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What master/s have you not seen played?


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What master have you never even seen played?

Assuming you've been playing Malifaux for a bit. If you started yesterday understandably there would be a long list.

But after playing for a while, what master has never raised its head in your local playgroup?

For me it's Leveticus. Never met someone who played him.

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I think I've only seen Nicodem once, and that was only about 2 rounds worth of the game. Quite certain I've seen all of the others a decent bit.

That's funny that several people listed Ramos and/or Rasputina. I think we have more players running those two than anything else in our store. :)

Of course, it helps at our store that we started playing Malifaux by running a Campaign where players had to choose 1 Master, stick with it for a couple months, and nobody else on your faction's team was supposed to run the same Master. So, we had a pretty wide spread right away.

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The only one I've rarely seen in action is Nicodem. I played across from him in my first game (a 4-way) but I've never seen him on the table since. I've seen every other Master in action at least twice.

I've never seen Hoffman or Hamelin in action, but being very recent releases it's not surprising.

Edited by Rathnard
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in our gaming group there arent too many neverborn players so i only have seen pandora played once.

also nobody wants to play marcus as he has a steep learning curve so only seen him played once aswell. funny thing is a friend of mine painted his crew 3 times i think and yet to see them on the table.

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