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So how do you read the new manual?


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Seeing as I already know the rules quite well, everytime I try to read a section I end up getting distracted by the pretty pictures and end up flicking through.

So how do you go about reading it. Try to set yourself a section to read everytime you pick it up. Or just not worry and mess around reading bits and pieces.

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um i read the strats and schemes and figure id read the rest as it comes up or someone mentions it

Yeah I get the feeling that I'm going to end up reading through that section in detail at some point next week with a copy of Photoshop open. Do you think the new cards should have a little v2 in the corner?

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criids got a change to make it easier i think but i was kinda upset with kirai not because its harder i liked that part but because its just assassinate but ur limited to using a certian model but not to which one you have to kill (btw is leader defined in the book somewhere as master and/or hencman i assume so but i havnt bothered to look if so i like the term)

Edited by yames
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Three words...Fate is Meaningless.

Pop that then attack, now you can cheat fate.

Throw down a severe.

It's obey that you can use on masters.

Bully...that's why, he can just make something insignificant and eventually all of your crew and now you automatically lose when you have Contain Power or assassinate.

You just cannot hit him, it's not a matter of cards or luck.

Yes, Seamus and Bete have that but you can still hit them.

It is exactly as Sandy said, just treat your crew as completely expendable and you will do just fine.

It has gotten to the point that nobody will even buy him until he is fixed...and even with all his wonky-ness...well you have to be truly Wyrd to fix that much silliness.

Pretty much this


A lot of people don't seem to agree, and I don't want to get to insulting anyone but I don't think they are seeing the whole picture.

We've had different people try playing against him as different masters, strategies, armies...and Hamelin always slaughters.

We've been told he's fixed but all they did was remove the RoE (Which still helps him), and now he's placed when he dies. I was told they'd fix him, not make him even worse.

This is a very...World of Warcraft like thing to do and I am losing faith in Wyrd as they are succumbing to the old case of codex creep.

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Pretty much this


A lot of people don't seem to agree, and I don't want to get to insulting anyone but I don't think they are seeing the whole picture.

We've had different people try playing against him as different masters, strategies, armies...and Hamelin always slaughters.

We've been told he's fixed but all they did was remove the RoE (Which still helps him), and now he's placed when he dies. I was told they'd fix him, not make him even worse.

This is a very...World of Warcraft like thing to do and I am losing faith in Wyrd as they are succumbing to the old case of codex creep.

Ah it's Pandora knee-jerk all over again =D

No I'm not trying to be insulting, but the same thing happened with Pandora and the Dreamer and they are balanced masters. I am not saying if Hamelin is broken or balanced etc as I have not looked into this enough. But right now, it looks heavily like Knee-jerk reactions as I have not had much trouble with dealing with him and even going over his stuff again it doesn't seem that bad. But it is certainly NOT codex creep just because one master is a little powerful. The book 1 stuff still kicks ass. So don't lose faith over 1 little thing.

But :offtopic:..

Pretty much Ratty I just took a day or two, left the rules alone and tried not to think about them and let them fade slightly in my mind. Then I read the book cover to cover and pretty much have them down pat =D the hardest part is going to be the subtle nuances but we have an index for that!

I think it just comes down to time and focus, you really need to just concentrate on one section at a time and go through it. If it doesn't come once, do it again. Heck playing a game vs yourself helps a lot to, forcing yourself to go back to hte book and putting actions to words invoke many more memory triggers and help ingrain the rules into you.

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Pretty much this


A lot of people don't seem to agree, and I don't want to get to insulting anyone but I don't think they are seeing the whole picture.

We've had different people try playing against him as different masters, strategies, armies...and Hamelin always slaughters.

We've been told he's fixed but all they did was remove the RoE (Which still helps him), and now he's placed when he dies. I was told they'd fix him, not make him even worse.

This is a very...World of Warcraft like thing to do and I am losing faith in Wyrd as they are succumbing to the old case of codex creep.

Thanks for the reply. I had read that thread which is why I was approaching the subject catiously !

I haven't played Hamelin, so I can't really comment on specifics, but in my mind it is a case of wait and see. I remember at the start when everyone was saying Pandora and Zoraida were woefully underpowered, and without any major changes to the rules I don't think anyone would say that now. It takes time to work out the subtleties and nuances a new master and I am confident that the same will be true for Hamelin.

Anyway, I think it is unrealistic to expect the new book to "fix" any individual character. The new book is purely about the rules and was released to help improve general gameplay rather than address any balance issues.

Just out of interest, when was the promise made to fix Hamelin anyway ? Also has any one got their hands on him yet.... do we know whether his cards are the same as the book ?

Apologies to everyone else for the threadjack.

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Why did Ratty get his Manual? D:

Because it was on the shelf of the store and I had £10. Shopkeepers tend to accept cash for goods.

Also if you can still do this then Hamelin certainly is broken. They might've changed something slightly to prevent it, but as far as I can tell from people quoting the stat cards that is not the case so far. :/

I don't think Hamelin is broken, except for the infinite loop that allows him to kill everything on the board in one activation.. That might be a bit broken.

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er all of those say they need to be announced. look again..

At least Lady J's is easier to manage now it's not a special Corpse Counter and Hoffman's makes some sense, though it is another assassinate scheme.

wait your right it was late and i was kinda looking and the text in front made me miss it in there

and yea lady js is easier to manage but why would u ever take it over assassinate instead of having to kill one master of ur choice you have to kill there master and henchman if there and then use last rights to remove the tokens i like what they did with it but i feel just like kirais to similer to assassinate. Unless you were playing a game were you had to take your masters scheme

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I get Elazar from these forums to read all rulebooks ever then tell me how to play. That way I can concentrate on important things like staring at the artwork.

It benefits us both, I get to laze about looking at pictures all day, he gets to tell me any rule he feels like because I won't know! :D


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