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What do you carry your crews in?

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I need help. I am trying to figure out a good carry case for my minis. I tried the chessx case but that was designed for smaller bases and the hooded rider is too tall. I have about 28 minis right now and growing so it needs to be able to carry a bit more. But I don't want anything too big, something that can fit into a backpack or satchel. I also need something that will fit the hooded rider. I have the citadel small army case but it is too big. I was looking for something in between. I figure what better place to ask then here. What cases do you all use?

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I just ordered the Malifaux Battlefoam bag mysel. It's not going to fit in a backpack though. What I would look into is making something yourself, like out of the sorting containers in the craft goods or a mini tackle box. Then just line it with foam.

Now, I carry my netbook, dvd drive and a bunch of other stuff in a bike rack bag. One of the square ones. You might look into something like that. It's small enough to carry around and on the off chance you need to attach it to something (like a backpack) it's perfect.

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I just bought a Battlefoam C-4. It fits in my backpack, has plenty of room for my two crews, and uses customizable pluck foam to fit figures of any size.

Before that I was using a Vaultz pencil box lined with foam from a Warmachine starter. It worked really well, but didn't have enough space to carry a whole crew after I added more than a few pieces to my collection. I'd still recommend it for very small crews. I've since repurposed it to carry my cards, tape measure, counters and other accessories.

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I've used Sabol Designs bags and foam trays in empty paper boxes. I prefer the foam trays and empty paper box.

However, rifle cases work fairly well. Sturdy, lined, usually lockable, and relatively inexpensive. Only issue I've seen is with some of the larger and odder shaped minis.

For those larger and oddly shaped models you can place a strong magnet in their base and attach them to the walls of an old metal toolbox.

Unfortunately, those wont really fit into a back pack or satchel well. You might be able to use a pistol case though (should have the same benefits as the rifle case.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Battlefoam - massive rip off. I use KR Multicase. A fraction of the cost for in my opinion a much better product. My case has even survived my bookcase falling on it without a single casualty

Have to agree. I bought the malifaux battlefoam Bag and it is very disappointing. Wish I had bought kr like I have for my other mini's. The bf bag doesn't even properly fit a lot of Malifaux miniatures

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Battlefoam - massive rip off. I use KR Multicase. A fraction of the cost for in my opinion a much better product. My case has even survived my bookcase falling on it without a single casualty

I'm shouldn't really ask how a bookcase came to fall on it......chasing a terror tot around? I wouldn't bother, the rewards aren't that good on the little ones! ;)

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I'm a bit of an addict when it comes to miniature storage. I have used several of the GW cases and found that miniatures get damaged very easily. I then moved to a bag from a company called Figures in Comfort (http://www.figuresincomfort.co.uk) but wasn't overly impressed with the foam. I then tried a Feldherr case but that didn't do it for me either. I finally decided to bite the bullet and go for a Battlefoam Pack 432 and loved it so much that I bought a 216 as well. I'm now just waiting for the UK distributor, Wayland Games to get the Malifaux BAttlefoam bag in stock and then I think I will order one of those. Its true that you will pay more for the Battlefoam bag but trust me that you won't look back and that your miniatures will be kept safe and secure (even when travelling abroad)

Hope this helps

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This is what I use, although I cannot fit models like the Peacekeeper or the Pigapult in it:-


It is okay for small crews, but two of these barely take my Gremlins, now. Might need to upgrade.

I have a couple of Figures In Comfort cases and a hard GW case. I rate the FiC cases, as they have served me very well for a couple of years now. The GW case is about the right size for Malifaux, though.

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At the moment I use this (http://www.figuresincomfort.net/catalogue/product_info.php?cPath=1061_681&products_id=20419), can fit a fair whack in there but can't carry everything so you need to plan ahead. Never had a problem transporting big figures in this (desolation engine, steamborg and killjoy mostly).

If you want to carry everything then the Figures in Comfort midi case is pretty good, as are some of the feldherr ones (which I use).

I'm currently saving up for this (http://www.feldherr.com/de/backpack.html?SID=56ad473ee9cf47d42e1143dc5bf3da9c). My mate has one and it's AWESOME!

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I have the Malifaux Battlefoam case and I absolutely love it. It's perfect, and I have yet to have a problem I couldn't figure out in terms of figure storage. For instance, at first, Lilitu was a bit interesting with her long whip, but I eventually sorted it out. And the small slots on the 2nd tray work great for smaller models like Arachnids, Gamin, Daydreams, Alps, and Steampunk Abominations.

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I've been eyeing Feldherr Mini Plus cases for quite a bit now, but I don't know how well 30mm round based Malifaux figures fit in their 1" trays.

2.4" pluck foam trays seem good enough for Mature Nephilim and such, but great majority of my figures come with 30 and 40mm bases...

Any experience with these?

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