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Simple Question

What sort of powers/abilities would you like to have

But, I would put three conditions on this

1) Be Creative, don't pick somthing as simple as super strangth or the Abilty to fly, they can be part of the abilty, just try and think outside the box a little

2) Don't be God, Simply don't over do the powers, being the most powerful isn't the aim, be the most creative is

3) Have fun :D

Mine would be the abilty to become and swap between any class from the Classic Final Fantasy games/Chocobo mystery dungeon classes at will, I do love class system, I do like to juggle around the strangths and weakness of each of them would be fun :D

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Yeah I like the idea of it not being about being the strongest etc because well, everyone would just say "Cosmic Power" which is basically the "god-like" power.

What I think would be cool would be being able to understand and manipulate the underlying molecules and atoms of any object/substance at will. You'd of course have to be able to perceive them in some fashion... but say you could such simple things as reshape a lump of coal into a figure. Or say then manipulate the coal into something else by playing with it's atomic structure. Could be a lot of fun ^^

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Does that mean i can't have my superpower being the power to make any power I need?


I always thought that would be a good power to have. In fact, I have based a character in the comic I'm drafting on this.

Of course, they are only able to have one power at a time.

But if it had to come down to just one regular power, i guess I'd choose time manipulation. Then If something didn't go right, a quick rewind and off we go again!

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a character i played with in high school was called "Resonance"

his entire keltal structure was constantly vibrating, and if he didnt released pressure rip itself appart, so he would make stuff resonate to music in his head and be followed constantly by his own theme :D

in battle hower he used gloves that would amplify his abilty and make it able to cast them instead of touching, using nearby surfaces to create sound attack, a combo with a telekintic would be break lots of glass, encase villain in a ball of glassshards en he would make every shard screech as its was hell

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I dont really like Zoraida but ever since I was young I thought that hardcore voodoo manipulation would be awesome. I would just make people like rob a bank for me or something.

Secondary would to just have unnaturally awesome luck. Subtle enough that nobody would try to kill you, annoying enough that they most likely couldn't.

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The ability to blend reality with my imagination, including the abilty to animate, manipulate and minor summoning. I just think it'd be awesome to bring a story or a particular dream to life, or at least have the profound appearance of reality.

For instance, for some reason - despite being 19 - I've always wanted a daughter and have the dream of her going to nursery on the back of a giant panda that understands what she says.

The ability to tell a story and bring it to life before peoples eyes, whether it be the flashing of lighting in a theatre hall or manipulation of a city street to look underwater. I'm not saying I'd like the ability to play God or Puppet Master, but have that magician-esque ability to cheat people's view of life, and to make a dream come true if for only a moment. I would use it like Audrey Tautou does in "Amelie", by helping people even if it means manipulating them.

Then again if you combine Jim Henson and Hayou Miyazaki you're almost there anyway.

I'm sure there's probably a drug that creates this effect as well, but that's cheating :)

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Honest answer: I'm in love with the idea behind Werewolf: the Forsaken werewolves. I'm fascinated by the senses that animals possess that we do not, and wolves are the greatest creatures on the planet. Add to that the kick ass and tear things up form, and it seems a good time.

Better Answer: Jack Hawksmoor's ability to speak with cities, use them for travel, and draw power from them.

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Being able to pause time but still be active within it.

You're walking down the street, suddenly a bunch of neds start hassling you. You pause time, pull down their trousers and put them into compromising positions, get to minimum safe distance and unfreeze time. Laugh. They get angry, pull their trousers back up and charge you. Pause time, repeat.

Or get home from work, pause time, paint some models and chill out. Have a nap, blah blah blah, unpause time. Spend the evenign with your family.

Be able to take whatever you want, and escape any consequences that might happen.

It'd be awesome!

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Being able to pause time but still be active within it.

You're walking down the street, suddenly a bunch of neds start hassling you. You pause time, pull down their trousers and put them into compromising positions, get to minimum safe distance and unfreeze time. Laugh. They get angry, pull their trousers back up and charge you. Pause time, repeat.

Or get home from work, pause time, paint some models and chill out. Have a nap, blah blah blah, unpause time. Spend the evenign with your family.

Be able to take whatever you want, and escape any consequences that might happen.

It'd be awesome!

What he said. But used purely for evil. Money seeming to appear in my pocket, bras undoing themselves, that kind of thing.

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Being able to pause time but still be active within it.

You're walking down the street, suddenly a bunch of neds start hassling you. You pause time, pull down their trousers and put them into compromising positions, get to minimum safe distance and unfreeze time. Laugh. They get angry, pull their trousers back up and charge you. Pause time, repeat.

Or get home from work, pause time, paint some models and chill out. Have a nap, blah blah blah, unpause time. Spend the evenign with your family.

Be able to take whatever you want, and escape any consequences that might happen.

It'd be awesome!

I'm sure there was a kids program where the main character had a stopwatch which did something like that...

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For instance, for some reason - despite being 19 - I've always wanted a daughter and have the dream of her going to nursery on the back of a giant panda that understands what she says.

Thanks to how I met your mother every time someone mentions a panda I am forced to think about how there meat is delicious :)

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Yeah I like the idea of it not being about being the strongest etc because well, everyone would just say "Cosmic Power" which is basically the "god-like" power.

What I think would be cool would be being able to understand and manipulate the underlying molecules and atoms of any object/substance at will. You'd of course have to be able to perceive them in some fashion... but say you could such simple things as reshape a lump of coal into a figure. Or say then manipulate the coal into something else by playing with it's atomic structure. Could be a lot of fun ^^

Just out of interest do you mean somthing like full metal alchemist or doctor manhattan form the watchmen

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