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The embarrassment amnesty thread.

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Also, Phil Collins is nothing to be ashamed of. The man has talent... far beyond what recently passes in the music industry for 'artists'...


Even if people don't like his music, it's impossible to argue he doesn't have a lot of talent. If I could play even half the instruments he can (actually if I could only play one!) I'd be happy! :)


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I would have to say that I am into Glee.... My gf made me watch it at first but now I go stark raving mad when they don't have a new episode on every tuesday... *looks around*

I also am a HUGE fan of the George R. Martin novel series, Song of Ice and Fire... I play the card game, and can't wait for the HBO series to come out.

One final thing is that I'm thinking of breaking ties with the outcast faction and picking up collodi and the big Z when he comes out :( Im a terrible person

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I would have to say that I am into Glee.... My gf made me watch it at first but now I go stark raving mad when they don't have a new episode on every tuesday... *looks around*

My wife and daughter don't believe you should be embarrassed about watching Glee, well, maybe the stark raving mad part :)

I like Glee too, and sing along sometimes (much to the chagrin of my wife and daughter)...

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I've dressed up as a woman three times, first was a malicious trick, second was for a singing competition - I have ginger hair and sang Amy Winehouse's version of Valerie for my sins - and the third was for charity.

I'm Scottish and can't do a decent Scottish accent, despite being clearly Scottish to my non-Scottish friends.

I look like a hobo half the time, with longish hair despite hating it. I have yet to break from my quite literal annual hair cut.

I have an obsession with pandas, which includes a scary panda radar and embarassing 5-year-old girl's giggle.

I love Alabama 3 (A3 in America) way too much so my friends hate them out of principle.

Building on the hobo look, I make films with children quite often so usually keep an eye out for potential actors, which ultimately makes me look like a paedo :(

I could have gotten a free university education, but study in England instead. Coz i iz smarrt

I have a large beanie collection, and no younger brothers or sisters. On the plus side I own a a battle axe :viking:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I so want to hate loathe and vomit every time I hear Train's "Soul Sister" song.... but I ALWAYS end up singing along to it.:frusty: And I blush as I sing along...

I am embarrassed that I have an obsession to squeal like a 9 year old girl every time I'm with my girlfriend in public and we see a product that has Hello Kitty! on it. I dunno but I like embarrassing her too but I'm so ashamed.

Edited by Bleys_Bariman
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