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What models make you shudder?


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The models that make me shudder...hmmm..

Belle's. As a Seamus player I know exactly how dangerous they can be,though playing Von Schill recently has made it alot easier lol.

Ryle. Anything that can do that much shooty worries me.

after last night..McMourning. Being able to bounce around like that,and capable of killing that effectively in HtH is a bad thing.

I haven't played against Nino,but everyone says he is really nasty and having had to deal with his alter ego It was not fun so i can understand it.

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Zoirada! I'm not sure they make epoxy modeling putty thick enough to get that image of her chest out of your head. Indecently she is also a badass Master.

Gamewise McMourning is a Master that can take down a Coryphee Duet in one activation!

Nino is a model I've always wanted to kinda kill, but could never get to because of his range. He's great board control.

Why couldn't Pandora or Lilith be the topless one? Why Zoraida?

I'm no a fan of going up against the Guild Austringer either. More board control.

Playing against an opponent with Nino and a pair of Austringers is like playing Chess against a guy who knows how to play Chess. All you can do is hide behind a wall somewhere and when your opponent finally comes looking for you it's time to whack 'um upside the head.

Even Molly would have been a better choice than Zoraida!

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The duet just annoys me. It takes too much effort to kill, but usually doesn't do a whole lot to my army. Mostly it just accomplishes missions and earns VP.

Nino has such a reputation that I just kill him before he can shoot me. So far this has worked every time.

The nephilim twins do this, but they are my models and I havn't been on the receiving end yet.

McMourning does this for me, and Lillith does this to my opponents.

Bad Juju is usually ignored until people realize that it is terrifying, hard to wound, and has regenerate, and comes back when it finally does die.

Pandora and Peredita both have this reputation in our group, but neither has been used a whole lot.

The librarian used to do this for me, but lately I just leave her alone and kill everything around her.

Most stuff from book 2 will do this for me if I am playing with mostly book 1 stuff.

The one I have feared the most so far was a summoned rogue necromancy. When it was summoned I made sure to kill it as fast as possible because I feared it.

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Every crew! Everyone elses willpower is far too high, please fix this by giving my Pandora (just mine, no one elses) wp10 and dropping everyone else with a cuddle bat to the face :)

Coppelius. It's not even related to how good he is in the game. I read his fluff and it disturbed me. Place Coppelius on the table and I'm going to do my damnedest to kill him. Ergh.

And on an actual serious note: I think Hamelins going to give me problems. I just got Ophelia and I think it's going to be really hard to play against him. I think it will be a fun challenge though, try to complete the schemes and run the hell away from Hamelin! :D


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