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The Walking Dead


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So we have had a few episodes of the Walking Dead now. As a ressurectionist player I'm really enjoying it so far, it's close enough to the original Graphic Novel that it's not bothering me. And it has some great bit. When I make my Mindless Zombies I will definitely have a small zombie girl dragging a teddy.

So what do you all think?

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I was behind and finally just watched the first 4 episodes this week, and I have to say that I'm very very pleased with it so far. I can get as deep into zombie theory as anyone, and so I can go on and on about the shortcomings that a TON of the recent zombie films have had. Thankfully I see very few issues so far with The Walking Dead, so my initial fear that they were going to total screw it up has been replaced with a sense of cautious optimism. At least I know I'm looking forward to watching the episode tonight, so that's a good sign!

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Indeed Diary of the Dead was a bit iffy but not as bad as Land of the Dead or 28 Weeks later. I did love 28 Days though brilliant film, I don't even mind the fast zombies as it had the other important things in it. And then there is Shaun of the Dead, best Zombie movie ever. Americans think that it's a comedy, as an Englishman I know this is exactly how we would act in the face of a Zombie Apocalypse.

On the Walking Dead front, I'm just a bit worried that Michonne will become a bit of a parody and that they will pull the punches with the whole arc in Woodbury. If they get these two things right I think they are more or less set for a great series.

Edited by Ratty
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So none of the choices can describe my true feelings of this show. I LUV THIS SHOW!!!!!! In all reality I wish a zombie apocalypse actually happened, because well there is no because as it is kinda Wyrd fantasy.

After reading the zombie survival guide and wwz I feel and get joy out of knowing that I could handle this sort of situation.

Now mind you this sounds like I'm insane, but I am 100% sane. I just feel that trying to survive would be cool.

Just saying.

But I luv the show.

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I think it's bloody brilliant! I stopped reading the comics after about book 7 of the trades (not because I wasn't enjoying it, just money and stuff). From what I remember though I'm really pleased with how they've produced it. It's grim, gritty, dark and pretty unforgiving of the characters. Some of the acting is pretty ropey but I must saw I'm enjoying Andrew Lincoln much more than I thought I would (He'll forever be Simon from Teachers though).

The current influx of rubbish horror doesn't seem to have influenced it at all, which is a relief. I can't get behind fast zombies at all - it's called rigor mortis!

For the record, 28 days/weeks isn't zombies so they could get away with it. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favourite films ever and the worst Zombie film I've seem for a long time is "Dance of the Dead".

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I am not really a zombie fan. Not a horror fan at all.

However I LOVE this show. It's really well done.

I love that some of the zombies hold a little bit of their previous life in some of their actions. The little girl with her Teddy. The guys wife trying to open the door to the house. The zombies "riding" the bus.

Great show.

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For the record, 28 days/weeks isn't zombies so they could get away with it. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favourite films ever and the worst Zombie film I've seem for a long time is "Dance of the Dead".

It can't be as bad as Zombies Zombies Zombies can it. I couldn't watch all the way through it and I have a very high tolerance for rubbish.

I can't believe that no-one has mentioned Zombieland. Another thoroughly enjoyable Rom-Zom-Com. And it has the 32 rules.

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For the record, 28 days/weeks isn't zombies so they could get away with it. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favourite films ever and the worst Zombie film I've seem for a long time is "Dance of the Dead".

It can't be as bad as Zombies Zombies Zombies can it. I couldn't watch all the way through it and I have a very high tolerance for rubbish when I'm painting models.

I can't believe that no-one has mentioned Zombieland. Another thoroughly enjoyable Rom-Zom-Com.

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Loving the walking dead. Have all the episodes on Tivo and am gonna do a marathon and watch them all again before the Finale. The mexican Vatos in the old persons home was a bit much but other than that, I'm digging the show. Glad they are already shooting season 2 so I can watch more!

A good new zombie movie is Dead Snow. Funny, WW2 Nazi zomies and camping young adults. THink its on Netflicks instant last I checked. Check it out, I liked a lot.

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Not been able to catch this show, but I will get it on DVD as the recommendations from friends and the positive reviews have been brilliant.

