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Ophelia anyone?


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Ok I think I have got Ophelia's crew down as far as using their abilities, prioritizing threats and use of terrain.

OMG! :bandit:

They are a little over powered. :yield: Not an unplayable OP because there is no one model that stands out as über bada$$. But when used in concert with one an other they get off some of the most nasty combos I have seen in this game yet. I am still waiting to see if anyone else feels the same and how they do in tournaments.

Again I am not saying they need to be cuddled or that they are broken. Just that when you learn to use their abilities together and have a game plan worked out you are running a very very tough crew to beat.

So fair warning, if you are playing against them Do Not run your master (no matter which one or how many soul stones they have) out into an area without hard cover. In one round they will burn though all their ss to stay alive then get shot up the following round by a companioned crew.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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At 30ss I have been running all the kin, two Young L's and a Slop Hauler. I ran the Bayou Gremlins and they felt lack luster compared to the Youngins who have a better weapon, movement and can cast spells too. By far my favorite totem.

And don't forget they have Tiny which makes it very hard for your opponent to target with range so they have to move up and get into melee with them to eliminate them which is sweet for baiting with Aim High.

The Youngins are to be sacrificed so don't go out of your way to protect them.

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Been running the following 35SS list to quite a bit of success. Always been a gremlin player since book 1, som'er all the way but ophelia is just that much better!


3 Young LaCroix



Slop Hauler

7 Gremlins

5 SS Cache

Horde of models with some real damage potential. Found rami to be amazing atm.

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Hi there!

My tabletop-community and me are planning to start a new skirmisher this winter to play something else than 40k all the time. As I saw the Gremlins (and my friends Rasputina, Teddy, etc.), We are convinced that Malifaux is the right choice, because we're searching for a game with beautiful minis..

As our local tabletop-stores don't have Malifaux minis, we are going to order via internet, and so I have to plan my crew before I played it the first time..

I'm planning to buy the Ophelia box and a box of gremlins ( as proxi for the slop hauler, young lacroix) for 30ss games.

Do you think that this will be enough of Gremlins as they are always a little bit more in mass than other crews?

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Hey there MV. That will be enough for a 30 ss game for sure, and that is also the crew I have been running for a month now. I wouldn't worry about getting more till you get a feel for the game and want to expand. Also the slop hauler will be out in a few months.

Good luck and hope you have as much fun with Ophelia as I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I have played all of two games of Malifaux now,

I have ran the Ohelia box in both games with 2-3 bayou gremlins in support.

I don't know what is good or bad really yet but I have faced off against the Victorias and The lady Justice box.

I can see where the young Lacroix are better than bayou gremlins as they are kin.

I will be rereading the slop hauler later.

As far as what I have I set up the bayou gremlins as the front line.y

Then catapult Pere into the fray using; Ohh it's a girl.

I love the damage output the gremlins have and I noticed they play very nice together.

I almost lost my first game as I used reckless too early and too often. I managed to settle down andUsed Ophelia, Raphael and a bayou gremlin to finish off Bishop, jhan and the last Victoria.

The second game I used the bayou gremlins as a skirmish line using Pere, Raphael, and Francous as counterpunching pieces with Rami sitting back covering the group. Pere finished off lady justice turn 4.

Being able to concentrate fire at12 inches with the boomstick has merit I'm not sure if the extra 4 inches of range matters enough to outweigh taking them over youngins?

But I am loving the game.

Thanks for this thread.

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From the perspective of dealing damage and overall synergy with Ophelia, the young 'uns certainly seem to have an edge over the bayou gremlins. But I don't think that's the whole story - Bayou gremlins are still more flexible in what they can do in-game.

Ophelia helps them out alot but they can also support each other in shooting/melee with their spells, Deliverance gives them a measure of protection against terrifying models, they have a longer range on their gun and perhaps most importantly, they're not insignificant. In a game where winnning often hinges upon interacting with or claiming objectives, having those extra non-insignificant models can make all the difference.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I Think that you only need one to heal. I rarely need two. I do not often use them for defense buffing. It has never worked. O a girl let's you move it into position and companion allows for all parties to reckless first. My normal list is




Francois/Pere. Different matches mean that these guys are good at different times.

Slop hauler

8 Bayou gremlins if the encounter is not objective crazy I will take two less bayous and take all the kin. All the games I play only allow one type of proxy, otherwise I would run youngins as well. This leaves you 3/4ss depending on your list. I may try a taxideist bs ressers when he comes out.

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Who?? I play 35ss

Ophelia +6

Raphael 6ss

Rami 6ss

Francois/Pere. Different matches mean that these guys are good at different times. 5ss for whichever I choose.

Slop hauler 4ss

8 Bayou gremlins if the encounter is not objective crazy I will take two less bayous and take all the kin. All the games I play only allow one type of proxy, otherwise I would run youngins as well. This leaves you 3/4ss depending on your list. I may try a taxidermist bs ressers when he comes out. 16ss

That is 37ss which leaves you 4ss cache.

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I Think that you only need one to heal. I rarely need two. I do not often use them for defense buffing. It has never worked. O a girl let's you move it into position and companion allows for all parties to reckless first.

How do you typically suffer Reckless damage on multiple models via Companion and still keep your guys in range for a heal from the Hauler?

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