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Other tabletop Wargames you play/have played

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Hi all,

I notice on these forums a number of GW/ex GW players. Just wondering what other games you have all played or still play...how did your wargaming journey get you to the Wyrdly wonderful place that is Malifaux?

I started with Space Marine back in 1996, the original GW Epic game, before becoming heavily involved in every GW game created and becoming my local GW store's full timer for a couple of years, although like many I became disheartened by the GW environment and left the company some years ago.

Since GW, I have played various other games systems including Warhammer Ancients, DBM, PP games (Hordes/Warmachine), Flames of War, GZG's Full Thrust and Dirtside.

I think after 15 years of wargaming and various styles of games, I can confidently say that malifaux is the most fun and varied game I have played (Thanks Eric and Nathan and crew!). And im looking forward to following what i think is going to be a bright and prosperous future for Wyrd...

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Well, I started with Epic (the first version), and Warhammer Fantasy with Lizardmen when they came out.

Since then I played a ton of games: Necromunda (love that, it's my favorite game after Malifaux), Warhammer Ancients, Flames of War some years ago when it was new, the new Space Hulk, I have a 40k army (in various stages of assembling, undercoating and painting), a few historical games with homebrew rules. AND of course, Malifaux. And this is the one I enjoy most. And I can't wait for Puppet Wars!

My top3 is:

1. Malifaux

2. Necromunda

3. Space Hulk (meh, I have to finally paint those minis too....)

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Right, and this is going to show I'm an oldie!

First off was Heroquest, a game all of my family played over and over, and really got me hooked on the fantasy minis.

Then My brother and I got Warhammer 3rd edition and began to collect armies for that. Now i have over 10,000pts of Dwarfs (thats without runes) and he has the equivalent in Orcs and Goblins. We still play Warhammer from time to time, though obviously its now 8th edition.

After this we got hooked on Bloodbowl (the box set with the polystyrene pitch), collecting virtually every type of team going. Again we still crack this open from time to time.

Other games we have played (from GW) include:

Space Crusade

Space Hulk (original)

Space Marine (original)

Advanced Heroquest

Dark Future


Warhammer 40K (though only from 4th ed)

Now apart from the rare Warhammer battle and Bloodbowl game, we hardly touch GW.

Malifaux has been the latest adventure for me, starting December 2010, but at the moment family commitments and lack of players have stopped the playing side. Still find myself buying the minis though!

And that brings me up to dat. I'm sure I have played a lot of non GW stuff back in the late 80's/early 90's but I have forgotten it!

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:ditto:have to agree, Bloodbowl is a great game, my 2nd favourite. necromunda being 3rd (Mali 1st ofcourse!).

Nice to hear other long time gamers about. Gotta have some of us wizened gamers about to bring on the young bloods.. fresh blood is always good!

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Sadly I was never able to try Blood Bowl...it's pretty hard around here to find someone who plays that.

Nice to hear other long time gamers about. Gotta have some of us wizened gamers about to bring on the young bloods.. fresh blood is always good!

Yeah, that's why I'd like to do a demo game of Malifaux in a local RPG store...I hope I can get some TCGers to switch to wargames ;)

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hmm well lets see.

I started out with D&D, then went through space marine, epic, warhammer 40k 2nd ed through to current, every version on fantasy battle, bloodbowl, necromunda, mordheim, man o war, battlefleet gothic, mutant chronicles, space hulk all versions, dark future, heroquest, space crusade, warmachine/hoardes, flames of war mid and late war and ofcourse malifaux.

I have flitted with starship troopers and the heavy gear games too and contemplating a few others i have seen

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I'm pretty much new to wargaming, only having a little over two years in it. Games I have models and rules for:

Malifaux (only a Peacekeeper, more in the mail are coming)


Hordes (in the mail)

Anima Tactics


Warhammer 40k

I've only played Warmachine, Anima, and Warhammer.