I am gutted to have missed the show here in the UK. Stoopid TV channels didn't advertise and I think it was shown on the FX channel.

With regards to great zombie movies, I enjoyed the following:

Dead Snow



I play McMourning in Malifaux and I reckon that Malifaux has enough in it on which to base a great movie or TV show... Now there's a thought....

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Never read the comics and don't plan on doing so while the show's on the air. I'm not one of those 'peanut butter in my chocolate' purists who has to see every nuance of the written word on the screen (small or big) since it's an impossibility. So rather than be bugged by little tweaks (although it sounds like there's few so far) I'm just going to be along for the ride.

Enjoying the heck out of it, love how the zombies are an everpresent threat but that only helps to heighten the human drama being played out for us. It's like how Old Lucas used to want his special effects...help TELL the story, rather than BE the story.

That said, I have two weeks to catch up on with the holidays and sundry busytime stuff.

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It can't be as bad as Zombies Zombies Zombies can it. I couldn't watch all the way through it and I have a very high tolerance for rubbish when I'm painting models.

I can't believe that no-one has mentioned Zombieland. Another thoroughly enjoyable Rom-Zom-Com.

If you want pure crap then you want to watch Zombie Strippers. The name is the only good thing

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It's actually been the huge downfall of Zombie movies lately, is that the movies got away from what made them great. Unlike nearly every other monster movie, zombies create a boring, slow monster, which in itself aren't worth a monster movie. However, it creates a brilliant setting for human interaction, where people have to deal with each other in a monster movie setting, but without crazy monsters jumping out all over the place, or really having to deal with the monsters...other than closing the door.

Compare to say the Alien movies, which had great human vs. monster interaction, because the monsters were very interesting (although the human interactions in those were great too). So many zombie movies lately suck because they are trying to revolve a plot around that Human vs. Monster, and it turns out that no matter how much you hype up zombies, they are still basically boring monsters. Zombies need to stay as the backdrop, they need to create the setting for well developed characters to deal with an apocolypse situation, to deal with survival, to deal with the reality of a completely 100% changed reality.

Almost without fail, once you focus on the zombies, the movie/show will inevitably become as boring as the zombies are.

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Zombie strippers sucked. I fell for the title a while back as well. and the fact Jenna Jameson is in it. (she's old)

Ericj brings up some really good points on Zombie movies. It's def. a show about the humans surviving themselves with zombies as constant background noise. Can't wait for "stumpy" to come back.

I read the graphic novels and they are great. The show somewhat follows it but not as much as I thought it would. and thats perfectly fine by me! Just means I don't know what's going to happen. :dontknow:

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  • 2 months later...

AND THE DEAD SHALL WALK AGAIN... Threadomancy rules.

I've just noticed that 4 on Demand had got the entirety of Dead Set up for people to watch. I don't know if it works outside the UK. But definitely worth a watch if you can view it.

In England we have a show called Big Brother. The general idea of it is that 10 or so people with nothing better to do get locked in a house together and we watch them constantly 24/7 until they have a nervous breakdown (btw I don't watch this, enough of my friends are constantly having breakdowns that I don't feel the need). In Dead Set, the entirety of Britain gets turned into zombies, while the contestants are locked inside with no link to the outside world. It's by Charley Brooker who is a nasty nasty comedian who is currently doing a TV show called How TV ruined your life in Britain (also worth a watch, but it will mean less to you lot as it's about British TV through the ages)


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Another thumbs up for Dead Set...positively bonkers and probably utterly pointless TV but very very entertaining, and a brilliant parody of reality television.

Only just discovered this thread today, and I have to agree that Zombies are cool.

Zombieland: a lot different than I expected, but that was a good thing. I loved it, and I need to write down all these rules, just in case!

Shaun of the Dead: Exactly how we'd act in the UK over a zombie apocalypse. Woe betide the deader who spills our pints.

28 days/weeks later: A brilliant twist on the zombie lore. I enjoyed both films, though 'days' is a lot better as a film.

The Walking Dead: Fantastic Graphic Novel, almost as good TV series. Looking forward to season 2.

And a final kudos to the Being Human crew for the fabulous 'zombie' episode in season 3. Done with humour and heart, and proof that not all zombies have to be about ripping your face off!

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