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Sonnia Criid Crew help


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I'm new to Malifaux the game but got the minis to paint a while back. I am trying to expand and build a crew for some league games with Sonnia or Perdita as my master. Which would you recommend for a newbie? What sets each apart? I have a small group of guild minis to use.

Here are my possible candidates:

Sonnia Boxset

Perdita Boxset

Lady J Boxset

Convict Gunslinger


All guild Totems

Student of Conflict


Any help or advice on game play and crew ideas for Perdita and/or Sonnia would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Edited by Montejello
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Sonnia is slightly trickier than Perdita or Lady J, I think. Ranged and melee (Perdita and Lady J respectively) are easy concepts for a new player to get their heads around, whereas Sonnia's magic, while hardly Leviticus-complex, needs a bit more thought.

I thought Sonnia's thought process was mostly... Does it move. Yes. BURN IT WITH magical fire. It didn't feel that subtle when I played her.

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I will admit that I haven't played for long, so take this with liberal amounts of salt, and please correct me if I'm wrong on something!

That disclaimer out of the way, I feel that playing Sonnia requires a little finesse to get right. You'll want to keep cards on your hand to use some abilities, and you'll have to figure out when to use your (0) actions for the best effect. Also, you'll often be playing up to 4 points down in scraps, because you really want the max amount of soulstones for her.

That said, I think she's pretty awesome. Her starting box crew is solid, and can do most things well; ranged, melee and magic. Of course Lady Justice would be better for pure melee, and Perdita is pure ranged, but I think that Sonnia's crew is the most balanced.

I cant recommend anything because I haven't actually played with or against Perdita or Lady Justice, but I can say that Sonnia is not that complicated; she just takes a little more finesse :)

For 35 pts. I'm adding an executioner, and removing a Witchling Stalker for either three Guild Hounds or a Convict Gunslinger. The first option is probably more fluffy than efficient, and the second option seems to be pretty competitive to me; giving you a really good ranged punch along with Samael that can keep the opponent busy until you get into melee.

Grains of salt and all that, but I really love Sonnia :D

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Deciding when it is or is not worth using Confiscated Lore takes a moment at first, but she is pretty simple. Her crew is capable of a few tricks, though.

Like Violating a one Wd Stalker to blow it up and get a new one, that's always fun.

Still, she's well within what a new player could get a grip on fairly quickly, though she's less forgiving than Dita of Lady J.

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I would agree with what has been said above in that she is more a combination of lady j and perdita. That being said however I think she (sonnia crew) plays closer to the ortega's. just comparing the box set while you do not have as much range as dita the only models you really want to get close too the enemy are the witchling stalkers.

Samuel is good at either but prefers to be at range, sonnia wants to be at range (outside of soulstone useage she plays very similiar to perdita). The executionar while really good at melee without movement spells (obey) might just be a bit too slow to get alot out of him. Low defense and all and slow moving base is why you might not get a lot out of him.

Convict gunslingers are good and if you like the model and want to use him sure but I really don't get why guild would use him in that we are easily the best ranged crew in the game and he brings what we already do better than anyone. Also in your post you mentioned taking nino with whatever you take at 30ss and up if you ever play against any gunslinger that alone with good deployment will really limit the effect a gunslinger has on you.

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What would you recommend as a beginners list for a 25 and 30ss game with either Criid or Perdita with the minis I have listed above?

my first games with the guild used


hopkins 8

3 stalkers 12

govs proxy 2

austinger 5


so 3 in the cache plus cridd gets 4 so 7 total not max but at least helps feed the power hungry cridd

alot of people like to field nino but i think he draws alot of attention to himself versus most players (for good reason) thow you can use this to your advantage i usaly prefer to not have big targets on the field

the one thing i did learn from this list is that stalkers always performed amazingly well i was never regretting bringing them to the point that i now field 4-5 in a game and don't always bring hopkins

but everyone plays things differently and gets different results so my words of advice just try some things out don't always go on word of mouth

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I see you have Santiago in instead of Francisco. What are the strengths and such for the Perdita group. I guess I am asking vs which masters and/or missions is a good beginner setup for Perdita. I plan on picking up some additional models to round out later but just base on what I have now. I think I have a good idea for Sonnia however the speed of Perdita and the relative agreement of the forums of her being a good master for someone to learn the basics on have peaked my interest in that direction. Do these questions make sense? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Also why isnt there tactica for each master of guild like there are for neverborn and such?

Edited by Montejello
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Just curious if people have tried hounds with Criid? Was looking at starting with

Sonnia: +4 soulstones

Hopkins: 8

Austringer: 5

2x witchling stalkers: 8

2x hounds: 6

total 30/30

edit: hmmm forgot to take into account the dogs ability. Think would be better to have 3 dogs or the full 8 cache?

Edited by wizuriel
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I see you have Santiago in instead of Francisco. What are the strengths and such for the Perdita group. I guess I am asking vs which masters and/or missions is a good beginner setup for Perdita. I plan on picking up some additional models to round out later but just base on what I have now. I think I have a good idea for Sonnia however the speed of Perdita and the relative agreement of the forums of her being a good master for someone to learn the basics on have peaked my interest in that direction. Do these questions make sense? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Also why isnt there tactica for each master of guild like there are for neverborn and such?