Edited by Da Big Baws
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I'm pretty much new to warming, only having a little over two years in it. Games I have models and rules for:

Malifaux (only a Peacekeeper, more in the mail are coming)


Hordes (in the mail)

Anima Tactics


Warhammer 40k

I've only played Warmachine, Anima, and Warhammer.

What is Anima tactics like..the models look sweet! I have been tempted to take the plunge and buy the rules...

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What is Anima tactics like..the models look sweet! I have been tempted to take the plunge and buy the rules...

Anima is a skirmish game that's closer to Malifaux than Warmachine. All models get certain amount of AP detailed on their cards and all actions cost different amounts of AP. They have a very intricate and cool combat system in that you can do special attacks dropping from top of buildings, climb, etc.

You can buy small powers/items like potions, weapons, etc., bringing a small RPG element (there is an Anima Pen & Paper RPG too).

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Remember Avalon Hill, SPI, FASA? Punching out cardboard for hours to even get ready to play, rules that read like an IRS code book, "Rule exept for skirmishers, see Rule"

Afrika Korps, Stalingrad, Third Reich, Squad Leader and the SPI marvel "Gettysburg". Which took almost as long to play as the actual battle, if you played for the full 72 hours!

Then came the mini's and simple (?) rules for everything from WWI ship battles to space ships.

All had one common theme. Fun.

Then came GW, back in the 80's and, though not my cuppa, (I like Skirmish games,smaller easier to handle.) I have Imperial Guard and Bretonnians and Dark Elves. (more to paint and collect now)

Then low and behold: Malifaux. Love it. Doing what I can to help spread the word. . .

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I got into Warhammer at the tender age of ten and stuck with GW until I was about 20. After they'd pissed me off for the last time I quit gaming altogether for a couple of years. The love of the hobby never leaves you though so I was introduced to Warmahordes by a friend about 6 years ago. I started checking out other games companies and was amazed that they'd passed me by unnoticed. I had been eyeing up Wyrd miniatures for some time before the game came out and when it did I jumped right in! I currently play:

- Malifaux (Lady J, Seamus, Hamelin, Tina and Levi)

- Warmahordes (Cryx and Circle)

- Hell Dorado (Demons)

- Infinity (CA Shasvastii)

- Blood Bowl (Chaos Dwarves and Orcs)

- Necromunda (Ratskins)

- Noble Armada (House Decados)

- Dark Age (Followers of the Heretic and Brood)

I love me some skimish games. Sadly was too late to get into Confrontation before Rackham went and ballsed it all up.

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WFB (2nd ed onwards, every army)

40k (RT onwards, every army)

Adeptus Titanicus

Space Hulk (all editions, 1st ed. being the best game GW ever did!)

Advanced Heroquest (2nd best game GW ever did)

Advanced Space Crusade

Warhammer Quest (poor copy of AHQ)

Epic (all editions, every army)

Bloodbowl/Dungeonbowl (all editions, every team)

Man o' War (chaos, dwarfs and high elves)

Spacefleet/Advanced Spacefleet

Battlefleet Gothic (all editions, every fleet)

Necromunda (every gang)

Gorkamorka (all gangs)

Warmaster (vampire counts, chaos, daemons, high elves, orcs)

Chainsaw Warrior

Dark Future

Confrontation (GW)


Lord of the Rings (GW and other companies)

Judge dredd Miniatures Game/RPG (GW)

Warmachine/Hordes (didn't like either though)

Legends of the High Seas

Various historical games


There are many others, but I can't be bothered to list every game.

I am not counting RPGs I have run and/or played however.

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I think I started playing WHFB (High Elves) as my first ever tabletop game in around ten years ago, and I'm still playing it (Vampire Counts and Dogs of War as well), though not as much since 8th edition came out. As for other GW games, I used to play Mordheim somewhere in between, but the GW game I like the most and still play on a regular basis is Battlefleet Gothic (Imperial Navy). I was almost set to get myself a Death Corps of Krieg WH40K Imperial Guard army, but GWs latest business decisions, as well as the availability of so many other interesting option on the market, made my re-think my options.

