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Changes in the new Rules Manual


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+2 def?? I thought that you got armour for each enemy model you were in combat with?

or is this something that we've been confusing lots?

You get +1 Df (or Wp if that is the resisting stat) for each model your engaged in combat with. So that is any enemy model in your melee range and any enemy model whose melee range your in. So you would never get defence for your own models.

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Sorry to possibly Necro this thread, but I couldn't find if this has been already said:

How did they modify Thwart so that it no longer gives 3 VPs?

What about all other potentially giving 3 VP Schemes?

Ansiously waiting for my Rules Manual, but this weekend we've got a local tournament here and we don't know how to play it.

Thanks in advance

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Sorry to possibly Necro this thread, but I couldn't find if this has been already said:

How did they modify Thwart so that it no longer gives 3 VPs?

What about all other potentially giving 3 VP Schemes?

Ansiously waiting for my Rules Manual, but this weekend we've got a local tournament here and we don't know how to play it.

Thanks in advance

There are no 3VP schemes anymore, and all master specific Schemes are now auto-announce and worth 2VP

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Sorry to possibly Necro this thread, but I couldn't find if this has been already said:

How did they modify Thwart so that it no longer gives 3 VPs?

What about all other potentially giving 3 VP Schemes?

Ansiously waiting for my Rules Manual, but this weekend we've got a local tournament here and we don't know how to play it.

Thanks in advance

I would imagine the organisers will either allow you to use Rising powers schemes still or will bring copies of the new schemes for people to use.

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Can someone tell me where in the manual you can elect to fail a duel? Been looking for it the past 2 days, has it been taken out?

Also i missed the change in the errata where resist duels now mean you have to beat the TN not just equal it. All of a sudden electing to fail meaning it equals the number makes more sense.

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Can someone tell me where in the manual you can elect to fail a duel? Been looking for it the past 2 days, has it been taken out?

Also i missed the change in the errata where resist duels now mean you have to beat the TN not just equal it. All of a sudden electing to fail meaning it equals the number makes more sense.

pg.51 top of the page last sentence of the first paragraph.
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Can someone tell me where in the manual you can elect to fail a duel? Been looking for it the past 2 days, has it been taken out?

Also i missed the change in the errata where resist duels now mean you have to beat the TN not just equal it. All of a sudden electing to fail meaning it equals the number makes more sense.

Not quite sure what you mean by this, but at then bottom of page 53, it talks about resisting. Greater than is a fail, less than or equal to is a resist (only for spells btw).

Page 51 under (RST) last sentence says...

"Friendly models that could be affectedly spells requiring Resist Duels must resist as normal, but when determining final totals, can choose to tie the casting total and suffer the Spells effects."

EDIT: Dangnabit Hockey distracting me while I type...

Edited by K.blas
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Weapons count as talents now. So Zoraida can play tooth fairy with lord Chompy.

Um dont think thats right.

Pg 12 Under the talents it defines it as any special abilities a weapon may have for example paired.

So big z could hex away the fact that claws have poison or paired but not the weapon itself.

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So big z could hex away the fact that claws have poison or paired but not the weapon itself.

Which would be great if it wasn't for the fact that LCB is a Master, and thus cannot be targetted by hex. :P

More interesting is the matter of Zoraida Hexing off some of Jack Daw's Talents/Spells, like the Suppressed Memories weapon talent or dual focussed.

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Not quite sure what you mean by this, but at then bottom of page 53, it talks about resisting. Greater than is a fail, less than or equal to is a resist (only for spells btw).

In the first malifaux book it used to be that you resisted a spell if you equalled or beat the target number, now it is just beat.

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