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MD thanks for asking it's going great. I've painted 14 or so models in a matter of days now.  :D


Nice work mate! I've painted 0 models in all the days now. It's just soooo boring!! 


Got some MTG going on this evening and tomorrow then Malifaux and Warmahordes ALL WEEKEND. 






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Nice work mate! I've painted 0 models in all the days now. It's just soooo boring!! 


Got some MTG going on this evening and tomorrow then Malifaux and Warmahordes ALL WEEKEND. 




That does sound good. The Malifaux part that is. (Boo for Beastmachine)

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I can't run, spine and ankle issues. Trot at the most, but that's it.


My back is fine for the most part. Old back injury means I can't do Crossfit cult favorites like power cleans and squats with super heavy weights.


My feet are getting worse- I'm concerned that I'll have to have these heel spurs removed within the next year or so. If I run, my feet hurt a lot in return, sometimes for a couple of days.


Girlfriend doesn't help with my fitness (or lack thereof lately- I'm still ashamed of what the scale said at the doctor this week). She's addicted (seriously addicted) to processed sugar and is afraid if I start getting back into shape that I'm going to leave her. Where's the Facepalm Smiley when you need it?

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Nice work mate! I've painted 0 models in all the days now. It's just soooo boring!! 


Got some MTG going on this evening and tomorrow then Malifaux and Warmahordes ALL WEEKEND. 

Sounds good what MTG Deck do you play?

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Is that...Master Shake slapping someone?


One silver lining of missing out on Bones 3- I can place my Gencon order with a clear conscience.


Yeah, I have a short list of things that I don't use now, so don't really need that quickly. Peacekeeper. Gaki. Gremlin crew boxes. Black Friday is coming soon enough...


Crossfit should be called "imminent spinal injury training"


And I never understood the whole "if you get in shape you'll leave me" thing. If it were a problem, obviously you would have said something already, right?


Absolutely agree on Crossfit. The idea is good (remember when this sort of thing was called "cross-training?") but the execution is horrid. Big groups of people exercising under the so-called supervision of people who don't even have to be certified outside of Crossfit's own program? Turning something that's supposed to be about personal achievement into a competition with others? No thanks.


There are programs out there that have the cross-training cardio benefits with much lower risk of injury- some of them can be done with zero equipment, too.


Have you ever seen footage of the Crossfit Games? It's a competition on who can complete certain Crossfit exercises the fastest. It's not as stupid looking as it sounds- it's even worse.

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Is that...Master Shake slapping someone?


One silver lining of missing out on Bones 3- I can place my Gencon order with a clear conscience.



Absolutely agree on Crossfit. The idea is good (remember when this sort of thing was called "cross-training?") but the execution is horrid. Big groups of people exercising under the so-called supervision of people who don't even have to be certified outside of Crossfit's own program? Turning something that's supposed to be about personal achievement into a competition with others? No thanks.


There are programs out there that have the cross-training cardio benefits with much lower risk of injury- some of them can be done with zero equipment, too.


Have you ever seen footage of the Crossfit Games? It's a competition on who can complete certain Crossfit exercises the fastest. It's not as stupid looking as it sounds- it's even worse.

Well that's my evenings entertainment sorted

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Dropped the crossroads 7 and kept the book. Will definitely get the 7 at some point but for now will have to wait and see. I want the book because I'm talking to some guys about trying out the campaign system but they don't plan on getting the book :P


Based on Past experience buying the Book at Gen con gets you it about 2 weeks quicker than picking it up from a Uk dealer. So I save the hig postage jump and wait the extra time.

Waiting is hard.

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