As for non-GW, I used to play Warmachine (Cygnar), but then dropped it for Malifaux, Infinity (Nomads) and most recently Freebooter's Fate (Brootherhood).

Wyrd is doing a good job with Malifaux so far, and it definitively is one of my top game systems, if not even the most enjoyable one in general (but sometimes I just need my dose of pirates/hackers/spaceships...).

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Seems to be lots of gaming veterans around here. That's awesome! I got into gaming with 40k 3rd edition and for a long time never even thought about there being other games out there until I moved to California and there were so many fantastic gaming shops within driving distance with all kinds of great games. I stuck to the GW stuff for a while and got pretty heavily into Epic and played some blood bowl (I agree with a few others here that it's my favorite game beyond malifaux). The thing that made me want to pick up Malifaux was actually the descriptions of it on the Gamer's Lounge podcast when they were first getting into the game. Since then it's been my favorite game. Most recently I picked up a Khador battlebox from PP and I'm looking forward to trying out warmachine too.

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I, too started out with GW's offerings, getting into it at the dawn of 2nd Edition 40k. I never really got into Warhammer as much, though I did have a small Brettonian army.

I'd like to play the older versions again, but these days I'm not taken by anything they have to offer. Funnily enough I also used to work for them and during that time I had less and less desire to play...

After GW I got into Warmachine, skirmish level gaming was definitely more my thing since I didn't have to spend a fortune or paint a few hundred models before I could start playing!

From this I got into Infinity, but only in the past couple of months have I started playing, though I've had a small Pan Oceana force since the game first hit the shelves :P

And now I'm trying to start up Malifaux! I love the style and weirdness off the game, and that it really doesn't take itself too seriously. I have had stuff for it for a while now, but no opponents locally; Warmachine seems the more popular.

But, now that I am a purveyor of games, as per my Sig, I'm showing the local games clubs that there's more out there than GW!

If they buy stuff from me, cool, but I really want to show that there are a lot of cool games out there!

Apart from those I also enjoy a lot of games no longer in production; Adeptus Titanicus, Hybrid, Pantin Nocturne, the original Space Hulk, and the RPGs Mechanical Dream and Cadwallon.

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About a year and a half ago I got back into 40k and Fantasy. Was out of the hobby for nearly 15years. I used to play Man O War, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, 40k and Fantasy. I'm getting a Skaven blood bowl team painted up to play again. Also a fairly big Death Korps of Krieg 40k Army work in progress not to mention a Skaven Fantasy Army. All these projects have suddenly been paused as me and the Fiancee discovered..... MALIFAUX! :D

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I started out with 40k second edition before taking a break of a good few years. Got back into it and was eventually persuaded to give WFB a go too.

Then Malifaux came along and those two games are finished for me now.

Malifaux has led me into other wargames though as I ended up taking up Warmachine while converting some of it's players to Mali. It seemed only fair.

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I admit I got hooked on miniatures with the Clix games. Started with MageKnight and Mechwarriors, tried Heroclix but not that much... Did a little modding and painting on them , not much. Always liked the look of 40K but the size & expense was always daunting. Really got into proper miniatures with confrontation v2, played threw to v3.5. They tried to keep going as c4 came out but they game shot it self in the foot and the community died. At that time I was playing WM/H and still do play it, but Malifaux is taking over as my primary game. I have a small Uncharted seas & 2x Babylon 5 ACTA forces to play once every couple months.

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Well I started out with Space Crusade and still try and break it out form time to time (plus I have bothe expansions) form there I went onto Heroquest and then Advanced Space Crusade and Space Hulk.