To reply to you about Perdita, Montejello in my humble opinion if you have 2-3 obey user's in your list the executioner in my experiance outshines fransisco as a melee maniac. And on the point of santiago once you learn how to properly use him he is outfreaking standing.

I cannot even begin to go in to detail about him if you know how to use him. With his I'm at half wounds and know I'm ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of bubble gum rule. And proper utilization of him once he gets to that point he is better than every other guild minion bar nino. And that is only because he doesn't have a 16" range.

Paired combat 7ram with a inbuilt + damage flip is godly, if the enemy try's to kill him he has hard to kill so it only drops him to 1 wound and with a 8 ram or higher next turn you can free walk him spend one ap on his heal flip getting him above one wound so hard to kill comes back on (giving you 2-4 wounds depending on flip) then shoot or move again he is just an absolute wrecking ball. Not even forgetting to mention he has a trigger happy combat trigger.

On to why I believe perdita is a great starter crew I've only been playing 7 weeks played about 20 or so games and I've won or drawn all games I've played barring one game. My gaming group doesn't have a lilith crew so I haven't played against in my opinion perdita's worst matchup yet.

But I get games against leveticus, pandora, vics, rasputina, and seamus. Haven't run up against dreamer yet but I think after 3 games against him I'll have an understanding on how to beat him. I have yet to play hamelin however around my local area he is kinda faux pas around here because he seems to be in need of the new errata to bring him down to just a decent level against other crews but if I were to play him unless it was just a friendly setting I'd bring a hard list that would have 3-4 models that have a additional attack triggers to drop rat catchers quick.

I believe perdita is a good starter crew due to having a straight forward style of play (death by 100 shots). And only needing tops maybe two models to bring enough melee cred to a list at 35ss. Also because she specifically is fast it makes her very easy to do interact strategies/schemes with.

Also the guild with models that are out currently no matter which master you pick is fairly simple to pick up and we probably have in my opinion the best dmg over all the factions and at worst the second best control card depletion of all the crews.

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My post was getting long so I decided to split up into two posts but perdita and her crew really shine against any neverborne barring lilith if you opponent know's how to use the (2) ap ability that lets young neph's and mature's charge without line of site.

And possibly dreamer only because I have yet to get some games against his crew yet so i'm unsure how we matchup (though I have heard sonnia is better against them).

I've heard are matchups against a well played leveticus is 50/50 basically coming down to who gets better hands more or less (Though I have yet to play against one of the vets in my group that knows leveticus really well). And Collette I've heard can be a challenge if they get a strategy/schemes that are objective grabbing ones.

But other than that against just about any other crew upon looking at crews strength's and weaknesses (I have only maybe played against about 1/4 of the games masters) I believe that perdita generally will have a matchup in her favor minus mismanagement of her and your best guys (imho they would be santiago, nino, executiioner, abuela, and samuel) or a game where the fate cards just poo on your hands you should have a good advantage in your favor do to dmg potential and ability.

Also one note I played a 35 ss game today that was against leveticus and I used these models I had really good succsess with them so you might want to try it out after you pick up one more austringer and a goveners proxy totem:

Sonnia 4 cache,

Samuel -8

Santiago -7

austringerX2 -10

witchling stalkerX2 -8

governor's proxy -2

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Just curious if people have tried hounds with Criid? Was looking at starting with

Sonnia: +4 soulstones

Hopkins: 8

Austringer: 5

2x witchling stalkers: 8

2x hounds: 6

total 30/30

edit: hmmm forgot to take into account the dogs ability. Think would be better to have 3 dogs or the full 8 cache?

Me personally i would run 3 doggies however I like to play with tops 4-5 stones for any guild master atm due to really rather having more bodies than pure # stones. With sonnia and Perdita if you keep 7-9 #'s of suits you need books for sonnia and masks for dita and use them on abilities models that you need to get off it really isn't that hard iv'e found to get off what you need when you need it (ie flame burst and obey).

But I tend to keep them back out off range of stuff and use the fast action (dita) or 1st ap (cridd) as a walk action to put them into range against models when its time to bring the pain.

Also it's worthy to note most games I play I try to move up maybe 4-6 inches with them into ideal positions for los when I activate them 2nd turn . And I generally try to focus fire down 2-3 minions of just about any crew I play against before I start to move into objective scheme mode generally around turn 3 or so.

Exception being when I play against viks I try to get just one minion down before I start to focus a viktoria and try to get the player to burn down ss to keep a viktoria alive generally due to being that against most vik crews I play not having freikorps yet so I generally outactivate them.

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What is a good SS cache for Perdita? How would this list work out for a beginner? What changes would you make?


Perdita (cache 2+4)

Enslaved Neph





Honestly I would drop the Executioner and go with Santiago. More Synergy with the rest of the family and just as survivable(also much quicker then the slow ass Executioner)

I like the Exectioner with my Ortegas only if I have Abuela marrying him into the family. Otherwise I find it better to just use an actual Ortega.

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