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About Hogwart

  • Birthday 03/09/1976

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  1. OK, I am thinking of running a Malifaux event at a convention coming up in a few months. The idea is this: It will be a large multiplayer game. Everyone will have the same objective - find a hidden object on the table and retreat with it off of the area you came in. Six to eight players max. Each player is allowed their Master and a very low soulstone points cost to buy your crew about 15. Schemes will be allowed but the strategy will already be set. On the table there will be several haunted areas that the players wont know about until it's triggered. Some may include undead/animals or just area of effects in certain rooms/places. Thoughts? Suggestions? Idead?
  2. For Gremlins you want extra blisters of Bayou Gremlins, Mosquitos, and piglets. These are the things I am always looking to buy but there are rarely in stock. When they come out I would imagine you would also want to invest in stuffed piglets and a few slop haulers and Taxedermists.
  3. Well, Nathan beat me to it.
  4. Ok, thanks. If anyone is feeling like parting with one let me know. I would love to have one.
  5. Does anyone know if they will be offering the Gremlinette model again? The last time they offered her, there was nothing I was going to buy out at the time. In January there are several things coming out that I have my eye on including taxedermist, stuffed piglets, slop hauler, etc. etc.
  6. I usually use the Loctite brand bottle that has the brush. The bottle has a wide base that sits nicely on the table and the brush makes it easy to control the amount of glue. I switched to it after a little accident I had... I was gluing an arm to a model and had a bottle of super glue that you had to squeeze out. I had a horrible habbit of holding the model in one hand, the tube of glue in the other, twisting the cap off with my teeth, applying the glue, replacing the cap with my teeth, putting the bottle down, picking up the piece to be glued on and holding it into place. I did just this, but on this particular occassion, i guess some glue had gotten onto the cap and thus onto my lip. Here i am holding a model together with my hands when i realize I have glued my tongue to my lip. Here is the following events as they were heard in my house. Me (as i realized that my tongue was stuck): Wot da hell. Me to my wife: Halp Helen halp Wife: what's wrong? Me: I gued my tongue to my wip. wife what? Me: I gued my tongue to my wip. wife: You glued your tongue to you lip? Me: No sh** wife: This may hurt Me: Do tumthing! my wife then proceeds to hook a finger under my tongue and pull.
  7. I think you guys have just about convinced me to go with the Korp.
  8. Excellent break down on the Ortegas Jonas! Thanks. Any veteran FreikCorp players care to do the same?
  9. If I run the corp I would be running the box plus some extra corpman. If I run the ortega's I would be running the box, abuela, and a convict.
  10. I am a pretty straigh forward player. Not really much of a finese player. I like to have fun and don't mine to lose. I feel that is how you learn. But I also dont like to have my butt stomped everytime. I will be facing guild, rezers, and constructs a lot.
  11. Ok, So I have decided to branch out from Gremlins. I have narrowed it down to the Ortega's or Freikorp. Any arguments for or against?
  12. That was my thought. Use Abuela to make him part of the family. Just wasn't sure as I am new to guild and wanted to se what everyone else thought.
  13. Was just wondering if a convicted gunslinger was worth adding to Perdita's family. I am new to guild and was thinking of running her basic box set plus Abuela and a convited gunslinger.
  14. @ Zethal I too very much enjoy mastering the game including thinking up new strategy, synergy, and tactics for dealing with each other crew. I think this is time better spent than learning to count cards or figuring up a porbability system. And while you are right that fun is not always the same thing for everyone, most will agree that card counting and proabability calculation in your head is a sign of a poor player and that usually means their opponent is not going to have fun. To paraphrase Quotemyname, if both players are not having fun then there is a problem. While it's fine to be competitive ( believe me I am), it's not fun to play a power gaming, poor sport. Everyone knows the guy I'm talking about. He always brings the cheese list to the tourney and argues every rule. If you do something cool and amazing, he wants to see the rule that lets you and pouts and complains when you show him your right. That's the same guy that would count cards. BTW, I am gonna ignore the "lazy/inept/apathetic" comment cause you don't know me so I am gonna assume that it wasn't directed at me.
  15. Sorry, I have anger issues. But, the doctors say the new meds are helping...lol:fisheye:
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