I then was basically playing 40k, Necromunda and Gorkamorka for 10+ years and then found Bloodbowl and the Warmachine and Hordes. I having given up on WM/Hordes as I'm not happy in the direction the PP are taking it and personally find that there are more 'miss' sculpts than 'hits'. I havent played a GW game (except Space Hulk and Bloodbowl - which pretty hard to call a GW game these days since they do nothing to support it) for 4 years.

I found Malifaux in December 2009 and have been loving it, so much so I have 8 different crews so far and it and Bloodbowl are the only games I play and have done for the past 18 months - 2 years. The Bloodbowl scene is pretty nuts here as well with one league having about 40 active coaches each with a single team in the league and another smaller one with about a dozen coaches as well.

The Malifaux scene is pretty good too and is something that I am actively trying to increase and we just have had another FLGS starting to pickup Wyrd's products after being completely cheesed off from GW (and hes ex GW middle management himself - from a few years ago). I am running a escalation league starting in a couple of weeks and then finishing it off with a tourney which is certainly getting a bit of interest and I am hoping for 20+ players which will be great.

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Hmmm, i got into fantasy first ( never a big fan of 40k) then i really focused on the "fanatic games" like gothic and mordheim and such. Then warmachine was released and i was all over it, had some hordes going too. Heroclix was and still is a favorite of mine. Then I started playing specialty board games and card games ( steve jackson, settlers, robo rally ect). Malifaux was discovered when it came out and i loved it. Now i have been all over the Indy games, everyone one i can find. I have developed a passion for reviewing and painting new stuff, like Bushido, anima, rusted heros, uncharted seas, relic knights, SDE, ect ect.

Needless to say it can get expensive, but it helps when to pimp out my painting skills and trade old stuff on bartertown and such. Keeps the cost of all those indy games down :)

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started war gaming in 98 with 40k but my games of choice and reasoning behind them are:

Hell Dorado- Amazing models, played a demo last year it is great, can't wait for the rulebook!

Infinity-great game and models, where tactical blunders could cost you. Very different from most games out there.

Dark Age- love Brom art work and a game that was inspired from it is ace in my book. Been playing for years and I still love getting games in.

Pulp City- Super villains/heros, as little as 2-6 miniatures for a standard game AND there are so many options team building/tactical wise makes for a very robust game.

AE WWII/Bounty- Who doesn't love pulp WWII games? You can even run "straight" WWII games with no problem. Great little skirmish game with simple rules that involve a lot of strategy. Bounty is the sci fi counter part where you can literally pick ANY model(s) in your collection and make it possible to play with!

Malifaux- unique style/game play nice miniatures, not all of them are gold but they all have something about them i like one way or another. Can't ask for more without bringing deadlands/doomtown back in full force.

there are actually MANY more games but i'll spare everyone those details, those are my top games at the moment

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Still got my first edition Warhammer (and expansions). Started out in wargames and moved into fantasy and sci-fi back in the early 1980s. I was told about Citadel miniatures by a guy who had just been offered a job with them. Name was Aly Morrison - anyone know what happened to him?

Going down memory lane; anyone else remember Laserburn? I think some of the 20mm original figs are still available.

I also dimly remember a set of fantasy rules that allowed you to field Knights armed with sten guns. Anyone got any idea what that was?

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Good to see some variety, although understandably most people, myself included have a strong background in GW.

Lonely Path, you actually have a couple of game systems I havent played, and I consider myself very well versed having played a wide variety of games, both tabletop and roleplay in and out of GW.

Dark Future is one I have never actually seen yet, so may have to find out a bit more.

A brand new system out now called Bushido could be interesting too, works on an activation basis similar to Malifaux, but the game system itself is quite different. But for those interested in skirmish size games that use the activation approach to keep tactical balance, could be another one to look into

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I think you would struggle as Dark Future was around in the 80's and early 90's. Would think it is long since dead.

Hmm, anyone have an old copy lying around, I am intrigued to try this game, it has a cool name and I feel like I might be missing out on a classic bit of wargaming history!

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