complain endlessly if they get hungry ;)

All the best with your Neverborn, Lilith's the current Master I'm building a crew for :)

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Welcome through the Breach, it is a strange place you find yourself in, but one with lots of possibilities and rewards for those who are not faint of heart. Just be prepared to never leave!

Hope you enjoy your stay. Any questions, there are plenty of us around to help and point you in the right direction.

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