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Non "Wargamming Hobbies"

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So much the better for you. 'Round my parts, when I was playing, we had an Asian-style LARP which had no women (zero), or Vampire which featured the ~30% mark. And, given a choice between all alternatives, I'd probably pick Vampire anyway. Character driven story-arcs versus 'hit with stick' or 'capture flag.' No offense to either genre, of course, just not my thing.

As an extra addendum, I haven't actually played in years. I just remember it fondly.

Depends really, Vampire annoyed me because all the characters were 1 dimensional crow clones, with a few Lestats mixed in.

I play a fantasy LARP, and occasionally hit things, but most of the time I'm performing experimental Surgery, messing around with Metaphysics and Political Maneuvering.

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Riding motorcycles, both on the street and on the race track. There are several tracks around the Southeast US so variety is there and it's a great outlet for that need for speed. I can go out on the track and scare myself silly going 150+ mph and not get tickets.

Target shooting is my latest favorite hobby. There's just something about a toy that shoots fire and makes loud BANG! noises that makes one smile... :)

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Depends really, Vampire annoyed me because all the characters were 1 dimensional crow clones, with a few Lestats mixed in.

I play a fantasy LARP, and occasionally hit things, but most of the time I'm performing experimental Surgery, messing around with Metaphysics and Political Maneuvering.

Well, I suppose that would cause problems. Fortunately, my group had excellent harpies (and if that means anything to you, +1 soulstone). It sounds like modern England has the inverse of my growing-up LARP experience. Just as well, I suppose.

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Also an airsofter, try paintball and like it but think airsoft is way better.

Flag football player and coach.

Ratty, stop uploading larp pics, i get frustrated and envy surrounds me!

Good Dr. if you like card games (as i do) i highly recommend, blue moon (is out of print, but you can still found it on ebay) and onirim (fantastic game)

Also play board and rpg`s mostly white wolf, hunter and exalted my favorites. I order legend of the 5 rings and is in transit right now, love everything samurai.

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"Wargamming"? Is this some new kind of bacon product with a gun? :P

Um, I'd be a martial artist mostly. Mix it up a lot (and been out of training for a while due to work) but my specialities would be Yang style Tai Chi and Capoeira. And not the Capoeira for people with dreads to bang drums and dance with. The other kind.

Love a good move or video game. Playing Fallout New Vegas now, just finished God of War trilogy (the ending is weak...). Favourite game series of ALL TIME is Shin Megami Tensei (though no-one seems to know what it is) except for Persona 4 which got SQEnixed.

Not a LARPer, but used to do historical re-enacting which is essentially the same thing.

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I'm an active member of the local motor club, and although I used to be a navigator, my failing eyesight now means I train others and then drive for them in local road events (so not too competitive or fast).

I also listen to music (mostly prog rock), all sorts of comedy and love reading (currently 4 books into the Horus Heresy series).

Finally I also move around a sports hall whilst 9 others play football :)

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  • 2 months later...
Other Hobbies? Wargaming etc isn't a hobby, it's a way of life!! ;)

Next you'll be telling me we are supposed to interact with people outside of our genre........ #shudders# real people?!


Also, there is a % of those who use this forum who have never played a wargame ever... because they are hobbyists, not gamers

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I am a huge college football fan. While it may have its flaws (no playoff), it is some of the happiest memories of my life spent either at games or watching them on the TV. Go Ducks!

I also spend a considerable amount of time snow skiing in the winter. Summer gets devoted to hiking and camping.

I also have a girlfriend and we each have a dog so between all of us, I am surprised I ever find time to paint my minis. :P

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