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Lil'Gunslingers Crew


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Hi guys, I've been reding Malifaux forums for some time and finally decied to register and truly join community. I've been playing loads of different wargames, but now I only stick to Warmahordes, and now Malifaux.

There are few reasons I got into Malifaux. Not too many models needed (I'm not that much hooked up on painting), great story that reminds me of Deadlands and lack of dice (I seem to have more luck in cards than dice). Some sculpts are awesome and some not so much (IMHO only OFC), but everybody will find something for themselves.

It all started in my LGC in London when I saw few mates playing Malifaux next to my table. There was something about the dead hookers that pulled me in (also the game was much like Mordheim I love). I checked Wyrd online store and found minis that were spot on: LaCroix. I've been also considering Ortegas, but quick search on the forum and I confirmed what I expected: very strong crew, that is so similiar to WM/H and I wanted something lighter with more 'fun'. La Croix then.

I didn't have much playing time with Malifaux so far (2 games), but I love how simple base rules work with complicated combos you can do using right models. I see lots of uncler stuff in rules, but considering the way I treat Malifaux (friendly game with more story, instead balls'to'the'wall WM/H game) it doesn't bother me at all.

So to finish this bit to long prologue I wanted to say hello to everybody and share my recently finished crew. Now I wait for Slop Haulers and Young LaCroix.

LaCroix part of the crew:





And the rest, finished yesteday. Gremlin rocker is my definite favourite, he has GuitarHero like banjo and Les Paul banjo on the rack behind him. I even managed to imprint word RAWK on the back guitar.


I will try to make bigger photo session during weekend to show single Gremlins separately.

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The models look nice. However, it feels like the camera made the models too muted. If it wasn't the camera and was an intentional choice, good job I suppose...but it seems to me like it was just a side-effect of the camera.

Care to elaborate on the paintjob/photography? Are the minis more vibrant in real person? Good job either way...I'm just curious.

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If you ask how I did the main LaCrox then I can't tell. They were done really bright and when I varnished them I did something wrong (not shaking enough I guess) and they all went frosty white. I was nearly crying. To rescue situation I gave them liberal, heavy devlan mud wash. Twice I think. Pere and regular Gremlins are just Devlan muded twice on top of normal colours. I'm no artist and this is just tabletop painting. I really wanted to have them ready for next week tournament.

PS. This is exactly how they look. I just adjusted brightnes a bit in Photoshop, but only for the true colours. :) I'm happy you like it.

Edited by Garbin
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If you ask for the main LaCrox then I can't tell. They were done really bright and when I varnished them I did something wrong (not shaking enough I guess) and they all went frosty white. I was nearly crying. To rescue situation I gave them liberal, heavy devlan mud wash. Twice I think. Pere and regular Gremlins are just Devlan muded twice on top of normal colours. I'm no artist and this is just tabletop painting. I really wanted to have them ready for next week tournament.

PS. This is how they look. I adjusted brightnes a bit in Photoshop, but only for the true colours. :) I'm happy you like it.

Heh, that's funny that the muted colors were a mistake even though I came in and thought they looked fantastic that way. Gave them a real "dusty, windswept, Western" feel to the models.

Regardless, they look good :)

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For somebody who (supposedly ;)) doesn't like painting - and who came about this wonderful finish (supposedly ;) ) by accident - you've done one heck of a job there!

The fantastic banjo player is sheer genius, & there is no way on earth you can ascribe that superb piece of creativity to anything but your own vision & talent!

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Very nice worn and dusty look - goes well with the western theme.

I think that maybe they're a little too tone-in-tone for gaming miniatures. Probably just a matter of taste but I'd add a little more colour or contrast to the minis. :)

anyway, great job.

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Thanks for all warm words guys. It makes me very happy people enjoy my work. Not the level of painting, but some ideas I had and how I did it may actually inspire somebody. :)

I'm bit of a lazy b'tard so I didn't take separate pics of every gremlin in the crew. I'm giving you one more family photo and solo pics of my favorite.



Sorry for the quality, I'm still trying to tame my camera. :)

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So we've got a tournament last weekend at my local club and I'm most pleased with how my gremlin did. We had 16 players I was the only gremlin player. There was no Perditas, nor Pandoras and only one Lilith! Gremlins of the tournament were Raphael (gunned down Ramos in first game and did 14dmg headshoot on Peacekeeper 3rd game killing it outright), Rami (gunned down Sonia Crid in 3rd game) and Pere Ravage (blew himself up in games 2 and 3 killing a lot of models). In the end this trio supported by Ophelia won me 2nd and 3rd game tabling the opponents and set me on the second place. I'll post tournament report soon for you to see (I even have some photos!). :) Go gremlins!

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